Zumstein, DariusOswald, CarmenBrauer, ClaudiaKommers, PietSánchez, Inmaculada ArnedilloIsaías, Pedro2025-01-142022978-989-8704-38-2https://irf.fhnw.ch/handle/11654/48325In 2020 and 2021, the coronavirus crises lead to an extraordinary e-commerce growth. Based on an empirical study among365 online retailers in Switzerland and Austria, the e-commerce developments during the corona crises were investigated.Nine out of ten online retailers demonstrate a sustainable e-commerce growth, and more than half have gained many newcustomers. In addition, many existing customers buy more frequently from online retailers, and/or buy larger quantities. In2020, most online shops had a strong order increase in product groups like garden, do-it-yourself, toys, furniture, sportsequipment, and food (more than 20% per year). Due to the e-commerce growth, online retailers are faced with differentchallenges in procurement, management, customer service, distribution, and IT. Moreover, new sales channels likemessenger and social commerce arise and classical formats are adapted. Therefore, omni-channel retailers test showrooms,click and collect, experiential, self-service, or pop-up stores. Finally, this contribution provides strategic and operationalimplications for online shop operators.en330 - Wirtschaft658 - General ManagementDevelopment of E-commerce in times of the Corona crisis04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift115-122