Daub, Claus-Heinrich

Daub, Claus-Heinrich


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  • Publikation
    Start-up incubators for refugees. How to develop and deploy entrepreneurial skills to generate impact
    (Academic Conferences International Limited, 2022) Hinz, Andreas; Daub, Claus-Heinrich; Sklias, Pantelis; Apostolopoulos, Nikolaos [in: Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Innovationand Entrepreneurship ECIE 2022]
    Refugee entrepreneurs play an increasingly important role in the ecosystem. However, they may find themselves unable to use their potential because they lack relevant skills, encounter language barriers, have weak local networks and deal with personal problems. Start-up incubators for refugees address these challenges by offering programmes that empower them to develop and deploy entrepreneurial skills for business creation. This work-in-progress paper presents initial insights on skill-related programme elements which will be extended into a detailed analysis of resulting types of economic impact.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
  • Publikation
    The role of Corporate Social Responsibility in the decision-making process of consumers in Ukraine
    (Business Perspectives, 2021) Lobachevska, Ganna; Daub, Claus-Heinrich [in: Innovative Marketing]
    This paper aims to investigate the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) companies on consumer buying behavior in the Ukrainian market. The qualitative data for this study were collected with the help of semi-structured interviews conducted with a total of 10 respondents, including 5 Ukrainian consumers (with different levels of responsible consumption adoption) and 5 CSR experts from FMCG companies located in Ukraine (both local and global; with CSR adoption level varying from low to well-developed). The data obtained for this study revealed that the level of consumer awareness about CSR in Ukraine is still low. However, the level of awareness and the actual consumption of responsible products are constantly growing. The results also show that Ukrainian consumers who already have some level of awareness about CSR perceive CSR communication as more credible when it does not originate from the company directly or is endorsed by a third party. At the same time, interviewed experts stated that to raise awareness among the wider population, FMCG companies have to communicate their CSR achievements directly and massively. Ukrainian consumers are mostly impacted by the product-related CSR type, such as bio-ingredients and sustainable packaging. Price premium for responsible products is the key factor that causes the “intention-behavior gap” in Ukraine. Practitioners from the FMCG industry in Ukraine may use the information provided by this study to shape their CSR strategies, which will allow them to cater to societal demands and, as a result, impact consumer buying behavior.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Challenges of implementing zero waste strategies in the gastronomy industry
    (2021) Daub, Claus-Heinrich; Gerhard, Carole; Altermatt, Monisser; Gerber, Aurona; Hinkelmann, Knut [in: Proceedings of the first international conference on society 5.0]
    This case tells the story of the Café spurlos which aims at becoming a zero waste business and thus making a significant contribution to combating one of the greatest challenges facing society today: the transformation of the eco-nomic system into a circular economy. Besides the COVID-crisis and the thereof resulting issues, the café also faces challenges related to its vision of incorporat-ing the zero waste philosophy in its concept. The case explores the complexity of zero waste, analyses further hurdles for zero waste endeavors in the gastronomy industry and illustrates the constant balancing act of social businesses between staying true to one’s mission and catering to the needs, wants and expectations of the market.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
  • Publikation
    The concerns of the young protesters are justified. A statement by Scientists for Future concerning the protests for more climate protection
    (oekom, 2019) Hagedorn, Gregor; Loew, Thomas; Seneviratne, Sonia I.; Lucht, Wolfgang; Beck, Marie-Luise; Hesse, Janina; Knutti, Reto; Quaschning, Volker; Schleimer, Jan-Hendrik; Mattauch, Linus; Breyer, Christian; Hübener, Heike; Kirchengast, Gottfried; Chodura, Alice; Clausen, Jens; Creutzig, Felix; Darbi, Marianne; Daub, Claus-Heinrich; Ekardt, Felix; Göpel, Maja; Hardt, Judith N.; Hertin, Julia; Hickler, Thomas; Köhncke, Arnulf; Köster, Stephan; Krohmer, Julia; Kromp-Kolb, Helga; Leinfelder, Reinhold; Mederake, Linda; Neuhaus, Michael; Rahmstorf, Stefan; Schmidt, Christine; Schneider, Christoph; Schneider, Gerhard; Seppelt, Ralf; Spindler, Uli; Springmann, Marco; Staab, Katharina; Stocker, Thomas F.; Steininger, Karl; von Hirschhausen, Eckart; Winter, Susanne; Wittau, Martin; Zens, Josef [in: Gaia]
    In March 2019, German-speaking scientists and scholars calling themselves Scientists for Future, published a statement in support of the youth protesters in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland (Fridays for Future, Klimastreik/Climate Strike), verifying the scientific evidence that the youth protestors refer to. In this article, they provide the full text of the statement, including the list of supporting facts (in both English and German) as well as an analysis of the results and impacts of the statement. Furthermore, they reflect on the challenges for scientists and scholars who feel a dual responsibility: on the one hand, to remain independent and politically neutral, and, on the other hand, to inform and warn societies of the dangers that lie ahead.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Exploring Reasons for the Resistance to Sustainable Management within Non-Profit Organizations
    (MDPI, 26.05.2014) Daub, Claus-Heinrich; Scherrer, Yvonne Myrtha; Verkuil, Arie Hans [in: Sustainability]
    The numerous empirical and conceptual studies that have been conducted over recent years concerning the social responsibility of enterprises and their contributions towards sustainable development have given very little consideration to non-profit organizations (NPOs). This is surprising, because NPOs are confronted with very similar challenges to profit-orientated enterprises regarding their evolution into sustainable organizations. This paper is a preliminary conceptual study and explores the question of why the corporate social responsibility, or corporate sustainability, of NPOs has to date been both neglected by research establishments and also extensively ignored by the NPOs during their day-to-day practical management. The example of church and pastoral institutions in Germany is used to demonstrate the extent to which they take account of ecological and social aspects in their management systems and processes and, thus, implement sustainable management within their day-to-day practice. The paper concludes with some proposals for further empirical and conceptual research projects, which are designed to analyze developments within NPOs with relation to the integration of sustainability into their management systems and processes.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Publikation
    Novartis: Demonstrating Leadership through Emissions Reductions
    (Greenleaf Publishing, 01.11.2008) Mathews, Helen; Daub, Claus-Heinrich; Sullivan, Rory [in: Corporate Responses to Climate Change: Achieving Emissions Reductions through Regulation. Self-Regulation and Economic Incentives. Aizlewood`s Mill]
    This chapter analyses the reasons for Novartiss voluntary commitment to significantly reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. It explores firstly the background to the corporate feeling of a moral imperative to reduce emissions. The wide range of internal measures taken to achieve the reduction target are then discussed, along with the challenges of implementing them in a decentralised firm. These internal measures include energy efficiency improvements, raising employees energy awareness and transitioning to a cleaner car fleet. As internal emission reductions are projected to be insufficient to achieve the target in the given time-frame, investments have also been made in external emission reduction projects. The chapter concludes that the implementation of the voluntary target may have increased shareholder value by lowering employee turnover, improving reputation, lowering exposure to future costs of carbon and lowering the cost of capital. Improvements in data capture systems are required to accurately quantify these effects.
    04 - Beitrag Sammelband oder Konferenzschrift
  • Publikation
    Stand und Entwicklungstendenzen in der Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung
    (Erich Schmidt Verlag, 2008) Daub, Claus-Heinrich; Isenmann, Ralf; Gómez, Jorge Marx [in: Internetbasierte Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung - Maßgeschneiderte Stakeholderkommunikation mit IT]
    04 - Beitrag Sammelband oder Konferenzschrift
  • Publikation
    Corporate Sustainability Reporting: Evidence from the first Swiss benchmark survey
    (Springer, 2006) Daub, Claus-Heinrich; Karlsson, Ylva Elisabet; Schaltegger, Stefan; Bennett, Martin; Burritt, Roger [in: Sustainability Accounting and Reporting]
    This is the fourth in a series of books publishing the best contributions on environmental management accounting (EMA) from around the world. It has been developed by the Environmental Management Accounting Network (EMAN). Contributions are drawn primarily from papers presented at EMAN-EU and EMAN-Asia Pacific conferences in the last two years. Brought together in this volume are international examples of leading thinking and practice in this rapidly developing area.
    04 - Beitrag Sammelband oder Konferenzschrift
  • Publikation
    Geschäftsberichterstattung Schweizer Unternehmen 2005
    (edition gesowip, 01.12.2005) Daub, Claus-Heinrich; Karlsson, Ylva Elisabet; Ergenzinger, Rudolf; Stiller, Sebastiaan; Scherrer, Yvonne Myrtha; Philippi, Stefan; Schmassmann, Hector
    Die neuste Auflage der jährlichen Untersuchung der Berichterstattungspraxis der grössten Schweizer Unternehmen durch das Institute for Sustainable Management (IfSM) an der Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz Aargau führte zu einer Bestätigung zweier Trends: zum einen eine Zunahme an Nachhaltigkeitsberichten "auf Kosten" von Umwelt- und Sozialberichten, zum anderen eine zunehmende Integration von Sozial- und Umweltthemen in die klassische Geschäftsberichterstattung. Diese verschwindet auf diese Weise allmählich und macht einer Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung Platz.
    02 - Monographie
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    Globale Wirtschaft globale Verantwortung: Die Integration multinationaler Unternehmen in den Prozess der nachhaltigen Entwicklung
    (edition gesowip, 01.07.2005) Daub, Claus-Heinrich
    Der Prozess der Globalisierung führt zu einer Verschiebung des Kräfteverhältnisses zwischen Nationalstaaten und multinationalen Unternehmen. Deren Macht- und Bedeutungszuwachs lässt Forderungen nach einer Übernahme zusätzlicher Verantwortung im Prozess einer nachhaltigen Ent-wicklung laut werden. Die Publikation zeigt, unter welchen Voraussetzungen dies gelingen kann.
    02 - Monographie