Drilling, Matthias

Drilling, Matthias


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  • Vorschaubild
    A Human-Centered Shelter Design for People on the Move in the Al-Sahel Region
    (MDPI, 21.10.2024) Al-Shoubaki, Hind; Psychogyios, Dimitris; Drilling, Matthias; Chatziefthymiou, Yioryos; Fragkou, Tatiani; Marinho Costa, André; Tsangrassoulis, Aris
    This article addresses the development of a human-centered shelter design tailored to meet the specific needs of refugees in the Al-Sahel Region. It focuses on five essential aspects of humanitarian-centered design. The goal is to create a livable unit that accommodates the three distinct phases of an emergency, transitional, and durable situation. We have adopted a non-linear design approach to develop the refugee shelter unit. We engage in discussions with team experts following each data collection phase. The conceptual design of the shelter unit is intended to align with the refugee settlement’s natural growth while maintaining a degree of control over its evolution. We have outlined a spatial configuration for a residential unit designed for three to six individuals and various patio options. Additionally, we have devised plans for an education and healthcare facility, all designed with the same structure to bring a more organized approach to the organic growth of the camp. The design proposal adopts a process-oriented approach, incorporating refugees indirectly in the design and construction of their shelters. While we do not assert that the framework of a ‘refugee camp’ can be sustainable, our goal is to show that its planning, in the absence of alternatives, should adhere to sustainability criteria.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Publikation
    Homelessness in Switzerland. Federalist pathways between ignoring, passing on responsibility for and proactive prevention of homelessness
    (Taylor & Francis, 06/2024) Drilling, Matthias; Küng, Magdalena; Dittmann, Jörg; Bevan, Chris
    In Switzerland, there is neither a formal definition of homelessness nor a binding foundation from which legally enforceable claims for individuals affected could be derived. This opens up significant discretionary processes for authorities both towards individuals as well as towards organizations that provide assistance to people affected by homelessness. The chapter explores this and argues it is a significant shortcoming, especially because Switzerland has acceded to various international agreements that aim to improve the life chances of particularly vulnerable societal groups. The chapter explains the history of the relationship between homelessness and the social welfare state in Switzerland, considers the profile and number of people who are homeless, and discusses a possible division of responsibility for combating homelessness between national, regional, and local state actors and non-governmental organizations.
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
  • Publikation
    Obdachlosigkeit. Warum sie mit uns allen zu tun hat
    (Scheidegger & Spiess, 01.03.2024) Drilling, Matthias; Locher, Nora; Mühlethaler, Esther; Dittmann, Jörg
    02 - Monographie
  • Vorschaubild
    Zur Neuvermessung und Neukonstruktion von Obdachlosigkeit in pandemischen Zeiten
    (transcript, 2024) Drilling, Matthias; Böhnel, Martin; Iyadurai, Gosalya; Sowa, Frank; Heinrich, Marco; Heinzelmann, Frieda
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
  • Vorschaubild
    Recherche sur le sans-abrisme dans le mode d’un travail social transformateur: à propos de la relation entre la connaissance, la pertinence et l’innovation sociale
    (Seismo, 2024) Drilling, Matthias; Maeder, Pascal; Chimienti, Milena; Cretton, Viviane; Maggiori, Christian; Probst, Isabelle; Rullac, Stéphane
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
  • Vorschaubild
    Haphazard approaches to pandemic planning. Exploring 'we' and 'the others' dynamics
    (Canadian Observatory on Homelessness, 2024) Drilling, Matthias; Dittmann, Jörg; Böhnel, Martin; Iyadurai, Gosalya; Schiff, Rebecca; Wilkinson, Ashley; Cullingham, Sarah; Buccieri, Kristy
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
  • Vorschaubild
    [H]έstia. A shelter for a transitional world
    (Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit FHNW, Institut Sozialplanung, Organisationaler Wandel und Stadtentwicklung, 15.11.2023) Al-Shoubaki, Hind; Drilling, Matthias; Psychogyios, Dimitris; Chatziefthymiou, Yioryos; Fragkou, Tatiani; Costa, André
    05 - Forschungs- oder Arbeitsbericht
  • Publikation
    Die Nachbarschaft als Türöffnerin
    (Nomos, 11/2023) Dittmann, Jörg; Drilling, Matthias; Wagaw, Berihun; Negash, Semhar; Käser, Nadine
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Publikation
    Geflüchtete im Spiegel der Integrationsagenda
    (Schweizerische Konferenz für Sozialhilfe, 04.09.2023) Dittmann, Jörg; Drilling, Matthias; Negash, Semhar; Wagaw, Berihun; Käser, Nadine
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Vorschaubild
    Homelessness in Switzerland: From a blind spot to new approaches in research and practice
    (Council for European Studies (CES), 12.07.2023) Dittmann, Jörg; Drilling, Matthias
    01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder Zeitung