Mateescu, Magdalena

Mateescu, Magdalena


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​Modi der Zusammenarbeit im Bauwesen – ein theoriebasiertes Integrationsmodell für Planungs- und Bauprojekte

2023-06-29, Schulze, Hartmut, Mateescu, Magdalena, Urech, Andreas, Huber, Manfred

Mit der Digitalisierung von Planungs- und Bauprozessen, u.a. durch digitale Bauwerksmodelle und der damit verbundenen Transparenz für alle beteiligten Berufsgruppen, wird eine deutliche Verbesserung der disziplinund organisationsübergreifenden Zusammenarbeit in der Baubranche angestrebt (Fischer, 2017). Jedoch hat der Einsatz von Building Information Modelling (BIM) die Erwartungen an die Verbesserung der Zusammenarbeit bisher nicht erfüllt. Die Einführung von Projektabwicklungsmodellen wie Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) oder Allianzmodellen, die stärker auf organisationsübergreifende und «integrierte» Zusammenarbeit setzen, werden als Lösung angesehen. Gleichzeitig ist aber häufig unklar, was erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit ausmacht und was genau unter häufig verwendeten Begrifflichkeiten wie Koordination oder Kooperation zu verstehen ist. Eine Klärung und einheitliche Verwendung dieser Begrifflichkeiten und den damit verbundenen Formen der Zusammenarbeit erscheint notwendig, damit interorganisationale Zusammenarbeit erleichtert und gefördert werden kann. In diesem Beitrag wird zunächst ein Überblick zur Verwendung von Begrifflichkeiten im Kontext der Zusammenarbeit in organisationsübergreifenden Anwendungskontexten gegeben. Unter Rückgriff auf Konzepte aus der Evolutions- und Tätigkeitstheorie wird dann ein Begriffsinventar zur Unterscheidung von Modi der Zusammenarbeit für Planungs- und Bauprojekte entwickelt. Die Unterscheidung der drei Modi Koordination, Kooperation und Kokonstruktion bzw. Kokreation eröffnet schliesslich eine neue Gestaltungsperspektive für die Praxis.


Collaboration on large interactive displays: A systematic review

2019, Mateescu, Magdalena, Pimmer, Christoph, Zahn, Carmen, Klinkhammer, Daniel, Reiterer, Harald

Large Interactive Displays (LIDs), such as tabletops or interactive walls, are promising innovations, which are increasingly used to support co-located collaboration. Yet the current evidence base on the impact of LID use on collaborative processes and outcomes, and associated influencing factors, is fragmented, particularly in comparison with other media. To address this gap, a systematic review was carried out in the databases Web of Science, Psych.Info, ACM, Elsevier, JSTOR and Springer and in the ACM CHI conference database. A corpus of 38 articles with experimental study designs met the eligibility criteria and was analyzed in-depth. With regard to collaboration processes, the findings suggest a relatively clear advantage of the use of LIDs over classic forms of collaboration, in particular over single-user environments (e.g. laptops). With attention to collaborative outcomes, positive effects of LIDs were identified for knowledge gains and social encounters, and mixed effects for task-related outcomes. The analysis further shows relevant influencing factors of LID, such as the separation of personal and joint work spaces and the deployment of horizontal instead of vertical displays. Conceptual and practice implications are discussed.

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Using smartphones as rich, synchronous communication devices that facilitate knowledge processes - a randomized controlled trial

2014-02-13T00:00:00Z, Pimmer, Christoph, Mateescu, Magdalena, Zahn, Carmen

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​Modi der Zusammenarbeit im Bauwesen. Ein theoriebasiertes Integrationsmodell für Planungs- und Bauprojekte

2023-06-29, Schulze, Hartmut, Mateescu, Magdalena, Urech, Andreas, Huber, Manfred

Mit der Digitalisierung von Planungs- und Bauprozessen, u.a. durch digitale Bauwerksmodelle und der damit verbundenen Transparenz für alle beteiligten Berufsgruppen, wird eine deutliche Verbesserung der disziplin- und organisationsübergreifenden Zusammenarbeit in der Baubranche angestrebt (). Jedoch hat der Einsatz von Building Information Modelling (BIM) die Erwartungen an die Verbesserung der Zusammenarbeit bisher nicht erfüllt. Die Einführung von Projektabwicklungsmodellen wie Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) oder Allianzmodellen, die stärker auf organisationsübergreifende und «integrierte» Zusammenarbeit setzen, werden als Lösung angesehen. Gleichzeitig ist aber häufig unklar, was erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit ausmacht und was genau unter häufig verwendeten Begrifflichkeiten wie Koordination oder Kooperation zu verstehen ist. Eine Klärung und einheitliche Verwendung dieser Begrifflichkeiten und den damit verbundenen Formen der Zusammenarbeit erscheint notwendig, damit interorganisationale Zusammenarbeit erleichtert und gefördert werden kann. In diesem Beitrag wird zunächst ein Überblick zur Verwendung von Begrifflichkeiten im Kontext der Zusammenarbeit in organisationsübergreifenden Anwendungskontexten gegeben. Unter Rückgriff auf Konzepte aus der Evolutions- und Tätigkeitstheorie wird dann ein Begriffsinventar zur Unterscheidung von Modi der Zusammenarbeit für Planungs- und Bauprojekte entwickelt. Die Unterscheidung der drei Modi Koordination, Kooperation und Kokonstruktion bzw. Kokreation eröffnet schliesslich eine neue Gestaltungsperspektive für die Praxis.

