Voss, Jeronimo

Voss, Jeronimo


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Produktion, Reproduktion, Kooperation: Die Villa von der ‚negativen Utopie‘ zum Gemeinschaftshaus

2018, Voss, Jeronimo, Stiehl, Martin, Sehrt, Jessica, Tattara, Martino, Aureli, Pier Vittorio

Today more than ever, production transcends the boundaries that, since modernity, separated the domestic space from the workplace. New forms of production imply the overlap between work and life, to the point that they become indistinguishable. This condition clashes with the very purpose of the domestic interior, which, since its invention in the eighteenth century, supposedly existed in compensatory opposition to the work sphere. Commenting on the emergence of the domestic interior, Walter Benjamin wrote that “For the private individual, the place of dwelling is for the first time opposed to the place of work. The former constitutes itself as interior. Its complement is the office. The private individual, who in the office has to deal with reality, needs the domestic interior to sustain him in his illusions.” Source: Dogma, Realism Working Group: „Production, Reproduction, Co-Operation: The Villa from “Negative Utopia” to Communal House“, in: The Property Issue – Ground Control and the Commons, Aachen 2018, Page 154–173, hier S. 154

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Dogma + Realism Working Group: Communal Villa. Production and Reproduction in Artists’ Housing

2015, Burghardt, Robert, Voss, Jeronimo, Jessica, Sehrt, Martin, Stiehl, Tattara, Martino, Schmidt, Florian, Aureli, Pier Vittorio

Wie kann die Wohnungsfrage in einer Zeit, in der sich die Differenz zwischen Leben und Arbeit immer mehr auflöst, neu formuliert werden? Die Realism Working Group und das Architekturbüro Dogma, beraten von Florian Schmidt, Atelierbeauftragter des Kulturwerks bbk berlin, entwerfen neue Wohn- und Arbeitsräume für Künstler*innen, die traditionelle Raumkonzepte und deren ökonomische Strukturen in Frage stellen.

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Artists’ Studios in Berlin. Interview with Florian Schmidt

2015, Voss, Jeronimo, Sehrt, Jessica, Tattara, Martino, Aureli, Pier Vittorio, Stiehl, Martin, Florian, Schmidt, Hirsch, Nikolaus, Peleg, Hila, Kuehn, Wilfried, Fezer, Jesko, Hiller, Christian

How can the housing question (Wohnungsfrage) be appropriately reformulated in an age in which the work / life distinction is becoming increasingly blurred? The Realism Working Group and the architecture firm Dogma – in consultation with Florian Schmidt, Studio Commissioner of the Kulturwerk bbk berlin – are developing new living and working spaces for artists that challenge traditional designs and their underlying economic frameworks.

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Production, Reproduction, Co-operation: The Villa from “Negative Utopia” to Communal House

2015, Voss, Jeronimo, Sehrt, Jessica, Tattara, Martino, Aureli, Pier Vittorio, Stiehl, Martin, Hirsch, Nikolaus, Hiller, Christian, Peleg, Hila, Wilfried, Kuehn, Fezer, Jesko

How can the housing question (Wohnungsfrage) be appropriately reformulated in an age in which the work / life distinction is becoming increasingly blurred? The Realism Working Group and the architecture firm Dogma – in consultation with Florian Schmidt, Studio Commissioner of the Kulturwerk bbk berlin – are developing new living and working spaces for artists that challenge traditional designs and their underlying economic frameworks.