Schandl, FranziskaLermer, EvaHudecek, Matthias2024-10-282024-10-2820242474-7394 vehicles (AVs) will revolutionize our everyday mobility in the future. However, the prerequisite for this is that the technology is accepted by the population. Currently, AVs are still difficult to grasp for many people, i.e., the topic of autonomous driving is psychologically distant. In other contexts, it has been shown that this psychological distance or proximity can be used to influence product perception. However, the influence of psychological distance has never been investigated in the AV context. To address this research gap, we investigated the impact of psychological distance on the intention to use (ITU) AVs. We manipulated psychological distance in a 2x2x2 scenario-based experiment (N = 2114) on two different dimensions and additionally varied driving modality for comparison purposes: subjects either imagined themselves or an average person (social distance) using either a traditional or autonomous bus (driving modality) either today or in ten years (temporal distance). Our results showed a main effect of driving modality and social distance, with higher ITU for AVs and the average person. Temporal distance interacted with social distance to affect ITU. Interestingly, psychological distance also affected ITU for traditional buses with a similar interaction pattern. Thus, our study suggests that psychological distance affects the ITU of buses in general rather than AV technology. Providers can benefit from framing AVs as temporally close and providing as concrete, detailed information as possible. Future research should examine the underlying mechanisms (e.g., a shift in bus use priorities) that can explain why social distance plays an important role, particularly in future scenarios.en150 - PsychologieIf It Concerns Me: An Experimental Investigation of the Influence of Psychological Distance on the Acceptance of Autonomous Shuttle Buses01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift