Martin, Andreas

Martin, Andreas


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Ontology-driven enhancement of process mining with domain knowledge

2023, Eichele, Simon, Hinkelmann, Knut, Spahic, Maja, Martin, Andreas, Fill, Hans-Georg, Gerber, Aurona, Hinkelmann, Knut, Lenat, Doug, Stolle, Reinhard, Harmelen, Frank van

Process mining is a technique used to analyze and understand business processes. It uses as input the event log, a type of data used to represent the sequence of activities occurring within a business process. An event log typically contains information such as the case ID, the performed activity’s name, the activity’s timestamp, and other data associated with the activity. By analyzing event logs, organizations can gain a deeper understanding of their business processes, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to optimize their operations. However, as the event logs contain data collected from different systems involved in the process, such as ERP, CRM, or WfMS systems, they often lack the necessary context and knowledge to analyze and fully comprehend business processes. By extending the event logs with domain knowledge, organizations can gain a more complete and accurate insight into their business processes and make more informed decisions about optimizing them. This paper presents an approach for enhancing process mining with domain knowledge preserved in domain-specific OWL ontologies. Event logs are typically stored in structured form in relational databases. This approach first converts the process data into an event log which is then mapped with ontology concepts. The ontology contains classes and individuals representing background knowledge of the domain, which supports the understanding of the data. A class for the specific activities forms the link between the event log and the ontology. In this manner, it is possible to map the domain knowledge to a particular case and activity. This allows to determine conditions that must be satisfied for executing tasks and to prune discovered process models if they are too complex. This approach is demonstrated using data from the student admission process at FHNW and has been implemented in Protégé.


Learning and engineering similarity functions for business recommenders

2019, Witschel, Hans Friedrich, Martin, Andreas, Martin, Andreas, Hinkelmann, Knut, Gerber, Aurona, Lenat, Doug, Harmelen, Frank van, Clark, Peter

We study the optimisation of similarity measures in tasks where the computation of similarities is not directly visible to end users, namely clustering and case-based recommenders. In both, similarity plays a crucial role, but there are also other algorithmic components that contribute to the end result. Our suggested approach introduces a new form of interaction into these scenarios that make the use of similarities transparent to end users and thus allows to gather direct feedback about similarity from them. This happens without distracting them from their goal – rather allowing them to obtain better and more trustworthy results by excluding dissimilar items. We then propose to use the feedback in a way that incorporates machine learning for updating weights and decisions of knowledge engineers about possible additional features, based on insights derived from a summary of user feedback. The reviewed literature and our own previous empirical investigations suggest that this is the most feasible way – involving both machine and human, each in a task that they are particularly good at.

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Proceedings of the AAAI 2019 Spring Symposium on Combining Machine Learning with Knowledge Engineering (AAAI-MAKE 2019)

2019, Martin, Andreas, Hinkelmann, Knut, Gerber, Aurona, Lenat, Doug, Harmelen, Frank van, Clark, Peter