Hinkelmann, Knut

Hinkelmann, Knut


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  • Publikation
    Fact checking: detection of check worthy statements through support vector machine and feed forward neural network
    (Springer, 2021) Ahmed, Sajjad; Balla, Klestia; Hinkelmann, Knut; Corradini, Flavio; Arai, Kohei [in: Advances in information and communication. Proceedings of the 2021 Future of Information and Communication Conference (FICC)]
    Detection of check-worthy statements is a subtask in the fact-checking process, automation of which would decrease the time and burden required to fact-check a statement. This paper proposes an approach focused on the classification of statements into check-worthy and not check-worthy. For the current paper, a dataset is constructed by consulting different fact-checking organizations. It contains debates and speeches in the domain of politics. Thus, even the ability of check worthy approach is evaluated on this domain. It starts with extracting sentence-level and context features from the sentences, and classifying them based on these features. The feature set and context were chosen after several experiments, based on how well they differentiate check-worthy statements. The findings indicated that the context in the approach gives considerable contribution in the classification, while also using more general features to capture information from the sentences. The results were analyzed by examining all features used, assessing their contribution in classification, and how well the approach performs in speeches and debates separately to detect the check worthy statements to reduce the time and burden of fact checking process.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
  • Publikation
    Combining machine learning with knowledge engineering to detect fake news in social networks - A survey
    (2019) Ahmed, Sajjad; Hinkelmann, Knut; Corradini, Flavio; Martin, Andreas; Martin, Andreas; Hinkelmann, Knut; Gerber, Aurona; Lenat, Doug; van Harmelen, Frank [in: Proceedings of the AAAI 2019 Spring Symposium on Combining Machine Learning with Knowledge Engineering (AAAI-MAKE 2019)]
    Due to extensive spread of fake news on social and news media it became an emerging research topic now a days that gained attention. In the news media and social media the information is spread highspeed but without accuracy and hence detection mechanism should be able to predict news fast enough to tackle the dissemination of fake news. It has the potential for negative impacts on individuals and society. Therefore, detecting fake news on social media is important and also a technically challenging problem these days. We knew that Machine learning is helpful for building Artificial intelligence systems based on tacit knowledge because it can help us to solve complex problems due to real word data. On the other side we knew that Knowledge engineering is helpful for representing experts knowledge which people aware of that knowledge. Due to this we proposed that integration of Machine learning and knowledge engineering can be helpful in detection of fake news. In this paper we present what is fake news, importance of fake news, overall impact of fake news on different areas, different ways to detect fake news on social media, existing detections algorithms that can help us to overcome the issue, similar application areas and at the end we proposed combination of data driven and engineered knowledge to combat fake news. We studied and compared three different modules text classifiers, stance detection applications and fact checking existing techniques that can help to detect fake news. Furthermore, we investigated the impact of fake news on society. Experimental evaluation of publically available datasets and our proposed fake news detection combination can serve better in detection of fake news.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift