Verkuil, Arie Hans
Arie Hans
Verkuil, Arie Hans
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Publikation SMEs talk - startups walk. How startups can benefit from the use of a digital maturity model for SMEs as part of digital transformation?(Springer, 2024) Klotz, Patrick; Eisenbart, Barbara; Verkuil, Arie HansWhile digital transformation has been widely implemented in large corporations, there is a big potential for startups and SMEs which are lacking behind in utilizing this opportunity. This paper aims to raise awareness among startups and SMEs about digital transformation by developing a digital maturity model adopted especially for international distributed work. The model serves as a framework for startups and SMEs to understand which dimensions influence and are important for digital transformation, and what specific questions are relevant for each of the dimensions.04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Bericht Nachhaltiges Entrepreneurship an der Swiss Innovation Challenge 2023 – Nachhaltigkeit bei der Finanzierung von Startups(Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, 2024) Verkuil, Arie Hans; Milesi, AngelaSeit 2015 wird von den drei Partnern Basellandschaftliche Kantonalbank, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz und Wirtschaftskammer Baselland die Swiss Innovation Challenge durchgeführt, ein Business Plan Wettbewerb, der einen Beitrag zur Innovationsförderung in der Schweiz und damit zur Erhaltung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit leistet. Das mehrmonatige Programm bietet allen Teilnehmenden ein Förder- und Unterstützungsange-bot. Sie können bei der Umsetzung ihrer Geschäftsidee von Fachreferaten, Netzwerkanlässen, diversen Publicity-Massnahmen und individuellem Coaching profitieren. Es gibt drei Ausschei-dungsrunden oder «Pitches», bei denen die Teilnehmendenzahl jeweils von einer Fachjury hal-biert wird. Aus 25 Finalisten wird das Sieger-Team bestimmt. Beteiligen können sich Startups und KMU aus der ganzen Schweiz. Im Rahmen der Wettbe-werbsdurchführungen werden mit den angehenden Unternehmerinnen und Unternehmern für Forschungszwecke Interviews durchgeführt. Es sollen Erkenntnisse über die Nachhaltigkeit in den vorgelegten Business- und Geschäftsplänen gewonnen und anonymisiert in einem Bericht dargestellt werden. In der Studie wurde mittels einer Teilnehmendenbefragung erhoben, welche Erwartungen Startups an die Nachhaltigkeitsausrichtung ihrer potenziellen Investoren und Investorinnen haben.05 - Forschungs- oder ArbeitsberichtPublikation The role of public funding agencies for startup promotion. An international comparison(Springer Cham, 2024) Schulte, Volker; Birkenmeier, Beat; Verkuil, Arie HansThe article describes start-up promotion policies of governments in an international comparison. It analyses the advantages and disadvantages of subsidies for start-ups.04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Introductory chapter. Prospects for sustainable business development(Springer Cham, 2024) Verkuil, Arie Hans; Hinz, Andreas; Milow, Uta; Al-Kilani, Mahmoud; Verkuil, Arie HansIn the introductory chapter the editors describe the dimensions of sustainable business development from a fundamental and international perspective and encompass aspects of environmental efficiency, social equity, and economic profitability. In addition, they give a short overview of all chapters and the authors.04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Sustainable entrepreneurship. A cross-country comparison(Springer Cham, 2024) Reineke, Rolf-Dieter; Gottschall, Oliver; Verkuil, Arie Hans04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Migrant entrepreneurs in Switzerland. Not very different from native entrepreneurs(Springer Cham, 2024) Meyer, Dario; Meyer, Rolf; Verkuil, Arie Hans04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Epilogue. Bridging past to future - small analogy of economic crises(Springer Cham, 2024) Schulte, Volker; Köhle, Ivan; Verkuil, Arie HansThe article describes economic crises from Diocletian, to pre-modern and modern crises during industrialization and the way to find out of it.04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Emigration and start-up setting. New Russian and Ukranian intelligentsia in a historical perspective(Springer Cham, 2024) Schulte, Volker; Hinz, Andreas; Verkuil, Arie HansThe article describes Russian and Ukrainian entrepreneurs working abroad. According to interviews there is no exchange of entrepreneurs for cooperation of both countries.The article describes the boundaries and challenges of making business abroad.04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Start-up cultures in times of global crises. Sustainable and innovative approaches(Springer Cham, 2024) Verkuil, Arie HansThis open access volume analyses the challenges, problems and solutions of startups in times of global crises. It, first, provides an overview of the principles and fundamentals of successful entrepreneurship and startup development and talks about important resilience factors for meaningful entrepreneurship. Then, it analyses the findings and events that have come to light during the Covid-19 crisis and the Ukraine war. The volume discusses examples of successful and unsuccessful entrepreneurship for startups and small businesses in various Asian countries and thereby also provides an international perspective. Against these discussions, the contributors talk about possible political framework conditions for successful entrepreneurship. The volume overall provides experts in the fields of organizational studies, well-being and resilience research, economic policy, economic promotion, and science with a useful resource that condenses and summarizes current economic crises, financial crises and political crises from the perspective of entrepreneurship. The findings produced here are the result of many years of international research cooperation between the contributors and the editor.03 - SammelbandPublikation Pro-social and other motivations of innovative start-ups(Springer Cham, 2024) Milow, Uta; Verkuil, Arie Hans; Verkuil, Arie Hanstart-ups can contribute to improving the sustainability of business activu0002ities in our society. In this study, start-ups that participated in the Swiss Innovation Challenge, a business plan competition, were examined regarding their motivation to found a company. The research question is, which role pro-social motivations of entrepreneurs play in the founding of a start-up. This was examined with an analysis of the start-ups’ motivations in general and secondly with a detailed analysis of their sustainability orientation. First, in a literature review of possible categories of motiu0002vations, these were identifed: fnancial motives, self-realization and identity, recogu0002nition and status, better working conditions, family tradition, and a pro-social sustainability motivation. Then, semi-structured interviews were conducted with the start-up teams and qualitatively analyzed. Many of the teams mentioned identiu0002fcation with the project and self-realization, this was the dominant motive. While most of the start-ups were proft-oriented, several interviewees also mentioned susu0002tainability motives, with varying priorities. The range of sustainability aspects was particularly wide, also due to the very different business models. Founding teams that included sustainability aspects into their business generally had a higher susu0002tainability orientation. Thus, raising the awareness of sustainable management issues, education, and training could improve the sustainability impact of start-ups.04A - Beitrag Sammelband