Seifert, Alexander

Seifert, Alexander


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Digital Distance in Times of Physical Distancing: ICT Infrastructure and Use in Long-Term Care Facilities

2023-02-21, Seifert, Alexander, Cotten, Shelia

Although information and communication technologies (ICTs) such as smartphones, tablets, and the internet have all become increasingly important during the COVID-19 pandemic, we often forget that not everyone has access to the internet or uses ICT devices. Individuals on the wrong side of the digital divide are often older adults living in long-term care facilities (LTCFs), such as “old–old” adults, who often have various functional impairments. To shed light on the initial situation shortly before the pandemic, three data sources from Switzerland were used in this study to answer the following questions: (1) Do older adults want to have internet access if and/or when they move into a LTCF? (2) What form does ICT use take (specifically internet, smartphone, and tablet use) among LTCF residents, and what need do they have for ICT support? (3) What is the state of LTCFs’ ICT infrastructure and residents’ level of involvement in the decision-making process related to acquiring new technologies? Community-dwelling older adults in this study reported a desire to have internet access when moving into LTCFs, and 21% of LTCF residents reported using the internet just before the pandemic began. Internet access and ICT infrastructure in LTCFs, in general, are both limited, however, and LTCF managers seldom involve older adults in the ICT decision-making process. While modern ICT usage has reached the long-term care sector, the results of this study show that compensating for a lack of physical social contacts by relying on digital solutions during the COVID-19 pandemic cannot be the sole solution.

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Age-Appropriate Digital Channels

2022, Seifert, Alexander, Darvishy, Alireza, Hutter, Hans-Peter

Enables the optimisation of online portals for senior citizens - Recommendations for the accessible design of applications - Website and mobile app design in a nutshell

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Social media use and well-being among older adults

2022, Cotten, Shelia, Schuster, Amy M., Seifert, Alexander

While older adults (aged 65 years and older) are increasingly using social media, their usage rates still lag those of younger age groups. Social media use has been observed to have some positive effects on older adults’ well-being; however, divergent findings exist depending upon the sample, measures, and methodological approach. This review highlights what is currently known about social media use and well-being among older adults, identifies strengths and weaknesses of current research on this topic, and argues that methodological and content-related research gaps must be closed before researchers can confirm a positive overall effect of social media use in everyday situations for older adults.

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Lebenslanges Lernen: Wo, womit und zu welchen Themen bilden sich ältere Menschen weiter?

2021, Seifert, Alexander

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Zugang älterer Menschen zu Sehberatungsstellen: Erste PROVIAGE-Ergebnisse zeigen Hürden

2023, Seifert, Alexander, Pfeuffer, Andreas

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Digitalisierung in Altersheimen

2022, Seifert, Alexander

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Unter den Farben des Regenbogens

2021, Seifert, Alexander, Füglistaller, Beat

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Mobile Datenerfassung mit Smartphones – eine alltagsnahe Messmethode für die soziale Arbeit

2022, Seifert, Alexander, Wahl, Johannes, Schell-Kiehl, Ines, Damberger, Thomas

Der vorliegende Beitrag präsentiert die zur Familie der ambulanten Assess- ment-Studien gehörende Methode der mobilen Datenerfassung mittels eines Smartphones und skizziert deren Charaktereigenschaften. Zudem werden die idealtypischen Ablaufschritte und möglichen Stolpersteine einer solchen Methode besprochen. Die Methode, die neu ist für die soziale Arbeit, enthält Datafizierungspotenzial, das hier aufgezeigt werden soll.

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Internetnutzung in der Alterspflege vor und während Corona

2022, Seifert, Alexander

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Sehbeeinträchtigung im Alter

2021, Lauber-Pohle, Sabine, Seifert, Alexander

Aktueller Wissenstand zu Sehbeeinträchtigung im Alter im deutschsprachigen Raum Für die Forschung, Ausbildung und Praxis relevante Diskussionsgrundlage praxisnahe Beschreibung der Versorgungs- und Rehabilitationsarbeit