Tappert, Simone

Tappert, Simone


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  • Vorschaubild
    Urbane Räume im digitalen Wandel
    (vhw Dienstleistung, 01/2025) Tappert, Simone; Suter, Aline
    99 - Sonstiges
  • Publikation
    01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder Zeitung
  • Vorschaubild
    Participatory budgeting as an inclusive placemaking driver. Different European and American practices
    (Brill, 23.12.2024) Polko, Paulina; Mehan, Asma; Kimic, Kinga; Tappert, Simone; Suter, Aline; Petrovski, Aleksandar; Rotondo, Francesco; Djukic, Aleksandra; Hansen, Preben; Manahasa, Edmond; Fathi, Mastoureh; García-Esparza, Juan A.
    Participatory budgeting (PB) is a paradigm that empowers residents to directly decide how a portion of the public budget is spent. Specifically, residents deliberate over spending priorities and vote over how the budget should be allocated to different public projects. As such it is a mechanism of top-down transfer of decisions on the part of budgetary expenditure to citizens. In recent years, PB has become a central topic of discussion and an important field of innovation for those involved in local development, considered one of the most successful democratic innovations of the last 25 years. Participatory budgeting contributes significantly to participatory democracy, inclusiveness processes and placemaking, but some factors limit the scale of these aspects. However, a relatively simple idea – that “ordinary citizens” should have a direct say in public budgets that impact them – has travelled the world by the most unexpected routes and landed in unlikely sites. There is no precise model for PB programmes. While there are similar tenets and institutional mechanisms, PB programmes are structured in response to each city or state’s particular political, social and economic environment. Therefore, it is necessary to consider to what extent PB strengthens the discussed processes, whether it allows reaching new, inactive groups of citizens and includes them in the decision-making process regarding shaping public spaces. The popularity of this tool carries the risk that it will be used to build the image of local government instead of significantly increasing the participation of citizens in deciding on local public spaces. The chapter aims to present and analyse participatory budgeting practices in four European and North American countries (Switzerland, Poland, North Macedonia and the United States of America) to show the role of PB in placemaking processes by the levels and forms of participation, the analysis of representativeness of PB participants (inclusiveness), placemaking impact and its level of digitisation. The proposed comparative analysis allows for assessing the importance of the tool for increasing social participation, which is participatory budgeting, for understanding its limitations and suggesting directions for its improvement to shape more inclusive, friendly and open public spaces.
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
  • Vorschaubild
    The role of digital technologies in urban co-creation practices
    (Centre of Sociological Research, 09/2024) Slingerland, Geertje; Mikusch, Gerfried; Tappert, Simone; Paraschivoiu, Irina; Vettori, Brigitte; Tellioglu, Hilda
    Citizen engagement in urban planning is essential to designingurbanspaces that are just and responsive to societal challenges. Consequently, local stakeholders are invited into urban co-creation processes. Digital tools are often used in this process to shape urban futures together. This paper explores what role digital technologies play in urban co-creation through five case studies from European cities that were presented at a workshop during the 11th Communities and Technologies conference. The Co-Design Framework is used to analyse the cases and understand how digitaltools support collaboration on different levels throughout the design cycle. The findings help to design more effective digital tools for urban co-creation and provide an analysis methodology to compare and contrast urban co-creation practices across cases varying in scale, time, and utilised tools.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Vorschaubild
    Digitalisierung und Gemeinwesenarbeit. Das Partizipative Budget als Instrument digitaler Beteiligungsprozesse in Schweizer Städten
    (Beltz Juventa, 30.07.2024) Tappert, Simone; Suter, Aline; Neumaier, Stefanie; Dörr, Madeleine; Botzum, Edeltraud
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
  • Vorschaubild
    Digital rights to the city: local practices and negotiations of urban space on Decidim
    (Cogitatio Press, 2024) Suter, Aline; Kaiser, Lars; Dušek, Martin; Hasler, Florin; Tappert, Simone
