Boser Hofmann, Lukas

Boser Hofmann
Boser Hofmann, Lukas


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    Fraktur or Antiqua in primary schools? The struggle for a unified typeface in German-speaking Switzerland between the mid-nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
    (Taylor & Francis, 2019) Hofmann, Michèle; Boser Hofmann, Lukas; Caruso, Marcelo [in: Paedagogica Historica]
    In this paper, we analyse the struggle for a unified style of writing in primary schools in the German-speaking part of Switzerland between the 1860s and the first decades of the twentieth century with regard to the contexts in which this struggle was embedded. In the late-nineteenth century, in German-speaking Switzerland, as in other parts of the German-speaking realm, a controversy emerged regarding whether general writing practices (handwriting and print) should adhere to the traditional Gothic script and typefaces called Fraktur or whether such practices should change in favour of the Latin script and typefaces called Antiqua. This controversy was fuelled by economic arguments (Latin script was used in international commerce), scientific arguments (the question of which type- face was “healthier” emerged), and arguments questioning which cultural liaisons should be upheld or even strengthened (Antiqua was identified with Romance and English languages and cultures, whereas Fraktur was identified with German language and culture). In German-speaking Switzerland, as a part of a multilingual country, the latter was particularly important because this question of cultural allegiance was expressed by the basic cultural practice of writing.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Introduction: form matters
    (Taylor & Francis, 2019) Boser Hofmann, Lukas; Caruso, Marcelo; Hofmann, Michèle [in: Paedagogica Historica]
    Writing (and its shape in particular) is given attention in this special issue in order to analyze multi-layered challenges of modern schooling, ranging from pedagogical to ideological and national ones. Focus is given to writing systems (including the aspect of graphic design), writing ideologies, writing practices and the role they play in the complex social construction and representations of national, regional, cultural, and individual identities. The authors contributing to this special issue analyze when and why nations, institutions, or individuals decided or were forced to change writing systems, aiming to elucidate the cultural and educational implications of those reforms. In this vein, the articles included in this special issue also focus on the social, cultural, and historical embeddedness of writing and writing systems, and on the role that education in general and schooling in particular has played in this process.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Die Pädagogisierung des ‚guten Lebens‘ in bildungshistorischer Sicht
    (2018) Boser Hofmann, Lukas; Hofmann, Michèle; De Vincenti, Andrea; Grube, Norbert [in: Jahrbuch für Historische Bildungsforschung]
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Historische Bildungsforschung mit Sachverstand. Rezension zu Gabriele Ball/Juliane Jacobi (Hrsg.): Schule und Bildung in Frauenhand
    (Klinkhardt, 2017) Boser Hofmann, Lukas [in: Bildungsgeschichte. International Journal for the Historiography of Education]
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Languages, script and national identity. Struggles over linguistic heterogeneity in Switzerland in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries
    (Cambridge University Press, 2017) Boser Hofmann, Lukas; Brühwiler, Ingrid [in: History of Education]
    For centuries, Switzerland has been a multilingual country (which currently has no less than four official languages.) Furthermore, one of those languages, German, is characterised by bigraphism (i.e. the coexistence of two different type styles). This article discusses the role played by language and writing systems in the great educational scheme that was designed to create a shared national identity among Swiss people – despite the friction caused by cantonal and local idiosyncrasies, different cultural backgrounds, and deep-rooted traditions. It focuses on the timespan from the mid-nineteenth century to the end of the First World War, a period during which nation-states were formed all over Europe. The findings show how language and writing systems were intertwined with local, cantonal and national identities in a state (Switzerland) that had no uniform national language. It was through the use of language and writing that ideas of ‘us’ (herein, the Swiss) and ‘others’ (herein, the non-Swiss) were constructed, disseminated and perpetuated.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Pulverdampf und Kreidestaub. Wissenstransfer zwischen Schweizer Militär und Schweizer Schule
    (De Gruyter, 2016) Boser Hofmann, Lukas; Müller, Philippe [in: Militärgeschichtliche Zeitschrift]
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    How Quantitative Methods of Data Analysis Can Contribute to Historical Analysis: The Example of the Stapfer Inquiry
    (Klinkhardt, 2016) Boser Hofmann, Lukas; Hofmann, Michèle; Ruloff, Michael; Hadjar, Andreas [in: Bildungsgeschichte. International Journal for the Historiography of Education]
    In 1799, the Ministry of Education led by Philipp Albert Stapfer gathered data on a large variety of issues concerning the education system in the Helvetic Republic. The main objective of this paper is to demonstrate how the Stapfer inquiry as a historical data source can be analyzed employing techniques of quantitative data analysis. Two research questions were considered: How did school fees and distance to school impact school attendance at the time? Before presenting analyses and results, strengths and limitations of the Stapfer inquiry from the historical and the social science perspective are discussed followed by a conceptual elaboration of the research issues. The database for our analysis is a sample drawn from the Stapfer inquiry that consists of 104 schools. Results show that whereas the existence of school fees does not seem to have had an impact, the distance to school had a negative impact on school attendance.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    La réception plurielle de la « méthode Pestelozzi » dans l'enseignement du calcul au début du XIXe siècle en Suisse et à Weimar
    (OpenEdition, 2016) Boser Hofmann, Lukas [in: Revue germanique internationale]
    Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746-1827) gilt, nicht nur in der Schweiz, als einer der bedeutendsten Pädagogen des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts. Sein Ruhm gründet vor allem auf den von ihm errichteten Instituten in Burgdorf im Kanton Bern und Yverdon im Kanton Waadt sowie auf seiner Methode, die als eine pädagogische und didaktische Revolution, insbesondere für das Fach Rechnen, verstanden wurde. Dieser Beitrag geht der Frage nach, wie Pestalozzis Rechenmethode an verschiedenen Orten (Bern, Zürich, Weimar) aufgenommen und an lokale Bedingungen angepasst wurde. Dabei wird auch erörtert, wie es dazu kam, dass die Methode Pestalozzis in den ersten Jahrzehnten des 19. Jahrhunderts gleichsam zu einer « magischen Formel » im Zusammenhang mit der Modernisierung des Schulwesens geworden ist. Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746-1827) était - et est toujours – l’un des plus célèbres pédagogues suisses des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. Il est connu pour les principes « révolutionnaires » de l’éducation qu’il a développés alors qu’il était à la tête de plusieurs institutions pédagogiques dans les différents cantons suisses. Il faut dire que sa « méthode » jouissait d’une aura particulière et consistait en un mode d’enseignement qui était censé révolutionner l’enseignement de la lecture, de l’écriture et de l’arithmétique. Cet article porte une analyse sur les mécanismes de transfert et de réadaptation des livres d’arithmétique de Pestalozzi dans les villes de Berne, Zurich et Weimar. Il s’agit d’exposer comment ils ont été adaptés aux conditions locales et comment la méthode de Pestalozzi est devenue une « formule magique » dans le discours éducatif des premières décennies du XIXe siècle.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Learning to See the Nation-State – History, Geography and Public Schooling in Late 19th Century Switzerland
    (Klinkhardt, 2015) Boser Hofmann, Lukas; Dahn, Nathalie [in: Bildungsgeschichte. International Journal for the Historiography of Education]
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift