Hinkelmann, Knut

Hinkelmann, Knut


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Business Process as a Service (BPaaS): The Smart BPaaS Design Environment

2016, Hinkelmann, Knut

This paper introduces the project idea of Business Processes as a Services (BPaaS) that is worked out in the H2020 project CloudSocket. Concept models and semantics are used to align domain specific business processes with executable workflows that are deployed and in production in a multi-cloud environment. The Business Process Management System Paradigm (BPMS) is requesting the functional capabilities of the so-called BPaaS Environments (i) design, (ii) allocation, (iii) execution and (iv) evaluation, which technically compose the CloudSocket Broker platform. This paper introduces first findings of aligning customers’ business needs with BPaaS cloud offerings using a model-based approach.


Connecting Enterprise Architecture and Information Objects Using an Enterprise Ontology

2013-11, Hinkelmann, Knut

In this paper we show how semantic metadata – derived from the enterprise architecture description - can improve both the exploitation of information in the operative business and the continuous alignment of information systems with the business. ArchiMEO, a formal representation of the ArchiMate framework, was applied to model selected parts of a large Swiss company, including metadata of concrete information objects stored in various applications. The evaluation of our approach clearly gave evidence that linking an enterprise ontology with operational databases is beneficiary: it provides an integrated view and management of enterprise entities spread over various data stores, represented in different ways and levels of granularity. Furthermore, because of its inference capabilities, when used as metadata encoding scheme an enterprise ontology can provide context-sensitive access to relevant information.


PROMOTE - Methodologie und Werkzeug für geschäftsprozessorientiertes Wissensmanagement

2002-05-14T00:00:00Z, Hinkelmann, Knut

Erfolgreiches Wissensmanagement setzt voraus, dass es in die tägliche Arbeit integriert ist, wie sie durch die Geschäftsprozesse eines Unternehmens vorgegeben wird. Wissensmanagement muss deshalb als integraler Bestandteil von Geschäftsprozessen und deren Gestaltung betrachtet werden. Wissen ist für ein Unternehmen relevant, wenn es die Geschäftsprozesse verbessert. In diesem Buch werden praxisrelevante Techniken und Vorgehensweisen beschrieben, mit deren Hilfe relevantes Wissen identifiziert, gesichert und gezielt zur Bearbeitung von Prozessaktivitäten bereitgestellt werden kann.


Business Process Flexibility and Decision-aware Modeling - The Knowledge Work Designer

2016, Hinkelmann, Knut

This chapter describes the Knowledge Work Designer, a modelling method for knowledge work. It is based on two principles: (1) the separation of business logic and process logic and (2) the support of both structures and unstructured knowledge. Process logic can be represented in a structured way in BPMN and in a non-structured way with CMMN. For real processes there is no strict separation between structured processes and cases. Therefore the Knowledge Work Designer offers a deep integration of BPMN and CMMN. Business logic can be represented in a structured way using decision tables. Unstructured business logic can be represented in documents. The separation of business logic and process logic allows for simpler process model and easier maintenance.

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Learning Business Rules for Adaptive Process Models

2012, Hinkelmann, Knut

This work presents a new approach to handling knowledge-intensive business processes in an adaptive, flexible and accurate way. We propose to support processes by executing a process skeleton, consisting of the most important recurring activities of the process, through a workflow engine. This skeleton should be kept simple. The corresponding workflow is complemented by two features: firstly, a task management tool through which workflow tasks are delivered and that give human executors flexibility and freedom to adapt tasks by adding subtasks and resources as required by the context. And secondly, a component that learns business rules from the log files of this task management and that will predict subtasks and resources on the basis of knowledge from previous executions. We present supervised and unsupervised approaches for rule learning and evaluate both on a real business process with 61 instances. Results are promising, showing that meaningful rules can be learned even from this comparatively small data set.

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Combining Bottom-Up and Top-Down Generation of Interactive Knowledge Maps for Enterprise Search

2014, Hinkelmann, Knut

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Ontologies for e-government

2010-01-04T00:00:00Z, Hinkelmann, Knut