Sander, Fabian

Fabian Sander


Gerade angezeigt 1 - 5 von 5
  • Vorschaubild
    Academic or vocational education? A comparison of the long-term wage development of academic and vocational tertiary degree holders
    (Springer, 2024) Kriesi, Irene; Sander, Fabian
    Education is a key determinant of wage development. The relationship between education and wages is particularly strong in countries with vocationally oriented educational systems and a clear distinction between general and vocational education, such as Germany and Switzerland. However, whether general and vocational education offer the same returns to education is an ongoing debate. Previous findings from international research are still inconclusive. Against this background and based on theoretical arguments from human capital and signalling theory and the task-specific learning-by-doing approach, our paper examines the long-term wage development of Swiss university and professional education degree holders from the time they obtain their tertiary degree until their late career. It asks how differences between the two groups in wage development may be explained. Our results, produced with regression decomposition methods, show that within the first 20 years after graduation, university degree holders experience steeper wage growth. An important reason for this difference is that university graduates move more often than vocational tertiary degree holders into well-paid labour market positions endowed with formal authority, management responsibility, and a large proportion of cognitive nonroutine tasks.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Publikation
    Transitions to professional education in Switzerland: the influence of institutional characteristics of the Swiss VET system
    (De Gruyter, 2021) Sander, Fabian; Kriesi, Irene
    Based on human capital and institutional theory, this article investigates whether transitions into professional education depend on institutional characteristics of the preceding initial vocational education and training program. The empirical analyses make use of the SLFS data. They show that vertically non‐differentiated initial vocational education and training programs with high shares of vocational school and standardized final exams increase the probability to enter professional education.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Publikation
    Upward mobility of students from lower-educated families in stratified educational systems: the role of social capital and work habits
    (Springer Nature, 2020) Buchmann, Marlis; Kriesi, Irene; Bayard, Sybille; Sander, Fabian; Bundel, Stephanie
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Vorschaubild
    Medium and long-term returns to professional education in Switzerland. Explaining differences between occupational fields
    (Cogitatio Press, 2019) Sander, Fabian; Kriesi, Irene
    In Switzerland, initial vocational education and training graduates may enter a track of the tertiary system called professional education. Professional education represents about one-third of the tertiary system, includes numerous vocational training courses, and prepares for managerial or expert positions. Despite its prevalence, the long-term returns to professional education have rarely been investigated due to lacking data. In order to fill this gap, we will estimate the long-term returns to professional education based on a novel methodological design. Secondly, we aim to explain the differences in the returns to professional education between occupational fields by making use of the task-based approach of Autor, Levy and Murnane (2003). Analyses are based on the Swiss Labour Force Survey from 1991–2016. Based on a quasi-panel with cohort fixed effects and on linear regression models, our results reveal average short-term returns to professional education of 7% and long-term returns of 11%. However, we find considerable differences in the returns between training fields, which can partly be attributed to differences in the change of task composition after completion of professional education between occupations.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Vorschaubild
    Irregular teacher turnover and student academic achievement in High Schools. A study in the subjects mathematics, German, French and History
    (Canadian Center of Science and Education, 2019) Aeschlimann, Belinda; Herzog, Walter; Sander, Fabian
    Teacher turnover that is not related to regular school transitions is a neglected topic of educational-psychological research. This study examines irregular teacher turnover and its effect on students’ academic achievement in the subjects Mathematics, German, French and History at four high schools of the canton of Berne, Switzerland. The study is based on an administrative dataset used to track the academic achievement of N = 1789 students from more than 100 classes. The results show that irregular teacher turnovers affect every 12th class on average, whereby definitive turnovers occur more frequently than temporary ones. In all examined subjects, panel data models show that irregular teacher turnovers have a more or less pronounced negative effect on students’ academic achievements. With respect to the students’ gender no significant differences have been observed.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift