Hadorn, Susanne

Susanne Hadorn


Gerade angezeigt 1 - 6 von 6
  • Vorschaubild
    Come together: Does network management make a difference for collaborative implementation performance in the context of sudden policy growth?
    (Wiley, 2024) Hadorn, Susanne; Sager, Fritz
    Cooperative forms of policy implementation bear the promise of being an answer to the policy delivery challenge resulting from policy growth, with the quality of network management often rated as a key success factor. The positive relationship between network management and performance in networks, however, is primarily supported by theoretical reasoning rather than empirical evidence. The present study empirically investigates this relationship in the context of rapid policy growth resulting from a change in the governance structure in the field of smoking prevention in Switzerland. The results of the analyzed 13 Swiss smoking prevention networks and the 187 associated projects show that network management improves the performance of new policy projects by facilitating access to implementing partners and target groups, but has no impact on output delivery in existing interventions. The study shows that networks, if actively managed, can be a means to ensure adequate enforcement in the context of increasing numbers of new policies.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Vorschaubild
    Don’t you forget about me: Independence of evaluations from the perspective of US evaluation clients - An exploratory study
    (SAGE, 2023) Schmidli, Fabienne Helen; Pleger, Lyn Ellen; Hadorn, Susanne
    Policy evaluation literature has stressed the importance of independence of evaluations to guarantee objective evidence collection. The evaluator–client relationship is critical in this respect, since it contains inherent tensions due to the necessity for independent assessments alongside requirements for increased responsiveness to clients’ interests. Despite this distinct relationship, the client perspective has only recently received attention in research. This article presents findings from a survey among US evaluation clients and compares these to existing evidence from Switzerland. Unlike previous studies, we distinguish between constructive and destructive client influences. We show that professional experience and client familiarity with evaluation standards increase the likelihood of constructive influences aimed at improving evaluation results. Nevertheless, the findings indicate that dissatisfaction with an evaluation increases client’s attempts at influence that may be destructive. By discussing both motives behind influence and potential preventive measures, this article seeks to contribute to the increased social impact of policy evaluations.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Publikation
    When politicians do not care for the policy: Street-level compliance in cross-agency contexts
    (SAGE, 2023) Mavrot, Céline; Hadorn, Susanne
    The non-implementation of political decisions is a major challenge of contemporary political life. Policy analysis has devoted careful attention to implementation gaps resulting from administrative non-compliance with political orders. However, the fact that political authorities actually want to enforce all policies should not be taken for granted. This article proposes a conceptual model that systematically accounts for cross-agency divergence and convergence processes both at the political and at the street levels. We find that in inter-sectoral policies, dissent between different heads of agencies (political level) or between groups of implementing bureaucrats (street level) rather than dissent between the political and the street-level can be a major cause of non-compliance. Based on a comparative dataset on the implementation of the smoking ban in 12 Swiss states, the article analyzes cross-agency fragmentation processes. It advocates a stronger dialogue between street-level bureaucracy and policy coordination literatures, and nuances the conceptualization of (non-)compliance in a cross-agency context.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Vorschaubild
    Blood, sweat, and cannabis: real-world policy evaluation of controversial issues
    (Routledge, 2023) Mavrot, Céline; Hadorn, Susanne; Sager, Fritz
    The motivation of this article is to address the ambivalent position of policy analysis when it inter-venes in the real-world policy process through policy evaluation. It tackles the underresearched question of the challenges faced by policy analysis in relation to applied research mandates. It argues that policy analysis is constantly at risk of instrumentalisation by politico administrative players. The article is based on the evaluation of the medical cannabis policy in Switzerland as a case study. The results point out four specific challenges faced by applied policy analysis: politi-cal pressure, scientific integrity, access to sensitive data, and epistemic legitimacy. However, applied policy analysis can contribute to de-escalating controversies by presenting a bigger and contextualised picture of the considered political issues. Policy evaluation can identify deficient implementation processes, but also wider mismatches among legislative and societal processes. Hence, although evidence is subordinated to other factors in the decision-making process, evalu-ations provide an outside perspective, which can help solving controversies around policies. The article contributes to the literature on the politics of policy analysis by showing that confronting policy analysis with practical problems brings both scientific and policy benefits.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Publikation
    Politikevaluation. Eine Einführung
    (Springer VS, 2021) Sager, Fritz; Hadorn, Susanne; Balthasar, Andreas; Mavrot, Céline
    Dieses Lehrbuch führt in die Grundlagen der Politikevaluation ein. Es zeigt deren Begrifflichkeiten, Entstehung, Theorien und die heute gültigen Konzepte sowie die empirischen Methoden für die Wirkungsanalyse öffentlicher Politik. Die Einführung ist didaktisch ausgerichtet und anwendungsorientiert mit realen Beispielen und praxisnahen Aufgaben und Lösungen versehen. Das Buch richtet sich an Studierende an höheren Bildungsinstitutionen, welche die Grundlagen der Evaluation kennenlernen möchten. Ebenso dient das Buch aber auch Akteur*innen, die sich mit der Aufgabe konfrontiert sehen, Evaluationen in einem politischen Kontext in Auftrag zu geben, zu erstellen, zu beurteilen oder zu nutzen. Dies betrifft die öffentliche Verwaltung, Nicht-Regierungsorganisationen, Verbände, sowie Mitglieder der Legislative und der Exekutive, die Policy-Entscheidungen treffen.
    02 - Monographie
  • Publikation
    The big bad wolf’s view: The evaluation clients’ perspectives on independence of evaluations
    (SAGE, 2018) Pleger, Lyn E.; Hadorn, Susanne
    The independence of evaluations has gained increasing attention in research. So far, research has mainly focused on evaluators’ experiences when confronted with pressure, leading to a restricted view of the complex context in which evaluations take place. Therefore, this article broadens the debate and follows the call by previous studies to pay attention to evaluation clients, which have been identified as the main influencing stakeholders within evaluation processes. The findings of an online survey among Swiss evaluation clients show that most clients have never been told by evaluators that they put the latter under pressure, even though previous studies found that half of the evaluators feel pressured. Nonetheless, clients frequently experience conflicts during evaluations that are often caused by a lack of a common understanding between evaluators and clients. Thus, we conclude that preventive measures are needed to increase the parties’ mutual comprehension, and ultimately, the quality of evaluation results.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift