Leimstoll, Uwe

Leimstoll, Uwe


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Direct to Consumer (D2C) e-commerce: Goals and strategies of brand manufacturers

2020, Leimstoll, Uwe, Wölfle, Ralf, Dornberger, Rolf

Contrary to expectations expressed in the 1990s, e-commerce has so far led to relatively little disintermediation. Even large and well-known brands continue to generate the majority of their sales through traditional distribution channels. However, many end customers expect to be able to buy directly from the brand. In addition, structural changes in the value chain have made it necessary to pre-sent the brand on the Internet in a brand-specific manner. Depending on the structure of their online activities, however, brand manufacturers are competing with their traditional indirect distribution channels, which remain important for them. This raises the question of which e-commerce strategies brands can use to meet the needs of end customers without harming their distribution partners. To answer this question, qualitative expert interviews were conducted with e-commerce managers of market-shaping Swiss companies. The results confirm that the importance of brand engagement in communication and interaction with end customers is increasing. For the implementation of online direct sales, three strategies have emerged that avoid or at least minimize conflicts with traditional sales partners: a pure online direct sales strategy, a multi-touch-point strategy, and a platform strategy. The multi-touch-point strategy can in turn be designed in four different variations.


The Personalization Map, An Application-Oriented Overview of Personalization Functions

2006-06-22T00:00:00Z, Risch, Daniel, Schubert, Petra, Leimstoll, Uwe

Personalization is an interdisciplinary topic that has been discussed in the literature of marketing and information systems as well as in other research areas. In this paper we present findings from a longitudinal research project on personalization of e-commerce systems. The findings were taken from interviews and software development projects with company partners.Our discussion focuses on the Personalization Map. The map provides an extensive overview on personalization functions that can be used to individualize and improve human-computer-interaction both in B2C and B2B e-commerce environments. In a first step, the functions are classified according to their order of appearance in the buying process. In a second step they are grouped into subcategories. There is no single strategy for selecting successful personalization functions as the suitability varies depending on the industry and the goods sold.

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E-Business in the era of digital transformation

2018, Leimstoll, Uwe, Dannecker, Achim, Knechtli, Hanspeter, Quade, Michael H., Tanner, Christian, Wölfle, Ralf, Dornberger, Rolf

In recent years, the development of information technology has reached a new level of evolution. It should be noted, however, that digitalization and digital transformation are not fundamentally new phenomena. A phase marked by strong digitalization, for example,was the result of the increased business use of the Internet in the early 1990s. The era of e-business began. The focus was on the digitalization of cross-company processes, which also brought new business models and interlinked value-added structures. Against the background of current developments, the question arises as to what role e-business now plays in digital transformation. The aim of this chapter is to show the current developments in e-business and their relationship to digital transformation. Following an introductory clarification of concepts and a consideration of the importance of mobile computing, the classic areas of e-business are addressed, in particular e-commerce, e-procurement and e-organization. The results show that e-business has


Fallstudie Neoperl-Gruppe: Internationale Auftrags und Logistikprozesse

2006, Leimstoll, Uwe, Wölfle, Ralf, Schubert, Petra

Die Neoperl-Gruppe fertigt und vertreibt Sanitärzuberhör weltweit. Die Präsenz auf internationalen Märkten erfrordert die Ausrichtung des Produktportfolios an regional unterschiedlichen Kundenbedürfnissen. Daraus resultiert eine hohe Variantenzahl. Um Produktion, Vertrieb und Logistik wirtschaflich zu halten, kombiniert Neoperl eine zentrale Hochleistungsproduktion mit dezentralem Vertrieb und Assembling. Ein mandantenfähiges ERP-System mit einer verteilten Datenbank schafft die nötige Flexibilität, um diese internationale Strategie effizient umsetzen zu können.

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Zeitreise durch den E-Commerce

2018, Kraft, Corin, Leimstoll, Uwe, Wölfle, Ralf, Leimstoll, Uwe

Der E-Commerce Report Schweiz beleuchtet die Entwicklung des B2C-E-Commerce aus Sicht der Schweizer Anbieter. Das Kapitel "Zeitreise durch den E-Commerce" fasst die wichtigsten Entwicklungen der letzten 10 Jahre zusammen


Integration von Business Software - Eine Studie zum aktuellen Stand in Schweizer KMU

2005-02-10T00:00:00Z, Leimstoll, Uwe, Schubert, Petra, Ferstl, Otto K., Sinz, Elmar J., Eckert, Sven, Isselhorst, Tilman

Die Integration von Informationssystemen ist ein Thema, das in der Literatur schon lange diskutiert wird. Aufgrund der technologischen Entwicklung haben sich die Voraussetzungen für Integration in den letzten Jahren erheblich verbessert. Der vorliegende Beitrag konzentriert sich auf die Integration von Business Software in KMU und zeigt anhand empirischer Primärdaten den aktuellen Stand in der Schweiz auf. Dabei wird unter anderem deutlich, welche Erfahrungen in bisherigen Integrationsprojekten gemacht wurden und welche Anforderungen an zukünftige Business-Software-Lösungen gestellt werden. Es zeigt sich, dass bei einigen Software-Modulen die Intensität der Nutzung und der Grad der Integration von der Unternehmensgrösse abhängig ist.