    The organization, management, and production of urban space through digital information and communication technologies have become a central means for governing urban life. To overcome a lack of citizen-centered practices in today’s smart cities, governments and municipalities institutionalize citizen-centered digital infrastructures such as Decidim, a digital infrastructure proposing non-corporate, decentralized, and collaborative forms of digital production to evoke participatory governance practices and ultimately social transformation (Barandiaran et al., 2018). Swiss city administrations have adapted the Decidim platform for participatory budgeting processes and city-wide participation platforms since 2019. This article explores the process of institutional adoption, focusing on how the use of Decidim impacts local practices and negotiations for governing urban space. The examination of the Decidim platform in the Swiss cities of Zurich and Lucerne will be framed by re-conceptualizing Lefebvre’s right to the city in the age of digital transformation. The findings show that for a successful introduction of the Decidim platform based on principles of the right to the city (a) local needs for a new digital democratic instrument need to be pre-existent, (b) government employees must implement a scope of action which allows organized civil society and grassroots initiatives to appropriate the infrastructure for their own purposes, and (c) local practices of hybrid communication and organizing must be aligned with the structure of the platform. Nevertheless, digital participation tools such as Decidim cannot solve entrenched inequalities such as the financialization of land, the issue of disadvantaged neighborhoods, or the absence of voting rights for certain communities. Therefore, city administrations need to integrate hybrid participation strategies which prioritise collective power over distributive power as well as tackle urban inequalities through political means.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Vorschaubild
    Citizen participation, digital agency, and urban development
    (Cogitatio Press, 2024) Tappert, Simone; Mehan, Asma; Tuominen, Pekka; Varga, Zsuzsanna
    03 - Sammelband
  • Vorschaubild
    Editorial. Citizen participation, digital agency, and urban development
    (Cogitatio Press, 2024) Tappert, Simone; Mehan, Asma; Tuominen, Pekka; Varga, Zsuzsanna
    Today’s exponential advancement of information and communication technologies is reconfiguring participatory urban development practices. The use of digital technology implies new forms of decentralised governance, collaborative knowledge production, and social activism. The digital transformation has the potential to overcome shortcomings in citizen participation, make participatory processes more deliberative, and enable collaborative approaches for making cities. While digital tools such as digital mapping, e-participation platforms, location-based games, and social media offer new opportunities for the various actors and may act as a catalyst for renegotiating urban space and collective goods, digitalisation can also perpetuate or even attenuate existing inequalities and exclusion. This editorial introduces the thematic issue “Citizen Participation, Digital Agency, and Urban Development” which focuses on the trajectories and (dis)continuities of citizen participation through digitalisation and elaborates this with examples from Europe and Asia on how the digital transformation impacts, challenges, or reproduces hegemonic power relations in urban development.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Vorschaubild
    Nachbarschaften machen Stadt. Nachbarschaftsinitiativen und -vereine als Treiber der Quartiersentwicklung und Kooperationspartner*innen der raumbezogenen Sozialen Arbeit
    (Springer VS, 2023) Tappert, Simone; Oehler, Patrick; Janett, Sandra; Guhl, Jutta; Fabian, Carlo; Michon, Bruno
    Globale Nachrichten über Klimawandel, Finanzkrisen und Umwälzungen in verschiedenen Ländern und die zunehmende Ausprägung städtischer Phänomene wie Verdrängung und Segregation verunsichern die zivilgesellschaftliche Bevölkerung und führen zu Reaktionen entlang von Rückzug und Protest. In städtischen Räumen lässt sich eine zunehmende Selbstorganisation der Zivilgesellschaft in Form von Nachbarschaftsinitiativen und -vereinen konstatieren, die sich als Akteur*innen der Stadtentwicklung positionieren. Dabei entwickeln und treiben sie ihre eigenen Konzepte und Lösungsansätze für gesellschaftliche und stadtentwicklungspolitische Fragestellungen voran und fordern ihr Recht auf Mit- und Selbstbestimmung ein, unter gleichzeitiger Wahrung ihrer Autonomie und Unabhängigkeit. Die raumbezogene Soziale Arbeit ist über unterschiedliche Handlungsfelder in die Planung und Entwicklung von Quartieren eingewoben und muss sich in dieser Rekonstituierung einer local governance neu positionieren. Der Beitrag zeigt anhand einer qualitativen Studie in Berlin Kreuzberg auf, welche Potenziale sich durch einen kooperativen Handlungsansatz ergeben, wie dieser gestaltet werden kann, und welche Herausforderungen und Chancen sich daraus für die beteiligten Akteur*innen ergeben. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der kooperative Ansatz eine hohe Reaktionsfähigkeit, Flexibilität und Pragmatismus, aber auch das Aufgeben eines Steuerungsanspruchs benötigt, sowie die Kompetenz, mit unterschiedlichen Rationalitäten und Logiken der vielfältigen Akteur*innen umzugehen. Dadurch können neue Perspektiven, innovative Praktiken und Veränderungen ermöglicht und gefördert werden.
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
  • Publikation
    Idealizations of placemaking. The configuration of digital participation through ICT
    (ACM, 2023) Tappert, Simone; Suter, Aline; Wolff, Annika; Siemon, Dominik
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift