Nathan, Ganesh

Nathan, Ganesh


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    Design-thinking approach to ethical (responsible) technological innovation
    (Pearson, 2019) Nathan, Ganesh; Gianni, Robert; Pearson, John; Reber, Bernard [in: Responsible research and innovation. From concepts to practices]
    There is growing interest in and importance of responsible research and innovation (RRI) among academic scholars and policy-makers, especially in relation to emerging technologies such as nanotechnology. It is also to be noted that, although the design-thinking approach has been around since the 1960s, there is renewed interest in this approach to innovation with an increasing number of related publications over the last couple of decades. Furthermore, it is currently introduced in a number of schools and community projects. However, there is a gap in bridging the design-thinking approach to RRI, and this chapter attempts to address this need.
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
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    Towards Re-theorizing the Firm in Pursuit of Well-Being and Social Justice
    (Springer, 2016) Nathan, Ganesh; Coutinho de Arruda, Maria Cecilia; Rok, Bloeslaw [in: Understanding Ethics and Responsibilities in a Globalizing World]
    The recent global financial and economic crisis has prompted calls for more regulation of corporations, even a sort of nationalized capitalism. Moreover, increasing awareness and evidence of climate change caused by human activities also demand eco-sensitive regulation and international protocols. Both these concerns, together with the still ubiquitous poverty in our post-modern society, are challenging the sustainability of global capitalism in pursuit of wealth creation and profit maximization, and questioning the activities and behavior of firms in terms of responsibility, accountability, and the role of leadership. However, opponents of overregulation fear that it may lead to nationalism and protectionism and therefore stunt the innovation, free market enterprise, and competition that are conducive to economic prosperity. Moreover, they claim that overregulation imposes a huge cost of compliance on the state and ultimately on society. Against this background, this chapter attempts to show that we should rethink the purpose of the firm, not only from an economic perspective but also from a sociopolitical perspective to re-theorize the firm for responsible governance. Although the quest to rethink the purpose of the firm and capitalism is not new (see O’Toole and Vogel 2011), this paper attempts to provide some plausible arguments from an interdisciplinary approach to rethink the purpose of the firm and the implications of re-theorizing the firm.
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
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    Towards re-theorizing the firm in pursuit of well-being and social justice
    (Springer, 2015) Nathan, Ganesh; Coutinho de Arruda, Maria Cecilia; Rok, Boleslaw [in: Understanding Ethics and Responsibilities in a Globalizing World]
    This paper attempts to provide some directions for re-theorizing the firm from a socio-political perspective to underscore how the purpose of the firm is rooted in our societal life, and hence a notion of well-being and social justice of stakeholders gains significance rather than wealth creation for shareholders as the sole purpose of the firm. This paper concludes that such an approach has some implications for responsible governance through stakeholder deliberation for social justice.
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
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    Technological Innovation and Ethics
    (, 2014) Nathan, Ganesh; Bastos de Morais, Jean-Claude; Stückelberger, Christoph [in: Innovation Ethics: African and Global Perspectives]
    The aim of this article is to illuminate certain morally contentious links within technological innovation and to put forward some recommendations for ethical innovation.
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
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    Multi-stakeholder Deliberation for (Global) Justice: An Approach from Modern Civic Republicanism
    (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014) Nathan, Ganesh; Schepers, Stefan; Kakabadse, Andrew [in: Rethinking the Future of Europe. A Challenge of Governance]
    Multi-stakeholder initiatives (MSI) are important in dealing with (global) governance gaps in many dimensions – economic, ecological, social and cultural. However, their effectiveness is under scrutiny by both academics and practitioners. In this Chapter, Nathan attempts to derive the minimal and common conditions – freedom as non-domination, and recognition – for input justice on deliberation for MSI, critiquing liberal deliberative democracy and advocating modern civic republicanism. He further challenges the idea of the common good and invites us to consider the common concerns of the choices. This Chapter aims to encourage debate and discussion on the possibility and plausibility of innovating governance structures based on these minimal and common conditions for input justice for (global) multi-stakeholder deliberation.
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband