Habegger, Beat

Beat Habegger


Gerade angezeigt 1 - 10 von 13
  • Publikation
    Securing the future: The use of strategic foresight in the security sector
    (Geneva Centre for Security Policy, 2022) Habegger, Beat
    02 - Monographie
  • Publikation
    Political risk management as an imperative for the insurance industry - and beyond
    (Fachhochschule des BFI Wien, 2020) Habegger, Beat
    Nicht nur, aber auch in der Versicherungswirtschaft nehmen politische Risiken eine wichtige Position unter Top-Managerinnen und Managern ein. Da sich die Versicherungsindustrie sehr unmittelbar mit politischen Risiken auseinandersetzen muss, ist sie auch gefordert, diese zu verstehen. Dieser Beitrag diskutiert, wie Versicherungen mit politischen Risiken konfrontiert sind, wie sie diese versuchen zu analysieren und zu managen. Aber es werden auch bedeutende Unterschiede zwischen Versicherungen und anderen Unternehmen thematisiert, um hervorzuheben, was andere Unternehmen von Versicherungen lernen können.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Publikation
    Strategic Foresight in Public Policy: Reviewing the Experiences of the UK, Singapore, and the Netherlands
    (Elsevier, 2010) Habegger, Beat
    In an interdependent and complex world, only few public policy challenges can be confined to one particular policy area anymore. Many governments have realized that a single-issue focus is often insufficient in dealing with emerging threats and opportunities. They have therefore started to experiment with strategic foresight that deliberately cuts across the traditional boundaries of policy areas and government departments. This article reviews the foresight activities of three countries that have been at the forefront of this trend: the United Kingdom, Singapore, and the Netherlands. To this end, the article discusses the concept of strategic foresight and explains the two distinct ways in which it contributes to public policy-making: on the one hand, it informs policy by providing more systematic knowledge about relevant trends and developments in an organization's environments; on the other hand, it acts as a driver of reflexive mutual social learning processes among policy-makers that stimulate the generation of common public policy visions. The article concludes by drawing lessons with regard to the key success factors allowing strategic foresight to make an effective contribution to public policy-making.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Publikation
    Democratic accountability of international organizations: Parliamentary control within the Council of Europe and the OSCE and the prospects for the United Nations
    (SAGE, 2010) Habegger, Beat
    Many international organizations, including the United Nations, are accused of lacking democratic accountability. A variety of proposals have been made to close the gap between their extended influence and the lack of effective controlling mechanisms to prevent abuses of power. This article focuses on one specific proposal: the establishment of parliamentary assemblies. Based on the experiences of the Council of Europe and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, it presents the factors that enable such assemblies to exercise parliamentary control and influence towards intergovernmental decision-making bodies.The article shows how a parliamentary dimension can be introduced conceptually into the debate on the democratic accountability of international organizations and how these insights support the reflections on a United Nations parliamentary assembly.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Vorschaubild
    Risiko- und Verwundbarkeitsanalyse in der Bundespolitik: Erfahrungen und Perspektiven
    (Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich, 2009) Bonin, Sergio; Habegger, Beat; Wenger, Andreas; Mauer, Victor; Trachsler, Daniel
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
  • Publikation
    International handbook on risk analysis and management: professional experiences
    (Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich, 2008) Habegger, Beat
    03 - Sammelband
  • Publikation
    Der unmöglichste Job der Welt - Zur Wahl eines neuen UNO-Generalsekretärs
    (Weblaw, 04.09.2006) Habegger, Beat
    Am 31. Dezember 2006 leistet Kofi Annan seinen letzten Arbeitstag als Generalsekretär der Vereinten Nationen. Sein Nachfolger tritt ein Amt mit zahlreichen Rollen an: Der Generalsekretär ist zugleich Verwaltungsmanager, Friedensstifter und für manche gar ein «säkularer Papst». Wie wird ein solches Amt besetzt, welche Anforderungen müssen die Kandidaten erfüllen und wer traut sich die Ausübung des «unmöglichsten Jobs der Welt» (Trygve Lie) überhaupt zu?
    01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder Zeitung
  • Publikation
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Vorschaubild
    Von der Sicherheits- zur Risikopolitik: eine konzeptionelle Analyse für die Schweiz
    (Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich, 2006) Habegger, Beat; Wenger, Andreas; Mauer, Victor
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
  • Publikation
    Die Parlamentarisierung der UNO durch die Interparlamentarische Union
    (Nomos, 2006) Habegger, Beat
    The trend towards parliamentarization in international politics is too strong to be missed: Inter-parliamentary institutions that were previously far removed from the public spotlight have become attractive political forums. This is due to the increasing shift of political decision-making processes to an international level. Many factual issues today have international dimensions and can only be resolved in cooperation with other states and international organizations. The expectations associated with the interparliamentary movement are twofold: It serves to compensate lawmakers for their diminishing political influence and helps to balance the democratic deficits of international organizations. The still-nascent parliamentarization of the UN has no parliamentary component yet, although it has recently begun to assign higher priority to the integration of national parliaments. The closer ties between the UN and national parliaments are primarily the achievement of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU). Despite successes such as those of the IPU there are also reasons why parliamentarization is still lagging behind. Therefore, recommendations concerning future steps are needed.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift