Bruder, Johannes

Bruder, Johannes


Gerade angezeigt 1 - 3 von 3
  • Publikation
    Mapping Algorithmic Assumptions: Reflections from a Society for Psychological Anthropology roundtable
    (13.09.2021) Bruder, Johannes; Hagerty, Alexa; Garofalo, Livia; Royer, Alexandrine; Jovicic, Suzana; Neiman, Aaron; de Seta, Gabriele; Martin, Emily [in: Somatosphere]
    10 - Elektronische-/ Webpublikation
  • Publikation
    Cognitive Code. Post-Anthropocentric Intelligence and the Infrastructural Brain
    (McGill-Queen's University Press, 2019) Bruder, Johannes
    As the second decade of the twenty-first century draws to a close, the cultural, social, and economic effects of artificial intelligence are becoming ever more apparent. Despite their long-intertwined histories, the fields of neuroscience and artificial intelligence research are notoriously divided. In Cognitive Code Johannes Bruder argues that seemingly incompatible scales of intelligence - the brain and the planet - are now intimately linked through neuroscience-inspired AI and computational cognitive neuroscience. Building on ethnographic fieldwork in brain imaging labs in the United Kingdom and Switzerland, alongside analyses of historical and contemporary literature, Cognitive Code examines how contemporary research on the brain makes routine use of engineering epistemologies and practices. Bruder elaborates on how the question of mimicking human cognition and thought on the scale of computer chips and circuits has gradually evolved into a comprehensive restructuring of the world through "smart" infrastructures. The brain, traditionally treated as a discrete object that thinks, is becoming part of the larger thinking network we now know as "the Cloud." The author traces a recent shift in the goals of brain imaging to show that the introduction of novel statistical and computational techniques has upset traditional paradigms and disentangled cognition from its biological substrate. Investigating understandings of intelligence from the micro to the macro, Cognitive Code explains how the future of human psychology is increasingly determined by engineering and design.
    02 - Monographie
  • Publikation
    Infrastructural Intelligence. Contemporary Entanglements between neuroscience and AI
    (Elsevier, 2017) Bruder, Johannes [in: Progress in Brain Research]
    In this chapter, I reflect on contemporary entanglements between artificial intelligence and the neurosciences by tracing the development of Google's recent DeepMind algorithms back to their roots in neuroscientific studies of episodic memory and imagination. Google promotes a new form of “infrastructural intelligence,” which excels by constantly reassessing its cognitive architecture in exchange with a cloud of data that surrounds it, and exhibits putatively human capacities such as intuition. I argue that such (re)alignments of biological and artificial intelligence have been enabled by a paradigmatic infrastructuralization of the brain in contemporary neuroscience. This infrastructuralization is based in methodologies that epistemically liken the brain to complex systems of an entirely different scale (i.e., global logistics) and has given rise to diverse research efforts that target the neuronal infrastructures of higher cognitive functions such as empathy and creativity. What is at stake in this process is no less than the shape of brains to come and a revised understanding of the intelligent and creative social subject.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift