Wullschleger, Andrea
Wullschleger, Andrea
64 Ergebnisse
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Publikation Everyday, every week, all at once? An experience sampling study on teachers’ professional development for the classroom, team, and school(Elsevier, 12/2024) Compagnoni, Miriam; Rechsteiner, Beat; Gotsch, Flurin; Grob, Urs; Wullschleger, Andrea; Maag Merki, KatharinaIn a 21-day study, 753 Swiss primary school teachers reported their daily professional development activities concerning the classroom, team, and school. Using experience sampling, we examined their effect on teachers’ well-being and experienced learning benefits for students, team, and school. Professional development activities for teaching occurred on 41% of workdays but were rare for team and school. Multilevel analyses highlighted both inter- and intraindividual associations with benefits and well-being. On days with professional development activities for the classroom, teachers reported increased stress but also recognized learning benefits. Teachers engaging in more professional development activities overall showed higher well-being and benefits.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation 06 - PräsentationPublikation Qualität von Schulsystemen. Theoretische Grundlagen und empirische Befunde(Springer VS, 20.02.2024) Maag Merki, Katharina; Wullschleger, Andrea; Altrichter, Herbert; Betz, Tanja; Feldhoff, Tobias; Bauer, Petra; Schmidt, Uwe; Schmid-Hertha, BernhardIn diesem Kapitel geht es um den Beitrag der ‚Makroebene‘ des Schulsystems zur Qualität schulischer Prozesse und Ergebnisse. Nach einem Überblick über die Entwicklung des Forschungsbereiches werden im zweiten Abschnitt grundlegende Begriffe geklärt: Wie ist die Makroebene Schulsystem strukturiert und an welchen Merkmalen könnte ihre Qualität abgelesen werden? Danach wird der empirische Forschungsstand an drei Beispielen, der Erforschung von Schulstrukturen, des internationalen Vergleichs von Schüler:innenleistungen sowie der Untersuchung von Governance-Reformen diskutiert.04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Dynamic pathways. Investigating the relationship between the changing landscape of educational leaders’ interaction routines and innovative climate(11.01.2024) Wullschleger, Andrea; Liou, Yi-Hwa; Vörös, András; Daly, Alan; Maag Merki, Katharina06 - PräsentationPublikation The cycle of violence. Effects of violence experience, behavior, and attitudes on adolescents’ peer rejection networks(Frontiers Research Foundation, 2024) Favre, Céline Anne; Garrote, Ariana; Kassis, Wassilis; Bacher, Janine; Wullschleger, Andrea; Aksoy, DilanPrevious research on adolescent peer networks has mainly focused on friendship networks and their association with violence, but very limited research is available on peer rejection networks. This lack of knowledge hinders the effectiveness of preventing peer rejection and its negative effects. Based on the theory of the cycle of violence, the present study examines the extent to which parental physical abuse experiences, aggressive behavior toward peers and acceptance of violence are related to peer rejection networks at school. Social network analysis with a stochastic actor-oriented model of longitudinal data collected from high school students (Wave 1, n = 620; Wave 2, n = 590) confirms that adolescents who frequently use aggression toward their peers are more likely to be rejected, especially if those adolescents have experienced abuse. Similarly, peers are more likely to reject adolescents with high levels of accepting violence. The results also show that aggression toward peers generally tends to decrease over time but not for adolescents who reject a larger number of students. For students who reject many peers, aggression frequency increases. From the perspective of resilience theory, peer rejection, when combined with aggression toward peers and acceptance of violence, particularly in female adolescents, creates a significant risk factor for socio-emotional development. Therefore, tackling violence attitudes, experiences and behavior in the school environment and at home is crucial in overcoming the cycle of violence.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Teaching quality in kindergarten. professional development and quality of adaptive learning support enhances mathematical competency(Springer, 2024) Dunekacke, Simone; Wullschleger, Andrea; Grob, Urs; Heinze, Aiso; Lindmeier, Anke; Vogt, Franziska; Kuratli Geeler, Susanne; Leuchter, Miriam; Meier-Wyder, Anuschka; Seemann, Selma; Moser Opitz, ElisabethAbstractAdaptive learning support provided by kindergarten teachers before and after (macro-adaptive learning support) as well as during mathematical learning activities (micro-adaptive learning support) is a cross-cutting concept of teaching quality. Effective adaptive learning support enhances children’s learning. However, providing it is challenging and teachers need professional development (PD) to improve the quality of their support. This study investigates the mediating role of teaching quality between PD programs for kindergarten teachers and the development of children’s mathematical competency. 122 kindergarten teachers and their 825 pupils participated in the study. The teachers were randomly assigned to three groups. Two groups attended PD sessions designed to foster either macro- or micro-adaptive learning support. The third was the materials-only control group. The data was analyzed using a self-developed rating instrument focusing on generic and domain-specific elements of teaching quality related to macro- and micro-adaptive learning support. The multilevel latent change model analysis revealed that the PD programs had positive and significant effects on the teaching quality of kindergarten teachers. A significant positive relationship was also found between micro-adaptive learning support and changes in children’s mathematical competency. However, an indirect effect of teaching quality could not be detected, and the PD programs did not have a total effect on children’s mathematical competency. The study reinforces the importance of PD that specifically targets macro- and micro-adaptive learning support for kindergarten teachers. The mediation between PD and mathematical competency development requires further investigation.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Qualität von Schulsystemen. Theoretische Grundlagen und empirische Befunde(Springer VS, 2024) Maag Merki, Katharina; Wullschleger, Andrea; Altrichter, Herbert; Betz, Tanja; Feldhoff, Tobias; Bauer, Petra; Schmidt, Uwe; Schmidt-Hertha, BernhardIn diesem Kapitel geht es um den Beitrag der ‚Makroebene‘ des Schulsystems zur Qualität schulischer Prozesse und Ergebnisse. Nach einem Überblick über die Entwicklung des Forschungsbereiches werden im zweiten Abschnitt grundlegende Begriffe geklärt: Wie ist die Makroebene Schulsystem strukturiert und an welchen Merkmalen könnte ihre Qualität abgelesen werden? Danach wird der empirische Forschungsstand an drei Beispielen, der Erforschung von Schulstrukturen, des internationalen Vergleichs von Schüler:innenleistungen sowie der Untersuchung von Governance-Reformen diskutiert.04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Bridging gaps: a systematic literature review of brokerage in educational change(Springer, 07.10.2023) Rechsteiner, Beat; Kyndt, Eva; Compagnoni, Miriam; Wullschleger, Andrea; Maag Merki, Katharina; Wullschleger, AndreaBridging gaps between educational stakeholders at the classroom, school, and system levels is essential to achieve sustainable change in primary and secondary education. However, transferring knowledge or building capacity within this network of loosely coupled stakeholders is demanding. The concept holds promise for studying these complex patterns of interaction, as it refers to how specific actors link loosely coupled or disconnected individuals. However, different research traditions, in terms of theoretical frameworks and methodological approaches, and various stakeholders examined in their role as bridge builders make understanding the role of brokers, brokering, and brokerage in changing educational practice challenging. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the current literature on these concepts in educational change research. In a systematic literature review based on 42 studies, we analyzed each study’s theoretical assumptions, methodological approach, scope in terms of stakeholders involved, and empirical findings. First, the literature review revealed that research on educational change refers to four different theoretical frameworks when focusing on brokers, brokering, or brokerage. Second, our results indicate that predominantly qualitative approaches have been applied. Third, using content network graphs, we identified teachers and principals as among the most frequently analyzed brokers. Fourth, four relevant aspects of the empirical findings are presented: brokers’ personal characteristics, conditions that enable brokering, successful brokering strategies, and outcomes of brokerage. Finally, we outline a future research agenda based on the empirical evidence base and shortcomings.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation How effective is a high amount of teacher collaboration that is perceived as useful?(26.08.2023) Wullschleger, Andrea; Maag Merki, Katharina; Grob, Urs; Rechsteiner, Beat; Compagnoni, Miriam; Vörös, András06 - PräsentationPublikation Wie wirksam ist ein hohes Mass an nützlich wahrgenommenen Kooperationen?(29.06.2023) Wullschleger, Andrea; Maag Merki, Katharina; Grob, Urs; Rechsteiner, Beat; Compagnoni, Miriam06 - Präsentation