Zachlod, Cécile

Zachlod, Cécile


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‘Social’ media? How Swiss hospitals used social media platforms during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis

2023, Heuss, Sabina, Zachlod, Cécile, Miller, Barbara Therese

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Covid-19 Vaccination in Switzerland: Information and Disinformation in Social Media

2021, Verhoeven, Marcel, Zachlod, Cécile, Schibli, Olga

In a project in cooperation with the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH/BAG), from July 1 to December 31, 2021, information and disinformation on (vaccination and containment of) Covid-19 in social media contributions were investigated. The data consist of Switzerland-related social media contributions of private users on Covid-19. For the data retrieval a sophisticated monitoring tool (Ubermetrics) was deployed. The analysis method consisted in a first step of tool-based semi-automatic analysis of over 30'000 social media contributions. In a second step, to verify and enhance the results, qualitative content analysis was deployed to a representative sample of 2'000 social media contributions. In summary, on a monthly basis the findings of the pilot project point at a majority (57%) of social media posts that is not (entirely) conducive to vaccination or containment of the pandemic, and a volatile, but always substantial share of mis-/disinformation (50%) on Covid-19-related issues. The misinformation pertains to vaccination efficacy and side effects, but also to vaccination and containment of the pandemic as political repression, threats to individual and collective ‘freedom’. In addition, vaccination and containment of the pandemic are embedded in various types conspiracies. Furthermore, a strongly negative reputation of the transparency, competence, and social responsibility of (health) authorities, a controversial reputation of vaccination, as well as an underwhelming adoption of the key messages of authorities are in evidence.

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Social Media: Schritt für Schritt zum Erfolg

2020, Dalla Vecchia, Martina, Vogel, Tanja, Zachlod, Cécile, Peter, Marc K., Niedermann, André

Social Media Marketing für KMU. Mit einem Überblick der Methoden und dem Social Media Framework im Besonderen: 1. Social Media Strategie. 2. Social Media Organisation, 3. Social Media Plattformen, 4. Social Media Publikation 5. Social Media Monitoring.

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Search Engine Optimisation: Geklickt wird, was gefunden wird

2020, Griesser, Simone, Zachlod, Cécile, Peter, Marc K., Niedermann, André


Analytics of social media data - State of characteristics and application

2022, Zachlod, Cécile, Samuel, Olga, Ochsner, Andrea, Werthmüller, Sarah

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OWARNA - User needs in the "Future warning system" project

2021, Fuduric, Nikolina, Zachlod, Cécile, Bisang, Léonie

MeteoSwiss warns of weather hazards on behalf of the federal government. The current severe weather warning system of MeteoSwiss has been in operation for several years and is now to be renewed within the OWARNA2@MCH program based on the latest findings from natural and social science research. The main project of the OWARNA2@MCH program is the "Future Warning System" project. To define the parameters of a new warning system, it is important to combine the user needs with the benefits the warning system can provide. The effort that goes into producing a warning can only be justified if the warning reaches the user, the user understands it and takes action to avoid harm or casualties. A User Needs Analysis is part of Module 2 of the New Warning System project at MeteoSwiss. In addition to the public, important recipients of MeteoSwiss warnings are authorities such as cantons, municipalities and emergency response organizations. They derive regionally and locally specific consequences from the warnings, decide on necessary measures and ensure the protection of the population in the event of a serious incident. In order for the organizations concerned to be able to take the right measures in the event of an incident, the warnings must meet their needs and provide them with the best possible support in fulfilling their tasks. MeteoSwiss took to task to explore the data product/service needs of two main target groups: Natural Hazard Experts (from here on, mentioned as NHE) and Fire Commanders or Inspectors. At a “New Warning System” internal project workshop on October, 19. 2020, MeteoSwiss collected and jointly prioritized their questions for these target groups (presented in table 1). In cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW), these questions are partly answered through the qualitative and quantitative research process presented in this document. Their final resolution will occur at the Design-thinking workshops at the FHNW in Olten in June 2021. After the workshops, a photo protocol will be attached as Appendix C to this document. The workshop goals are to have two data product development iterations with representatives from both target groups and MeteoSwiss experts. The weather warning data product parameters or, in the language of Design-thinking, the design specifications are based on the quantitative data from this document. The collaboration between MeteoSwiss and the FHNW should also serve as a knowledge transfer and enable MeteoSwiss to carry out the Jobs-to-Be-Done method independently in the future.

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Multimodale Schreibkompetenz für die Suchmaschinenoptimierung

2020, Göldi, Susan, Zachlod, Cécile, Aebi, Adrian, Göldi, Susan, Weder, Mirjam

Beim Suchen und Finden per organische Suche indexiert die Suchmaschine - meistens Google - die Inhalte des World Wide Web und ruft bei einer Suchanfrage ihren eigenen Index mit Informationen ab, die sie an gewissen Textstellen gesammelt hat. Massnahmen, welche die Suchmaschine beim Indexieren unterstützen und eine Verbesserung im Ranking bewirken, werden als Search Engine Optimization (SEO, Suchmaschinenoptimierung) bezeichnet. In der Corporate Communication, in der Wissenschaftskommunikation, in der Aus- und Weiterbildung an Hochschulen ergeben sich auf Grund dieser Ausganganlage neue Anforderungen in Bezug auf Schreibkompetenzen: Schreibende müssen zunehmend fähig sein, ihre Texte online-gerecht und SEO-optimiert zu verfassen. Der Buchbeitrag gibt einen Überblick zur für Autorinnen und Autoren relevanten Literatur zur SEO-Optimierung von Texten. Die drei wichtigsten Strategien zum Schreiben für Online-Medien mit Blick auf Suchmaschinen werden erläutert.

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The social media monitoring process and its role in social media strategy development

2021, Zachlod, Cécile, Peter, Marc K., Martínez-López, Francisco J., López López, David

Social media marketing is an integral part of digital marketing. It requires a strategy, user generated content and technology applications. A review of the identified German literature unveiled eighteen social media strategy frameworks, of which only three included the component of social media monitoring. This is in contrast to the English literature, where social media monitoring is evidenced in a large literature review. The research analyses and describes the eighteen identified frameworks in the German literature, validates them against a generic social media strategy framework consisting of seven components/steps; and describes the underrepresented component of social media monitoring by suggesting a four-step process.

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Social media and reputation management. Social media listening techniques, tools and KPIs

2020, Zachlod, Cécile, Lindeque, Johan Paul

This report will first define the important fields of reputation management, online reputation management (ORM) and social media monitoring. In doing so, social media monitoring will be shown to be a process. This is then followed by a brief explanation of how social media monitoring tools work and a discussion of what should be considered in general when selecting such a tool for monitoring corporate reputation on social media. This is followed by a market analysis of social media monitoring tools, supported by a supplementary Excel overview of these tools. This is followed by a brief explanation of what should be considered in general when implementing such a tool. The report concludes with a presentation of the key performance indicators (KPI) that can be adopted for assessing corporate reputation on social media and online, to support the strategic engagement with reputation management on social media.

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Social media and reputation management. Accessing social media data and detecting social bots

2020, Zachlod, Cécile, Lindeque, Johan Paul

Social media has emerged as a critical domain with respect to corporate reputation management. Correspondingly a number of task specific offerings are available to support firms to monitor the engagement with their products and brands online (also known as social listening). These offerings are however subject to limitations, not least the ability to achieve long term archiving of social media activity for a given brand and its products/services and the ability to integrate this social media activity with other key business intelligence being gathered by a given firm. Given these needs the FHNW School of Business at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland has developed a research project to scope out the identified research needs in anticipation of a full application for a collaborative research project via application to Innosuisse in 2020. This project seeks to understand current best practice in big data database design for historic and real time data collection and analysis (Module 1), as well as how this can be integrated with social media monitoring. Additionally, it will provide a competitive review of providers in the market for social media reputation management (Module 2), focusing on leading actors and techniques they apply. Identifying the current best practices of the leading social media reputation management providers identified (Module 3). Capturing tools, techniques and approaches that are currently available in the market and which are seen as best in class. Describe the current state of knowledge on accessing social media data and techniques for identifying social bots in support of developing a technological proof of concept for social media chat bot analysis (Module 4). These activities prepare a final project report and the initial draft of the follow-on application to Innosuisse for a larger innovation project.