Barjak, Franz

Barjak, Franz


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    Influences of the regional and national economic environment on the technology transfer performance of academic institutions in Europe
    (Springer, 2016) Barjak, Franz; Es-Sadki, Nordine; Audretsch, David B.; Lehmann, Erik; Meoli, Michele; Vismara, Silvio [in: University Evolution, Entrepreneurial Activity and Regional Competitiveness]
    The paper looks how the national and regional environment influence the knowledge and technology transfer (KTT) performance of universities and public research institutes. We regress a number of institutional control variables, country dummies and variables for region size and economic structure, per capita income, technology intensity, andR&Dintensity on four different tech transfer performance measures (R&D agreements with companies, patent applications, start-ups, licence agreements). Drawing on data from a survey of more than 200 European institutions we find: (1) Country differences are related to differences in the institutional set-up of technology transfer and to the (regional) economic environment which suggests multi-level analyses to properly take these interactions into account. (2) Institutions in a country usually excel for one performance measure which we take as a supporting argument for the development of transfer strategies. (3) Having manufacturing companies and a large share of governmental R&D expenditure in the region matter more than the technology intensity and R&D intensity of the regional economy. The latter result is counterintuitive and indicates that further research is needed in order to understand better where the clients of university technologies actually come from.
    04 - Beitrag Sammelband oder Konferenzschrift
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    From the analogue divide to the hybrid divide: the internet does not ensure equality of access to information in science
    (Idea Group, 2006) Barjak, Franz; Hine, Christine [in: New Infrastructures for Knowledge Production: understanding e-science]
    New Infrastructures for Knowledge Production: Understanding E-Science offers a distinctive understanding of new infrastructures for knowledge production based in science and technology studies. This field offers a unique potential to assess systematically the prospects for new modes of science enabled by information and communication technologies. The authors use varied methodological approaches, reviewing the origins of initiatives to develop e-science infrastructures, exploring the diversity of the various solutions and the scientific cultures which use them, and assessing the prospects for wholesale change in scientific structures and practices. New Infrastructures for Knowledge Production: Understanding E-Science contains practical advice for the design of appropriate technological solutions, and long range assessments of the prospects for change useful both to policy makers and those implementing institutional infrastructures. Readers interested in understanding contemporary science will gain a rich picture of the practices and the technologies that are shaping the knowledge production of the future.
    04 - Beitrag Sammelband oder Konferenzschrift