Kuentz, Martin

Kuentz, Martin


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Investigating oral absorption of carbamazepine in paediatric populations

2017, Kohlmann, Philip, Stillhart, Cordula, Parrot, Neil, Kuentz, Martin

Prediction of the pharmacokinetics of orally administered drugs in children is of importance to optimize the efficacy and safety of pediatric medicines. Physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models can be helpful for this purpose. However, application of these tools is limited by significant knowledge gaps regarding the physiological and anatomical changes which occur with age. This study aimed at investigating the age-dependent differences in oral absorption of a poorly soluble model compound, carbamazepine (CBZ) in children, infants, and neonates. We developed an oral absorption model in GastroPlus® and, after evaluation of the PBPK model for adults, extrapolation to younger ages was verified with clinical data and sensitivity analyses were applied for uncertain model parameters. We found that age-based scaling of physiological parameters, with clearance in particular, was important to obtain adequate simulation results. The sensitivity analysis revealed that CBZ absorption was influenced by solubility, particle radius, and small intestinal transit time depending on the pediatric age group and CBZ dose. However, in vitro dissolution testing using proposed pediatric biorelevant media suggested no major age dependency of dissolution kinetics. Such better understanding of oral absorption in pediatric patients is required to improve the prediction of exposure in children and the confidence in oral biopharmaceutical tools.

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Biorelevant drug solubility enhancement modeled by a linear solvation energy relationship

2017, Niederquell, Andreas, Kuentz, Martin

It is for the pharmaceutical sciences of vital importance to understand how drugs are solubilized in biorelevant media. However, the complexity of fasted state simulated intestinal fluid (FaSSIF) has so far hampered adequate solubility modeling. The present study focuses on apparently neutral compounds at physiological pH and a linear free energy relationship is introduced for biorelevant drug solubilization. Based on literature data of 40 compounds, the Abraham solvation descriptors were calculated from chemical structure to then predict the ratio of solubility enhancement log(SE) in FaSSIF compared to aqueous buffer solubility at pH 6.5. A suitable model was obtained with R2 of 0.810 and notable were especially the positive effect of McGowan's characteristic volume and the negative effect of drug basicity. A negative influence on log(SE) was further evidenced for dipolarity/polarizability and for the excess molar refraction descriptor. A positive solubilization effect was obtained for drug acidity and hence the tendency for proton donation, which was likely due to the different proton-accepting moieties of taurocholic acid and lecithin that are both present in the mixed colloids of FaSSIF. Overall, an improved understanding was achieved regarding the molecular features that are driving drug solubilization in biorelevant media.