Eisenbart, BarbaraGrisold, AndreaWiesner, Heike2024-05-152024-05-152019https://irf.fhnw.ch/handle/11654/42542Taking a theoretical focus of feminist economics, this paper combines an interdisciplinary approach and a heterodox one to the practical question of curriculum development. Within the Erasmus+ funded project to define a Master program "Gender Quality in Digital Entrepreneurship" the project developed and partly tested an innovative and inclusive master program curriculum, applying innovative gender mainstreaming approaches to equally enable female and male students to deal with digital entrepreneurial challenges. However, to raise attentiveness for the hidden dimensions of gendered structures, or to elaborate solutions to overcome gender inequalities, is still a challenge and an obstacle in paving the way towards a higher participation rate of women in tapping digital business opportunities.en330 - WirtschaftBridging the digital gender skill-bias: progress and drawbacks06 - Präsentation