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Publikation Stress in Agile Software Development: Practices and Outcomes(Springer, 2018) Kropp, Martin; Meier, Andreas; Anslow, Craig; Biddle, Robert; Garbajosa, Juan; Wang, Xiaofeng; Aguiar, AdemarStress is an important workplace issue, affecting both the health of individuals, and the health of organizations. Early advocacy for Agile Software Development suggested it might help avoid stress, with practices that emphasize a sustainable pace, and self-organizing teams. Our analysis of a 2014 survey, however, suggested that stress might still be commonplace in Agile teams, especially for those with less experience. We also noticed that newcomers to Agile emphasized technical, rather than collaborative, practices, and speculated this might explain the stress. We explored this in our analysis of a follow-up survey conducted in 2016, and report our findings in this paper. We show that there are a variety of factors involved, and that avoiding stress is associated with both collaborative and technical practices, and a range of outcomes.04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation Stress in Agile Software Development: Practices and Outcomes(Springer, 2018) Meier, Andreas; Kropp, Martin; Anslow, Craig; Biddle, Robert; Garbajosa, Juan; Wang, Xiaofeng; Aguiar, Ademar04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift