Tappert, Simone

Tappert, Simone


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    Digital rights to the city: local practices and negotiations of urban space on Decidim
    (Cogitatio Press, 2024) Suter, Aline; Kaiser, Lars; Dušek, Martin; Hasler, Florin; Tappert, Simone [in: Urban Planning]
    The organization, management, and production of urban space through digital information and communication technologies have become a central means for governing urban life. To overcome a lack of citizen-centered practices in today’s smart cities, governments and municipalities institutionalize citizen-centered digital infrastructures such as Decidim, a digital infrastructure proposing non-corporate, decentralized, and collaborative forms of digital production to evoke participatory governance practices and ultimately social transformation (Barandiaran et al., 2018). Swiss city administrations have adapted the Decidim platform for participatory budgeting processes and city-wide participation platforms since 2019. This article explores the process of institutional adoption, focusing on how the use of Decidim impacts local practices and negotiations for governing urban space. The examination of the Decidim platform in the Swiss cities of Zurich and Lucerne will be framed by re-conceptualizing Lefebvre’s right to the city in the age of digital transformation. The findings show that for a successful introduction of the Decidim platform based on principles of the right to the city (a) local needs for a new digital democratic instrument need to be pre-existent, (b) government employees must implement a scope of action which allows organized civil society and grassroots initiatives to appropriate the infrastructure for their own purposes, and (c) local practices of hybrid communication and organizing must be aligned with the structure of the platform. Nevertheless, digital participation tools such as Decidim cannot solve entrenched inequalities such as the financialization of land, the issue of disadvantaged neighborhoods, or the absence of voting rights for certain communities. Therefore, city administrations need to integrate hybrid participation strategies which prioritise collective power over distributive power as well as tackle urban inequalities through political means.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Idealisierungen von Nachbarschaft. Eine kommentierte Literatursichtung
    (Springer VS, 2022) Drilling, Matthias; Drilling, Matthias; Tappert, Simone; Schnur, Olaf; Käser, Nadine; Oehler, Patrick [in: Nachbarschaften in der Stadtentwicklung]
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
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    Nachbarschaften als „postmoderne“ Phänomene. Perspektiven und Zugänge von Fachpersonen aus der Stadt Berlin
    (Springer VS, 2022) Oehler, Patrick; Käser, Nadine; Drilling, Matthias; Tappert, Simone; Schnur, Olaf; Käser, Nadine; Oehler, Patrick [in: Nachbarschaften in der Stadtentwicklung. Idealisierungen, Alltagsräume und professionelles Handlungswissen]
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
  • Publikation
    Factsheets Nachbarschaft
    (vhw Dienstleistung, 2021) Beck, Sebastian; Becker, Anna; Drilling, Matthias; Oehler, Patrick; Schnur, Olaf; Tappert, Simone [in: Forschung - Denkwerkstatt Quartier]
    Die Factsheets widmen sich kompakt und praxisnah verschiedenen Aspekten von Nachbarschaft. Aus der wissenschaftlichen Beschäftigung mit dem Thema ist die Idee entstanden, eine alltagsbezogene Handreichung zu entwickeln, die fest auf wissenschaftlichem Boden verankert ist. Das Team um Matthias Drilling, Simone Tappert, Patrick Oehler und Olaf Schnur arbeitet in verschiedenen Kontexten zu Nachbarschafts- und Quartiersthemen. Sebastian Beck und Anna Becker haben das Team beim Verfassen der Factsheets zu den Themen Nachbarschaftsinitiativen bzw. Digitale Nachbarschaften ergänzt.
    99 - Sonstiges
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    Sozialplanung und die Rolle der Sozialen Arbeit am Beispiel der Region Basel. Ergebnisse einer explorativen Studie
    (Springer VS, 2015) Dittmann, Jörg; Tappert, Simone; Wüthrich, Bernadette; Amstutz, Jeremias; Fritze, Agnès [in: Soziale Versorgung zukunftsfähig gestalten]
    04 - Beitrag Sammelband oder Konferenzschrift