Tripathi, Uttam KumarWache, HolgerEbneter, DanielStella Gatziu Grivas2015-10-052015-10-052010-08-26978-1-4244-8207-8 computing has emerged as a strong factor driving companies to remarkable business success. Far from just being an IT level support solution cloud computing is triggering changes in their core business models by making them more efficient and cost-effective. This has generated an interest for a lot of companies to try and adopt cloud computing for their existing and new business process. In this research we present an approach which a company can use to analyze if its operations can be positively impacted by moving to the cloud. Further we describe our approach using which the company can make that transition to the Data ProcessingBusiness ProcessEnterprise Architecture FrameworkIT level support sollutionInternet330 - Wirtschaft005 - Computer Programmierung, Programme und DatenEnterprise Architecture Frameworks for Enabling Cloud Computing04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift