Hochschule für Architektur, Bau und Geomatik FHNW
Dauerhafte URI für den Bereichhttps://irf.fhnw.ch/handle/11654/6
4 Ergebnisse
Bereich: Suchergebnisse
Publikation Assessing the effectiveness of an online cycling training for adults to master complex traffic situations(Elsevier, 03/2025) van Eggermond, Michael; Schaffner, Dorothea; Studer, Nora; Knecht, Leah; Johnson, LucyAcknowledging the significance of both subjective and objective safety in promoting cycling, there is a need for effective measures aimed at improving cycling skills among a broader population. Hence, the aim of the current study is to evaluate and investigate the impact of online cycling training targeted at adults. An online cycling training consisting of three modules was developed to train safe behaviour in seven prototypical safety-relevant situations. 10,000 individuals were invited to participate, with 700 individuals completing the training. The effectiveness of the training was evaluated using a mixed-methods approach combining self-report measures with behavioural measures. Self-report measures were collected using four items of the Cycling Skills Inventory and knowledge-based questions. On a behavioural level, effectiveness was investigated using a virtual reality cycling simulator. Participants’ self-reported cycling skills were evaluated before and after participation in the online training. Three out of four self-reported skills (i.e. predicting traffic situations, showing consideration, knowing how to act) improved on average, across participants. Moreover, participants who cycle less frequently benefited more from the training as they indicated their ability to recognise hazards, to predict traffic situations and to know how to appropriately after completion of the online training. Finally, all participants indicated that they felt more comfortable while cycling after completing the training. In the training evaluation, it was found that the treatment group navigated through traffic more safely on a behavioural level, and/or possessed the required knowledge-based skills in three out of five evaluated situations. These promising findings indicate that online cycling training is one potential avenue to develop cycling skills within a target audience of adult cyclists: not only on a knowledge level, but also on a behavioural level. Notwithstanding limitations, we conclude that an online cycling training can contribute to safer cycling and the promotion of cycling in general.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Simulation of policies for automated ride-hailing and ride-pooling services(05.01.2025) Kagho, Grace; Balac, Milos; van Eggermond, Michael; Erath, AlexanderAutomated vehicles are becoming more prevalent, and the disruption they would cause in combination with ride-hailing and ride-pooling services could be tremendous. Therefore, this study investigates the impacts of ride-hailing and ride-pooling automated fleets in two Swiss cities, Chur and Zurich, and potential policy measures to steer their operations towards more sustainable solutions. We employ the results of the stated preference survey and combine the estimated mode-choice and car ownership model results with the agent-based simulation, MATSim, to simulate the impacts of various scenarios. We find that automated ride-hailing (aRH) and automated ride-pooling (aRP) services do not seem to be competing for the same demand. In general, these services would lead to a reduction in total travel time but an increase in total vehicle distance, which is more substantial in transit-oriented Zurich than in car-oriented Chur. Furthermore, we found that even though the proposed policies increased vehicle occupancy, they did not manage to overcome the increase in VKT, signaling the need for more targeted policies and operational strategies. Finally, we provide recommendations for transport policy and future research based on our findings.04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation Simulation of policies for automated ride-hailing and ride-pooling services(ETH Zürich, 01.08.2025) Kagho, Grace; Balac, Milos; van Eggermond, Michael; Erath, AlexanderAutomated vehicles are becoming more prevalent, and the disruption they would cause in combination with ride-hailing and ride-pooling services could be tremendous. Therefore, this study investigates the impacts of ride-hailing and ride-pooling automated fleets in two Swiss cities, Chur and Zurich, and potential policy measures to steer their operations towards more sustainable solutions. We employ the results of the stated preference survey and combine the estimated mode-choice and car ownership model results with the agent-based simulation, MATSim, to simulate the impacts of various scenarios. We find that automated ride-hailing (aRH) and automated ride-pooling (aRP) services do not seem to be competing for the same demand. In general, these services would lead to a reduction in total travel time but an increase in total vehicle distance, which is more substantial in transit-oriented Zurich than in car-oriented Chur. Furthermore, we found that even though the proposed policies increased vehicle occupancy, they did not manage to overcome the increase in VKT, signaling the need for more targeted policies and operational strategies. Finally, we provide recommendations for transport policy and future research based on our findings.05 - Forschungs- oder ArbeitsberichtPublikation Gestaltung von Kompetenzprofilen für den erfolgreichen Einsatz des VDC-Frameworks und der BIM-Methodik in einer Bauunternehmung(Hochschule für Architektur, Bau und Geomatik FHNW, 24.05.2024) Beiner, Thomas; Martinez, Eder; Implenia Schweiz AGDie zunehmende Digitalisierung im Bauwesen, die unter anderem durch Methoden und Rahmenwerke wie Building Information Modeling (BIM) oder Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) vorangetrieben wird, erfordert neue Kompetenzen und Fähigkeiten aller beteiligten Akteure. Diese sind erforderlich, um Bauprojekte erfolgreich umzusetzen. Klare Kompetenzprofile, die die spezifischen Anforderungen an die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter eines Bauunternehmens, das im Infrastrukturbau tätig ist, definieren, sind jedoch kaum vorhanden. Diese Master-Thesis hat zum Ziel, Kompetenzprofile für den erfolgreichen Einsatz der BIM-Methodik und des VDC-Frameworks in einer Bauunternehmung zu entwickeln. Diese Profile sollen die erforderlichen Kompetenzen für die Projektabwicklung klar definieren und eine mögliche Grundlage für Aus- und Weiterbildungsmassnahmen bieten. Um dieses Ziels zu erreichen wurde ein mehrstufiger Ansatz gewählt welcher theoretische und praktische Datenerhebungen umfasst. Eine umfassende Literaturrecherche zu BIM, VDC und den erforderlichen Kompetenzen sowie Beobachtungen und Interviews bilden die Basis, um relevante Daten zu erhalten. Darauf aufbauend wird eine Low-Code Applikation entwickelt, in der die projektspezifischen Anforderungen anhand von Anwendungsfällen analysiert und dem geplanten Projektteam gegenübergestellt werden. Durch iterative Anpassungen und externes Feedback wurde das Produkt kontinuierlich optimiert. Die entwickelte Low-Code Applikation ermöglicht eine kompetenzbasierte Bewertung und stellt eine innovative Lösung dar, die die Effizienz und Qualität von Bauprojekten steigern kann. Die Arbeit bietet eine solide Grundlage für die zukünftige Entwicklung und Anwendung von kompetenzbasierter Projekt- sowie auch Personalbeurteilung in der Bauindustrie. Es wird empfohlen, die entwickelten Kompetenzprofile und die Applikation weiterzuentwickeln und in der gesamten Organisation zu implementieren. Auf Basis der kompetenzbasierten Bewertung sollten zukünftig Aus- und Weiterbildungsprogramme initiiert werden.11 - Studentische Arbeit