Biesel, Kay

Biesel, Kay


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    Errors and mistakes in child protection: an introduction
    (Policy Press, 03/2020) Biesel, Kay; Masson, Judith; Parton, Nigel; Pösö, Tarja; Biesel, Kay; Masson, Judith; Parton, Nigel; Pösö, Tarja [in: Errors and mistakes in child protection : International discourses, approaches and strategies]
    This chapter outline the thinking behind and rationale for the book on errros and mistakes in child protection, the key questions to be addressed and how the book is organised. It argue that errors and mistakes in child protection are an important issue in different countries across Europe, Scandinavia and North America. They attract public interest, media debates and influence changes in policy and practice. Such developments open up a number of important questions including: What are the impacts of errors and mistakes in child protection? What sorts of discourses inform the way errors and mistakes are understood and the way they are responded to? Are certain strategies seen as helpful in reducing errors and mistakes? The book analyses the developments in policy and practice in response to errors and mistakes in child protection in different countries. Chapters will cover the historical and political background of discourses on errors and mistakes in different countries and will show how errors and mistakes are constructed differently in different political and social contexts and have both similar and different impacts. The book demonstrate that what is understood as errors and mistakes varies both over time and across different jurisdictions. The chapter provide both the framework for the way the book is organized and will briefly introduce the contents of the different chapters.
    04 - Beitrag Sammelband oder Konferenzschrift
  • Publikation
    Errors and mistakes in child protection: understandings and responsibilities
    (Policy Press, 03/2020) Biesel, Kay; Cottier, Michelle; Biesel, Kay; Masson, Judith; Parton, Nigel; Pösö, Tarja [in: Errors and mistakes in child protection: International discourses, approaches and strategies]
    This chapter provide an overview and discussion of some of the key concepts and issues on errors and mistakes in child protection. It discuss different definitions on errors and mistakes and the most discussed approaches (including the plague approach; the person approach, the legal approach and the systems approach) together with the challenges of trying to avoid and deal with errors and mistakes in child protection. It demonstrate that a universally agreed definition of error and mistakes in child protection does not exist and that in fatal child protection cases are often seen as the result of errors and mistakes. The chapter discuss a central question in child protection which concerns the responsibility for errors and mistakes, how such responsibility is distributed and avoided, and how power relations both reflect and feed into such processes.
    04 - Beitrag Sammelband oder Konferenzschrift