Bühler, Rachel2024-03-122024-03-122023https://irf.fhnw.ch/handle/11654/44782the past in the present - Such a being, a soul, a spirit - Touches that tell - About memories of things - Ghosts who whisper - Stories that I know - Invisible and present - With you and me - Lets hold hands - About getting in touch. - Things with soul. - Curtains from another time, terry cloth that soaks up my tears, knitted wool that warms me. - Surfaces that I like to touch and do not remain superficial, surfaces that go deep, surfaces that I feel - Garments that come together and form characters. - I start with collecting.enModeFashionDesign PracticeGraduateDoing Fashion700 - Künste und UnterhaltungA ghost story. Just as we humans form our selves based on our memories and our touch with the environment, so do things11 - Studentische Arbeit