Cacchione, Trix
Den Körper lesen, um den Geist zu verstehen: Experimentieren mit nicht-sprachlichen Organismen
2022-05-14, Cacchione, Trix
Learning science with virtual reality: effects of its interactive and immersive features
2022, Schelleis, Natalie, Dubach, Josua, Cacchione, Trix, Tempelmann, Sebastian, Martarelli, Corinna S.
Intuitive Erklärungsmuster im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht
2021-03, Sowula, Jakub, Cacchione, Trix, Tempelmann, Sebastian
Der Nutzen von virtueller Realität (VR) beim Lernen über unzugängliche mikro- und makrokosmische Strukturen im naturwissenschaftlichen Grundschulunterricht
2021, Tempelmann, Sebastian, Martarelli, Corinna S., Schelleis, Natalie, Cacchione, Trix
Der Wasserkreislauf und das Klima - Präkonzepte von Primarschüler:innen
2022-03-10, Dubach, Josua, Probst, Matthias, Schelleis, Natalie, Cacchione, Trix, Martarelli, Corinna S., Tempelmann, Sebastian
Children and adults don’t think they are free: A skeptical look at agent causationism
2022, Huber, Lukas S., Reuter, Kevin, Cacchione, Trix, Willemsen, Pascale, Wiegmann, Alex
The prioritization of visuo-spatial associations during mental imagery
2021-01-06, Umar, Hafidah, Mast, Fred W, Cacchione, Trix, Martarelli, Corinna S.
While previous research has shown that during mental imagery participants look back to areas visited during encoding it is unclear what happens when information presented during encoding is incongruent. To investigate this research question, we presented 30 participants with incongruent audio-visual associations (e.g. the image of a car paired with the sound of a cat) and later asked them to create a congruent mental representation based on the auditory cue (e.g. to create a mental representation of a cat while hearing the sound of a cat). The results revealed that participants spent more time in the areas where they previously saw the object and that incongruent audio-visual information during encoding did not appear to interfere with the generation and maintenance of mental images. This finding suggests that eye movements can be flexibly employed during mental imagery depending on the demands of the task.
Branching and working memory: A cross-linguistic approach
2022, Amici, Frederica, Sanchez-Amaro, Alejandro, Cacchione, Trix, Schwieter, John W., Wen, Zhisheng
Unzugängliche Welten für das erfahrungsbasierte Lernen erschließen. Immersive virtuelle Realität im naturwissenschaftlichen Sachunterricht
2022, Dubach, Josua, Schelleis, Natalie, Bölsterli, Katrin, Cacchione, Trix, Martarelli, Corinna S., Probst, Matthias, Tempelmann, Sebastian, Becher, Andrea, Blumberg, Eva, Goll, Thomas, Michalik, Kerstin, Tenberge, Claudia
Intuitive Didaktik? Der Gebrauch intuitiver Erklärungsmuster in der naturwissenschaftlichen Unterrichtssprache von Lehrpersonen
2021, Tempelmann, Sebastian, Cacchione, Trix, Franz, Ute, Giest, Hartmut, Haltenberger, Melanie, Hartinger, Andreas, Kantreiter, Julia, Michalik, Kerstin