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Collaboration on large interactive displays: a systematic review

2019, Zahn, Carmen, Mateescu, Magdalena, Pimmer, Christoph, Klinkhammer, Daniel, Reiterer, Harald

Large Interactive Displays (LIDs), such as tabletops or interactive walls, are promising innovations, which are increasingly used to support co-located collaboration. Yet the current evidence base on the impact of LID use on collaborative processes and outcomes, and associated influencing factors, is fragmented, particularly in comparison with other media. To address this gap, a systematic review was carried out in the databases Web of Science, Psych.Info, ACM, Elsevier, JSTOR and Springer and in the ACM CHI conference database. A corpus of 38 articles with experimental study designs met the eligibility criteria and was analyzed in-depth. With regard to collaboration processes, the findings suggest a relatively clear advantage of the use of LIDs over classic forms of collaboration, in particular over single-user environments (e.g. laptops). With attention to collaborative outcomes, positive effects of LIDs were identified for knowledge gains and social encounters, and mixed effects for task-related outcomes. The analysis further shows relevant influencing factors of LID, such as the separation of personal and joint work spaces and the deployment of horizontal instead of vertical displays. Conceptual and practice implications are discussed.

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Smartphones as multimodal communication devices to facilitate clinical knowledge processes a randomized controlled trial

2013-11-01T00:00:00Z, Pimmer, Christoph, Mateescu, Magdalena, Zahn, Carmen, Genewein, Urs

Background: Despite the widespread use and advancements of mobile technology that facilitate rich communication modes, there is little evidence demonstrating the value of smartphones for effective interclinician communication and knowledge processes. Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the effects of different synchronous smartphone-based modes of communication, such as (1) speech only, (2) speech and images, and (3) speech, images, and image annotation (guided noticing) on the recall and transfer of visually and verbally represented medical knowledge. Methods: The experiment was conducted from November 2011 to May 2012 at the University Hospital Basel (Switzerland) with 42 medical students in a masters program. All participants analyzed a standardized case (a patient with a subcapital fracture of the fifth metacarpal bone) based on a radiological image, photographs of the hand, and textual descriptions, and were asked to consult a remote surgical specialist via a smartphone. Participants were randomly assigned to 3 experimental conditions/groups. In group 1, the specialist provided verbal explanations (speech only). In group 2, the specialist provided verbal explanations and displayed the radiological image and the photographs to the participants (speech and images). In group 3, the specialist provided verbal explanations, displayed the radiological image and the photographs, and annotated the radiological image by drawing structures/angle elements (speech, images, and image annotation). To assess knowledge recall, participants were asked to write brief summaries of the case (verbally represented knowledge) after the consultation and to re-analyze the diagnostic images (visually represented knowledge). To assess knowledge transfer, participants analyzed a similar case without specialist support. Results: Data analysis by ANOVA found that participants in groups 2 and 3 (images used) evaluated the support provided by the specialist as significantly more positive than group 1, the speech-only group (group 1: mean 4.08, SD 0.90; group 2: mean 4.73, SD 0.59; group 3: mean 4.93, SD 0.25; F2,39=6.76, P=.003; partial 2=0.26, 1=.90). However, significant positive effects on the recall and transfer of visually represented medical knowledge were only observed when the smartphone-based communication involved the combination of speech, images, and image annotation (group 3). There were no significant positive effects on the recall and transfer of visually represented knowledge between group 1 (speech only) and group 2 (speech and images). No significant differences were observed between the groups regarding verbally represented medical knowledge. Conclusions: The results show (1) the value of annotation functions for digital and mobile technology for interclinician communication and medical informatics, and (2) the use of guided noticing (the integration of speech, images, and image annotation) leads to significantly improved knowledge gains for visually represented knowledge. This is particularly valuable in situations involving complex visual subject matters, typical in clinical practice.


Partizipation im Workplace Change – Praxisbericht über die Prozessbegleitung einer Expertenorganisation vor Bezug neuer Büroräume

2022-05-30, Ulbrich, Sebastian, Mateescu, Magdalena, Schulze, Hartmut

The increase in mobile-flexible work will have a substantial impact on changes in the working environment in the future. The potential for employees’ active involvement in workplace change is particularly high since besides office design the familiar ways of working are also affected. Yet it is often unclear how participation can be effectively implemented and what success factors and barriers are associated with it. In this contribution to the journal Group. Interaction. Organization. (GIO), we report on our learnings from a project in which 550 employees participated in workplace change prior to moving into new office space. We give an overview of the employed comprehensive participation concept and its implementation and discuss the impact of participation measures. The results from an interview study with 30 employees and managers show that well-planned employee involvement that considers both the radius and the levels of participation can improve communication and feedback processes and increase decision acceptance. Furthermore, aspects of fairness and the expectations of employees and managers have emerged as important success factors for employee involvement.

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Mobile and ubiquitous learning in higher education settings. A systematic review of empirical studies

2016, Pimmer, Christoph, Mateescu, Magdalena, Gröhbiel, Urs