Menn, Claudio

Menn, Claudio


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  • Publikation
    Energy refurbishment of historic districts. A techno-economic and environmental analysis of a case study
    (Advanced Building Skins, 11.10.2016) Menn, Claudio; Geissler, Achim [in: Advanced Building Skins]
    A techno-economic and environmental analysis of proposed energetic refurbishment measures combined with energy supply variants for a historic district in Switzerland (303 entities; 64’546 m2 energy reference area (AE)) is given. The economic evaluation is based on the Net Present Value (NPV) method and the environmental impact is quantified in “eco-points” (German: “Umweltbelastungspunkte” (UBP)) and equivalent CO2 emissions. Data for the analysis is provided by the Swiss building certification (German: “Gebäudeenergieausweis der Kantone” (GEAK)) and secondary literature. A total of three variants, V I through V III is analysed. The results show how current limit values for heating demand can be met with energetic refurbishment measures (including aerogel-super-insulation materials) which conform to requirements of the regional monument protection. It is found that a local heat distribution system based on a Brine/Water Heat Pump (B/W HP) (V I) can reduce the environmental impact for heating, hot water, ventilation, auxiliary energy (HWVA) from currently 1.8 tons CO2 eq per capita and annum (p.c.a.) (1.5 Million UBP’s p.c.a.) for the fossil fuel based system to 118 kg CO2 eq p.c.a. (325 thousand UBP’s p.c.a.). The environmental impact of a central wood chip plant (Combined heat and power (CHP)) in V II or a district heating based system in V III is slightly higher than in V I. Negative NPV (for a 30 years’ time frame) is found for all three mentioned energy supply systems in combination with energetic refurbishment measures (V I: -147.- CHF/m2 AE, V II: -125.- CHF/m2 AE, V III: -98.- CHF/m2 AE). However, it can be shown that reducing the energetic refurbishment costs by one third leads to a positive NPV for all three variants mentioned. Furthermore, the NPV-results do not differ significantly between the variants and should therefore not be the sole basis for decision-making. A sensitivity analysis shows a great impact of materials’ lifetime on the NPV. Therefore, reliable estimates for e.g. aerogel-super-insulation materials are important data for a NPV evaluation. Furthermore, the environmental impact was calculated for HWVA, only. This system boundary should be extended to domestic electricity consumption, embodied energy in insulation materials and PV in further research. Keywords: aerogel-super-insulation, historic district, energetic refurbishment, energy supply variants, sustainability assessment
    04 - Beitrag Sammelband oder Konferenzschrift
  • Publikation
    Transformation eines Kohlesilos zum Solarkraftwerk mit farbigen PV-Modulen und Second-Life Speicher
    (2016) Menn, Claudio; Steinke, Gregor; Dorusch, Falk; Geissler, Achim [in: Status-Seminar "Forschen für den Bau im Kontext von Energie und Umwelt"]
    Das ehemalige Kohlesilo im Gundeldinger Feld in Basel wurde umgebaut und bietet nun Platz für Büros, Praxisräume, Konferenzzimmer und eine Zirkusschule. An den Fassaden und auf dem Dach wurde eine PV-Anlage mit farbigen Modulen installiert. Um den Eigenverbrauch der vor Ort erzeugten Elektrizität zu erhöhen und das öffentliche Stromnetz zu entlasten, werden gebrauchte Lithium-Ionen-Akkus aus Mobilitätsanwendungen als Second-Life Batteriespeicher eingesetzt. Die PV-Anlage und der Batteriespeicher werden in einem Messprojekt detailliert untersucht. As a visible sign of the shift from fossil fuels to renewable energies, the former coal silo and heating plant of the machine factory Sulzer Burckhardt AG in the „Gundeldinger Feld“ in Basel is covered with colored PV modules. As part of the remodeling of the silo into office spaces, a building integrated PV system is installed on two facades and on the roof. In order to increase the self-consumption of the electricity that is generated on-site and to relieve the public grid, previously used lithium-ion batteries from electric vehicles are used as Second Life battery energy storage. The PV system and battery storage are investigated in detail in a monitoring project.
    04 - Beitrag Sammelband oder Konferenzschrift