Pascal, Joris

Pascal, Joris


Gerade angezeigt 1 - 2 von 2
  • Publikation
    Low-field electromagnetic tracking using 3-D magnetometer for assisted surgery
    (IEEE, 02/2023) Vergne, Céline; Féry, Corentin; Quirin, Thomas; Nicolas, Hugo; Madec, Morgan; Hemm-Ode, Simone; Pascal, Joris [in: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics]
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Publikation
    Conditioning circuits for nanoscale perpendicular spin transfer torque magnetic tunnel junctions as magnetic sensors
    (IEEE, 2023) Nicolas, Hugo; Sousa, Ricardo C.; Mora-Hernández, Ariam; Prejbeanu, Ioan-Lucian; Hebrard, Luc; Kammerer, Jean-Baptiste; Pascal, Joris [in: IEEE Sensors Journal]
    This article demonstrates a new type of magnetic sensor using a perpendicular spin transfer torque magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ). The sensing element has a cylindrical shape of 50 nm in diameter and is to our knowledge among the smallest magnetic sensor ever reported. This article describes the principle of operation of the sensing element and the associated signal processing electronics, which delivers a signal proportional to the external magnetic field. Experimental results are detailed and compared to the state-of-the-art commercially available integrated magnetic sensors as well as published magnetoresistive sensors based on MTJs with comparable size. The measured sensitivity of the developed sensor is 1.28 V/T, and its dynamic range reaches 80 mT. The measured noise level is 21.8μT/√ Hz. Two different operating principles of the proposed sensor are described and compared, one based on a time-to-digital converter and one based on a pulsewidth-modulated (PWM) signal. Both methods require only standard microelectronics components, which are suitable for monolithic integration of the sensing element with its conditioning electronics. Subsequent improvements of the sensing element as well as conditioning electronics are required to further lower the noise level. The sensing element and its conditioning electronics are compatible with fabrication processes already used in magnetic random access memory fabrication. This opens the way to mass production and addresses various markets, such as consumer electronics, automotive, industrial sensing, physics experiments, or medical devices.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift