Mateescu, Magdalena

Mateescu, Magdalena


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    Einflussfaktoren auf die Wahl des Arbeitsortes –der passende Mix zwischen Homeoffice und Büro
    (05.07.2022) Schulze, Hartmut; Mateescu, Magdalena
    • Pandemie ist ein «Booster» für Home Office und mobil-flexible Arbeiten –viele Firmen entwickeln aktuell «Mobilitätsprofile» • Home Office wird zu einem «regulären Arbeitsort» • Der «psychologische Vertrag» verändert sich –das Geben und Nehmen zwischen Organisation und Mitarbeitenden muss neu ausgehandelt werden • Angemessener «Mix» aus Home Office und Arbeit vor Ort hängt ab von u.a. Art der Aufgabe, Ausstattung Home Office, Bedürfnissen der Mitarbeitenden • Für die Optimierung des «richtigen Mix» zwischen Homeoffice und Büro benötigt es Experimentieren, Reflexion, Schulung –und goodwill des Arbeitgebers • Es stellen sich «neue» Anforderungen an den Büroraum, v.a. für Teamarbeit, «hybride» Zusammenarbeit und sozialen Austausch (Präsenz vor Ort als «qualitytime»)
    06 - Präsentation
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    Understanding Leadership in Agile Software Development Teams: Who and How?
    (Springer, 09.06.2022) Weichbrodt, Johann; Kropp, Martin; Biddle, Robert; Gregory, Peggy; Anslow, Craig; Bühler, Ursina Maria; Mateescu, Magdalena; Meier, Andreas; Stray, Viktoria; Stol, Klaas-Jan; Paasivaara, Maria; Kruchten, Philippe [in: Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming. XP 2022]
    In this paper we report on a study of the nature of different aspects of leadership in agile teams. We used an established model of leadership, distinguishing transactional and transformational styles, and asked IT professionals a set of questions about the leadership they experience, both from direct supervisors (hierarchical leadership) and from the team itself (shared leadership). Our results show that agility is indeed related to the transformational style, but that the transactional style also plays a part, especially as shared leadership. Furthermore, even in highly agile software development, leadership by direct supervisors still plays an important role. We propose that, as software development becomes more agile, the transactional aspects of leadership may shift away from the leadership dyad between supervisor and employee into the agile team, while transformational leadership is important for both the team and supervisors.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Collaboration on large interactive displays: A systematic review
    (Taylor & Francis, 2019) Mateescu, Magdalena; Pimmer, Christoph; Zahn, Carmen; Klinkhammer, Daniel; Reiterer, Harald [in: Human-Computer Interaction]
    Large Interactive Displays (LIDs), such as tabletops or interactive walls, are promising innovations, which are increasingly used to support co-located collaboration. Yet the current evidence base on the impact of LID use on collaborative processes and outcomes, and associated influencing factors, is fragmented, particularly in comparison with other media. To address this gap, a systematic review was carried out in the databases Web of Science, Psych.Info, ACM, Elsevier, JSTOR and Springer and in the ACM CHI conference database. A corpus of 38 articles with experimental study designs met the eligibility criteria and was analyzed in-depth. With regard to collaboration processes, the findings suggest a relatively clear advantage of the use of LIDs over classic forms of collaboration, in particular over single-user environments (e.g. laptops). With attention to collaborative outcomes, positive effects of LIDs were identified for knowledge gains and social encounters, and mixed effects for task-related outcomes. The analysis further shows relevant influencing factors of LID, such as the separation of personal and joint work spaces and the deployment of horizontal instead of vertical displays. Conceptual and practice implications are discussed.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Findings from a Critical Review of Mobile Learning in Higher Education Settings
    (2016) Pimmer, Christoph; Pachler, Norbert; Mateescu, Magdalena; Gröhbiel, Urs
    06 - Präsentation
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    Mobile and ubiquitous learning in higher education settings. A systematic review of empirical studies
    (Elsevier, 2016) Pimmer, Christoph; Mateescu, Magdalena; Gröhbiel, Urs [in: Computers in Human Behavior]
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift