Hemm-Ode, Simone

Hemm-Ode, Simone


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  • Publikation
    Probabilistic maps for deep brain stimulation – Impact of methodological differences
    (Elsevier, 2022) Nordin, Teresa; Vogel, Dorian; Osterlund, Erik; Johansson, Johannes; Fytagoridis, Anders; Blomstedt, Patric; Hemm-Ode, Simone; Wardell, Karin [in: Brain Stimulation]
    Background Group analysis of patients with deep brain stimulation (DBS) has the potential to help understand and optimize the treatment of patients with movement disorders. Probabilistic stimulation maps (PSM) are commonly used to analyze the correlation between tissue stimulation and symptomatic effect but are applied with different methodological variations. Objective To compute a group-specific MRI template and PSMs for investigating the impact of PSM model parameters. Methods Improvement and occurrence of dizziness in 68 essential tremor patients implanted in caudal zona incerta were analyzed. The input data includes the best parameters for each electrode contact (screening), and the clinically used settings. Patient-specific electric field simulations (n = 488) were computed for all DBS settings. The electric fields were transformed to a group-specific MRI template for analysis and visualization. The different comparisons were based on PSMs representing occurrence (N-map), mean improvement (M-map), weighted mean improvement (wM-map), and voxel-wise t-statistics (p-map). These maps were used to investigate the impact from input data (clinical/screening settings), clustering methods, sampling resolution, and weighting function. Results Screening or clinical settings showed the largest impacts on the PSMs. The average differences of wM-maps were 12.4 and 18.2% points for the left and right sides respectively. Extracting clusters based on wM-map or p-map showed notable variation in volumes, while positioning was similar. The impact on the PSMs was small from weighting functions, except for a clear shift in the positioning of the wM-map clusters. Conclusion The distribution of the input data and the clustering method are most important to consider when creating PSMs for studying the relationship between anatomy and DBS outcome.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Publikation
    Towards tracking of deep brain stimulation electrodes using an integrated magnetometer
    (MDPI, 04/2021) Quirin, Thomas; Féry, Corentin; Vogel, Dorian; Vergne, Céline; Sarracanie, Mathieu; Salameh, Najat; Madec, Morgan; Hemm-Ode, Simone; Hébrard, Luc; Pascal, Joris [in: Sensors]
    This paper presents a tracking system using magnetometers, possibly integrable in a deep brain stimulation (DBS) electrode. DBS is a treatment for movement disorders where the position of the implant is of prime importance. Positioning challenges during the surgery could be addressed thanks to a magnetic tracking. The system proposed in this paper, complementary to existing procedures, has been designed to bridge preoperative clinical imaging with DBS surgery, allowing the surgeon to increase his/her control on the implantation trajectory. Here the magnetic source required for tracking consists of three coils, and is experimentally mapped. This mapping has been performed with an in-house three-dimensional magnetic camera. The system demonstrates how magnetometers integrated directly at the tip of a DBS electrode, might improve treatment by monitoring the position during and after the surgery. The three-dimensional operation without line of sight has been demonstrated using a reference obtained with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of a simplified brain model. We observed experimentally a mean absolute error of 1.35 mm and an Euclidean error of 3.07 mm. Several areas of improvement to target errors below 1 mm are also discussed.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift