Tobler, Christina
Psychologische Einflussfaktoren auf das Überschuldungsrisiko
2023-05, Tobler, Christina, Christoph Merian Stiftung
Psychologische Erkenntnisse und Theorien können zum Verständnis von Überschuldung von Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten beitragen, indem sie erklären, welche Aspekte unser (finanzielles) Entscheidungsverhalten beeinflussen, welche psychologischen Faktoren das Risiko einer Überschuldung verstärken und welche Folgen eine Armuts- und Überschuldungssituation für die psychische Gesundheit haben kann.
Consumers’ knowledge about climate change
2012-01-11, Tobler, Christina, Visschers, Vivianne, Siegrist, Michael
Several studies have unveiled various misconceptions about climate change that the public holds, for instance, confusion about climate change and ozone depletion. However, so far, there has been no uniform and standardized way to measure climate-related knowledge, which complicates comparisons between different countries or samples. To develop an extensive knowledge scale, we therefore examined the Swiss public’s understanding of climate change in a mail survey and related this scale to attitudes toward climate change. We thereby aimed to consider a broad range of climate-related knowledge, namely physical knowledge about CO2 and the greenhouse effect, knowledge about climate change and its causes, knowledge about the expected consequences of climate change, and action-related knowledge. The questionnaire included items of different degrees of difficulty, ranging from knowledge that is covered by newspapers to experts’ knowledge. Our findings indicate that people still hold several misconceptions, although people’s knowledge related to CO2 seems to have increased compared to previous studies. Of all knowledge subscales, knowledge about climate change and causes was most strongly related to attitudes toward climate change.
Smargo. Geteilte und umweltfreundliche Transportlogistik in der Stadt
2023-06-22, Tobler, Christina
Fahren ohne Steuer - ungeheuer? Selbstfahrende Autos aus der Konsumentenperspektive
2022-09-20, Tobler, Christina
Geteilte und umweltfreundliche Transportlogistik in der Stadt - Bedürfnisse von Kleinunternehmen
2023-06-13, Tobler, Christina
Smargo bietet ein innovatives Sharing-Angebot, bei dem elektrisch angetriebene Kleintransporter in Städten stundenweise gemietet werden können. Die umweltfreundlichen Fahrzeuge eignen sich u.a. für Lieferfahrten und könnten damit für Gewerbetreibende attraktiv sein. Doch welche Mobilitäts- und Logistikbedürfnisse haben städtische Gewerbetreibende – und welche Einstellungen, Motivation und Barrieren bestehen bezüglich der Nutzung von Smargo? Mit diesen und weiteren Fragen befasste sich die Studie, die an diesem Anlass vorgestellt wird.
Konsumentenverschuldung aus psychologischer Perspektive
2022-11-11, Tobler, Christina
Addressing climate change: Determinants of consumers' willingness to act and to support policy measures
2012-09, Tobler, Christina, Visschers, Vivianne, Siegrist, Michael
Consumers influence climate change through their consumption patterns and their support or dismissal of climate mitigation policy measures. Both climate-friendly actions and policy support comprise a broad range of options, which vary in manifold ways and, therefore, might be influenced by different factors. The aims of the study were, therefore, two-fold: first, we intended to find a meaningful way to classify different ways of addressing climate change. Second, we aimed to examine which determinants influence people's willingness to engage in these behaviors. We conducted a large-scale mail survey in Switzerland in which respondents rated, among other items, their willingness to act or support a range of possible actions and mitigations measures. A principal component analysis indicated that a distinction in terms of a behavior's directness as well as a differentiation according to perceived costs seem to be appropriate to classify climate-friendly actions. Multiple regression analyses showed that perceived costs and perceived climate benefit turned out to be the strongest predictors for willingness to act or to support climate policy measures. The strong influence of perceived climate benefit might reflect a strategy of reducing cognitive dissonance. As high-cost behaviors are more difficult to adopt, consumers may reduce dissonance by dismissing high-cost behaviors as not effective in terms of climate mitigation. Political affiliation proved to be another strong determinant of willingness to act or support. Participants on the right wing were less willing to show indirect climate-friendly behaviors, change their mobility behaviors, and to support any type of climate mitigation policy measures. Climate-friendly low-cost behaviors, however, were not influenced by political affiliation.