Allen, Jamie

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Allen, Jamie

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  • Thumbnail Image
    What on earth is the planetary?
    (2023) Allen, Jamie; Bolen, Jeremy
    There are efforts being made, and forced upon us, to grapple with the earth as an entity, object, and force. Under the guise of “planetarity,” these efforts span pursuits in the natural sciences of atmospheres, environments, and geologies, the biologies of living and ecologies of nonliving things, and the human knowledge practices that chart social, geopolitical, logistical, and infrastructural globalism. In their video essay project, “The Impossibility of a Planet,” artists and researchers Jeremy Bolen and Jamie Allen engage in dialogues with those who seek to compose planetary-scale images, thinking, narratives, and models. In a companion essay to the video segments, an inquiry into the media and methods of such compositions provides complement. Where do planetarities come from, and where are they taking us?
    10 - Elektronische-/ Webpublikation
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    Of Metabolic Myth
    (2022) Allen, Jamie
    There are few areas of material culture from which people demand more authenticity, integrity and transparency than the techniques and materialities surrounding food. Foods materialise myths and imaginaries of nature and modernity, and entire regional economies and national cuisines rely on evolved and invented stories about where and how foodstuffs are prepared. At the same time, systems of provenance are challenging to establish, fakes common, and forgery rampant. Cultures and peoples the world over concern themselves with the genuineness of dishes and the pedigree of raw materials and preparations. Governance and policy structures attempt to snare those who wilfully or otherwise commit the deep offence of violating the economic sanctity or highly intimate significance of foods. Food processes are faked, adulterated, contaminated and stigmatised in ways that deeply revolt, pervert and reveal those things about which human beings care most deeply. The myths, materiality, media, systems and infrastructures of food are a metabolic imaginary that links seemingly simple alimentary processes to notions of truth-telling and authenticity. Our culinary techniques and performances of socialisation, story- telling and identity show, yet again, that “truth is a matter of the imagination”.
    10 - Elektronische-/ Webpublikation
  • Publication
    Being Eaten
    (2022) Allen, Jamie
    Of the concerns of the project of Western, modern design, archi- tecture and culture, procuring food for ourselves and keeping ourselves from becoming food for other creatures, is central amongst them. How we eat and avoid being eaten, keeping our- selves on top of the food chain(s), constitutes metabolic anthro- pocentrism, or metabolic privilege, that also clouds and trauma- tizes the communal act of consume(ation). Yet the acts of eating and being eaten can help understand life «as in circulation, as a gift from a community of ancestors... flowing on into an ecological and ancestral community of origins» (Val Plumwood). The whole planet is conceived as a giant stomach, pre-preparing photosyn- thetic energies and unpalatable materialities so they can be ab- sorbed into our digestive system, our bloodstreams, our organs and neural tissues. «Plants and the space they occupy are just as much a part of man as his mouth, his teeth or his stomach... The whole globe in splendid flight around the sun is a part, an organ, of every individual human» (Silvio Gesell) As ecologically related and embodied beings, we also exist as food for other beings, even as «the human supremacist culture of the West makes a strong effort to deny [...] that we humans can be positioned in the food chain in the same way as other animals.» (Val Plumwood) Thinking and connecting anew with our own eco- logical intimacy couples the «gut-level intimacy» human beings have with deep-time planetary processes and with the globally systematized, mediated, infrastructural existence. These are imaginaries with potentials, as Huiying Ng writes, to «metabolize hope».
    06 - Präsentation
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    Un-/Learning Archives in the Age of the Sixth Extinction
    (2022) Allen, Jamie; Basu, Priyanka; Becerra Valdez, Tamara; Bolen, Jeremy; Browne, Simon; Cahill, Susan; Hogan, Mél; Rowell, Steve
    This workshop will deal with archives as related to overlapping sites of nature/culture, climate change, deep time and the built environment. Is the archive a viable repository of potential regenerative material for the future? Can it be an input in a positive feedback system of mutually assured destruction – an irrational fear response in the face of loss that condemns that which is not-yet-dead to the already-past?
    06 - Präsentation
  • Publication
    The Harvest of the Past That Awaits My Hunger
    (2022) Allen, Jamie
    Dissimilarities are often drawn between the “economy” and “ecology”, supposedly in conflict. Economics, “the dismal science”, it is said, abstracts human instinct and desires creating systems of value, accumulation and exchange. Ecologies are taken as domains of organic flows and fluxes, “natural” relationships and attachments that being, sustain, abate and end life. The adversarial relationship between capitalism and climate underlines the needful ways in which values outside of the monetary need to be protected and promoted. At the same time, the historical development of things like energy currencies and ecosystems services, as well as contemporary experiments in distributed governance and environmental and supply (block)chain technologies allows for new constellations and approaches to management and repair, some of which reinvigorate an age-old desire to re-integrate human and natural systems through technology. We have many precursors and references for such constellations to draw from. Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen (1906–1994) espoused the “marginal utility of money” against energy and needful material exchange. The ecofeminisms of Val Plumwood, and feminist economics of the later 20th Century, underline how the hierarchical and individuous abstractions of capitalism cleave value from its provisioning and (re)productive significance. Customs of gift, which also acknowledge and enact solar abundance, were illegalized by institutions of European colonialism in the name of promoting more “civilized values” of accumulation and scarcity. Henry Ford proposed the creation of an “energy currency” and Charles Hall suggested the idea of an “energy return on investment” as a principle metric for returning the survival and the well-being of individuals, communities, neighbourhoods and ecosystems to economic exchange. It remains challenging to tie the metrics of energy and car- bon markets, and the motivations of things like the Regenerative Finance (#ReFi) movement, to the kinds of cultural experiences through which vital social values can be wrought; to reencounter one another in a metabolic field character that understands solar energy as the origin, datum and decider of all exchanges, limits, abundance, gifts. Part of what it is to be human, what is to be a living thing, is to be connected to the cosmological infrastructures of ecology and energy.
    06 - Präsentation
  • Publication
    Exchange on Deep Time and Deep Response-ability
    (2022) Hajdas, Irka; Allen, Jamie
    Die radiometrische Altersbestimmung von Stoffen ist nur scheinbar ein objektiver Vorgang. Tatsächlich verfügt sie über eine Vielzahl von Bedeutungsebenen, erweckt Assoziationen zum Kosmischen wie zum Politischen. Radionuklide und Radiokarbon, weit mehr als nur chronometrische Messmedien, verknüpfen die Geschichte und das Handeln der Menschen auf Engste mit materiellen Prozessen. Eingesetzt unter anderem in Klimaforschung, Umweltwissenschaften, Archäologie und Forensik, verbinden Methoden aus dem Feld der Geochronologie Fakt und Fiktion. Wie lässt sich durch sie eine Nähe zu zeitlich weit zurückliegenden Ereignissen herstellen? Und was ist das Verständnis der Geochronolog*innen und Geohistoriker*innen zu ihrer „response-ability“ gegenüber den materiellen Signalen aus der Vergangenheit?
    06 - Präsentation
  • Publication
    Moving Food
    (2022) Odunlami, Abbey; Allen, Jamie
    The workshop analyses contemporary food trends, ecological and infrastructural food systems relations, toward the development of artistic consumption and serving concepts, media communications, physical designs and sustainability models. Workshop contents and activities examine what is gained and what is lost in trying to create balances, careful and respectful cross-cultural, intersectional and infrastructurally- and ecologically-minded consumption practices for globalized communities.
    06 - Präsentation
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    Reptile Brain
    (Onassis Foundation, 2022) Carver, Louise Emily; Allen, Jamie; Engelhardt, Anna
    Chimeras. Inventory of Synthetic Cognition is a collective glossary on Artificial Intelligence exploring the synthetic nature of cognition from a variety of perspectives: interspecies, crip, monstrous, feminist, distributed, and decolonial, amongst others. Contributions to the lexicographical compendium include entries on the "Reptile Brain" and "Technogenesis". The publication is edited by Anna Engelhardt and Ilan Manouach, produced with the Onassis Foundation in Athens, and forecasts into speculative terrains.
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
  • Publication
    Aeolian Technology
    (2022) Allen, Jamie
    A talk for the "In the Wind" sessions of Anant National University Design programme, relating environmental art, design to principles and ideas of elemental media, ecological and material philosophy, and the history of infrastructure. Using the aeolian harp as a metaphor and actual designed instrument for the tracing of both human and natural actualities and histories, this session asked students to interrogate and reconfigure relationships between ecology and technology, technique and elemental flows.
    06 - Präsentation
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    It All Begins on the Surface
    (2022) Russell, Catherine; Allen, Jamie
    It All Begins on the Surface, Being a Sedimentologist in the Anthropocene is a set of discussions transcribed and edited toward an article for the Anthropocene Curriculum materials emerging from the Mississippi. An Anthropocene River, and as part of the extended Temporary continent. project. These generous discussions began as conversations between Dr. Catherine Russell, Anthropocene sedimentologist and US-UK Fulbright-Lloyd’s Visiting Scholar at the University of New Orleans, and Jamie Allen. It all started on a walk, continued on a bus trip, and proceeded through online calls, messaging, and email, including during a pandemic and its lockdowns, for quite a long time—three touching and delicate years of intermittent check-ins paying witness to changing perspectives, sometimes difficult realizations, and the generative magic of discussion between people with rather different perspectives. When the Anthropocene River group witnessed the ongoing transformations taking place along the Mississippi River, it was already clear that we are in a period in which the world will increasingly expect, need, and rely on “answers” from people like Catherine—geologists, geoscientists, geographers, and the like. That is, those wehope can help us make sense of “the Earth,” and, perhaps, how to better be Earthlings.
    10 - Elektronische-/ Webpublikation