Pande, Charuta

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Charuta Pande

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  • Publication
    Domain-specific embeddings for question-answering systems. FAQs for health coaching
    (Stanford University, 2024) Martin, Andreas; Pande, Charuta; Schwander, Sandro; Ajuwon, Ademola J.; Pimmer, Christoph; Petrick, Ron; Geib, Christopher
    FAQs are widely used to respond to users’ knowledge needs within knowledge domains. While LLM might be a promising way to address user questions, they are still prone to hallucinations i.e., inaccurate or wrong responses, which, can, inter alia, lead to massive problems, including, but not limited to, ethical issues. As a part of the healthcare coach chatbot for young Nigerian HIV clients, the need to meet their information needs through FAQs is one of the main coaching requirements. In this paper, we explore if domain knowledge in HIV FAQs can be represented as text embeddings to retrieve similar questions matching user queries, thus improving the understanding of the chatbot and the satisfaction of the users. Specifically, we describe our approach to developing an FAQ chatbot for the domain of HIV. We used a predefined FAQ question-answer knowledge base in English and Pidgin co-created by HIV clients and experts from Nigeria and Switzerland. The results of the post-engagement survey show that the chatbot mostly understood the user’s questions and could identify relevant matching questions and retrieve an appropriate response.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
  • Publication
    Visualisierung von Mustern für hybrides Lernen und Reasoning mit menschlicher Beteiligung
    (Springer, 2023) Witschel, Hans Friedrich; Pande, Charuta; Martin, Andreas; Laurenzi, Emanuele; Hinkelmann, Knut; Dornberger, Rolf
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
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    A new approach for teaching programming: model-based agile programming (MBAD)
    (ACM, 2023) Telesko, Rainer; Spahic, Maja; Hinkelmann, Knut; Pande, Charuta
    Designing courses for introductory programming courses with a heterogeneous audience (business and IT background as well) is a challenging task. In an internal project of the School of Business at the FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) a group of lecturers developed a concept entitled “Model-based agile development” (MBAD) which supports the learning of elementary programming concepts in an agile environment and builds the basis for advanced courses. MBAD will be used as a basic learning module for various Bachelor programs at the FHNW.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Towards hybrid dialog management strategies for a health coach chatbot
    (2023) Pande, Charuta; Martin, Andreas; Pimmer, Christoph
    We present an iterative and incremental approach to designing dialog management for a health coach chatbot based on our in-progress research. The requirements are derived from the coaching needs of young people living with HIV. We identify a hybrid dialog management approach to address different coaching needs as well as dialog acts to enable smooth conversations. In addition, relevant technical components were identified to be integrated into the dialogs to improve user experience.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
  • Publication
    A flexible, extendable and adaptable model to support AI coaching
    (Springer, 2023) Duhan, Ritu; Pande, Charuta; Martin, Andreas; Hinkelmann, Knut; López-Pellicer, Francisco J.; Polini, Andrea
    We present a model based on coaching definitions, concepts, and theories to support AI coaching. The model represents the evidence-based coaching practice in different coaching domains by identifying the common elements in the coaching process. We then map the elements of the coaching model with Conversational AI design and development strategies to highlight how an AI coach can be instantiated from the model. We showcase the instantiation through an example use case of an HIV coaching chatbot.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Practice track: a learning tracker using digital biomarkers for autistic preschoolers
    (2022) Sandhu, Gurmit; Kilburg, Anne; Martin, Andreas; Pande, Charuta; Witschel, Hans Friedrich; Laurenzi, Emanuele; Billing, Erik; Hinkelmann, Knut; Gerber, Aurona
    Preschool children, when diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), often ex- perience a long and painful journey on their way to self-advocacy. Access to standard of care is poor, with long waiting times and the feeling of stigmatization in many social set- tings. Early interventions in ASD have been found to deliver promising results, but have a high cost for all stakeholders. Some recent studies have suggested that digital biomarkers (e.g., eye gaze), tracked using affordable wearable devices such as smartphones or tablets, could play a role in identifying children with special needs. In this paper, we discuss the possibility of supporting neurodiverse children with technologies based on digital biomark- ers which can help to a) monitor the performance of children diagnosed with ASD and b) predict those who would benefit most from early interventions. We describe an ongoing feasibility study that uses the “DREAM dataset”, stemming from a clinical study with 61 pre-school children diagnosed with ASD, to identify digital biomarkers informative for the child’s progression on tasks such as imitation of gestures. We describe our vision of a tool that will use these prediction models and that ASD pre-schoolers could use to train certain social skills at home. Our discussion includes the settings in which this usage could be embedded.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    New hybrid techniques for business recommender systems
    (MDPI, 2022) Pande, Charuta; Witschel, Hans Friedrich; Martin, Andreas
    Besides the typical applications of recommender systems in B2C scenarios such as movie or shopping platforms, there is a rising interest in transforming the human-driven advice provided, e.g., in consultancy via the use of recommender systems. We explore the special characteristics of such knowledge-based B2B services and propose a process that allows incorporating recommender systems into them. We suggest and compare several recommender techniques that allow incorporating the necessary contextual knowledge (e.g., company demographics). These techniques are evaluated in isolation on a test set of business intelligence consultancy cases. We then identify the respective strengths of the different techniques and propose a new hybridisation strategy to combine these strengths. Our results show that the hybridisation leads to substantial performance improvement over the individual methods.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    A computational literature analysis of conversational AI research with a focus on the coaching domain
    (2022) Pande, Charuta; Fill, Hans-Georg; Hinkelmann, Knut; Hinkelmann, Knut; Gerber, Aurona
    We conduct a computational analysis of the literature on Conversational AI. We identify the trend based on all publications until the year 2020. We then concentrate on the publications for the last five years between 2016 and 2020 to find out the top ten venues and top three journals where research on Conversational AI has been published. Further, using the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) topic modeling technique, we discover nine important topics discussed in Conversational AI literature and specifically two topics related to the area of coaching. Finally, we detect the key authors who have contributed significantly to Conversational AI research and area(s) related to coaching. We determine the key authors' areas of expertise and how the knowledge is distributed across different regions. Our findings show an increasing trend and thus, an interest in Conversational AI research, predominantly from the authors in Europe.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Hybrid conversational AI for intelligent tutoring systems
    (Sun SITE, Informatik V, RWTH Aachen, 2021) Pande, Charuta; Witschel, Hans Friedrich; Martin, Andreas; Montecchiari, Devid; Martin, Andreas; Hinkelmann, Knut; Fill, Hans-Georg; Gerber, Aurona; Lenat, Dough; Stolle, Reinhard; Harmelen, Frank van
    We present an approach to improve individual and self-regulated learning in group assignments. We focus on supporting individual reflection by providing feedback through a conversational system. Our approach leverages machine learning techniques to recognize concepts in student utterances and combines them with knowledge representation to infer the student’s understanding of an assignment’s cognitive requirements. The conversational agent conducts end-to-end conversations with the students and prompts them to reflect and improve their understanding of an assignment. The conversational agent not only triggers reflection but also encourages explanations for partial solutions.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
  • Publication
    ChEdventure - A chatbot-based educational adventure game for modeling tasks in information systems
    (2021) Pande, Charuta; Witschel, Hans Friedrich; Martin, Andreas
    Practitioners in business information systems are frequently faced with tasks that involve interpretation and representation of organizational information as models, e.g. business processes, the involved participants, and data. Usually, this information comes from varied sources like stakeholders and documents, often resulting in subjective, biased, or incomplete information. Simulating a realistic organizational environment is important for the education of future business process experts, but challenging to achieve in the educational setting. In this work, we propose a chatbot-based educational adventure game that can introduce complex and often contradictory sources of information in a fun learning approach and help the students in abstracting and interpreting this information, constructing models as an outcome. We elaborate on the first design ideas and requirements.
    06 - Präsentation