Asprion, Petra

Asprion, Petra


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Blockchain und Datenschutz – Hyperledger Sawtooth im Fokus

2023, Moriggl, Pascal, Asprion, Petra, Schneider, Bettina, Dornberger, Rolf

Daten gehören heute zu den zentralen Elementen digitaler Geschäftsmodelle, daher ist ein Bewusstsein für angemessene Maßnahmen zum Schutz von Daten und insbesondere personenbezogener Daten essenziell. Die Datenschutzgrundverordnung der Europäischen Union (EU) ist eine Folge der Diskussionen zum Schutz der Privatsphäre im digitalen Raum. Die Verordnung zwingt Organisationen dazu, sicherzustellen, dass ihre Prozesse zur Verarbeitung von Daten mit den relevanten Regularien übereinstimmen. Seit einigen Jahren wird die Blockchain-Technologie zunehmend beliebter, um den Austausch von Daten zu unterstützen. Die neue Technologie macht es möglich, auf eine zentrale Datenhaltung zu verzichten. Das Ziel dieser Forschung war es, Entscheidungsträgerinnen und Entscheidungsträgern bei der Auswahl einer geeigneten Blockchain-Konfiguration zu helfen, die den gesetzlichen Datenschutzanforderungen gerecht wird. Mit Hilfe der „Design-Science“-Methodik haben wir einen sogenannten morphologischen Kasten, sowie ein dazugehöriges Raster entwickelt, die als „Bewertungswerkzeuge“ für die Blockchain-Konfiguration „Hyperledger Sawtooth“ verwendet werden können. Die Forschungsergebnisse können mit wenigen Anpassungen verallgemeinert werden, um auch andere Blockchain-Konfigurationen zu bewerten.

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BES workshop: 1st workshop on blockchain and enterprise systems

2020, Asprion, Petra

Organizer of the first Workshop on Blockchain and Enterprise System

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Human-centered artificial intelligence: a multidimensional approach towards real world evidence

2019, Schneider, Bettina, Asprion, Petra, Grimberg, Frank, Filipe, Joaquim, Smialek, Michal, Brodsky, Alexander, Hammoudi, Slimane

This study indicates the significance of a human-centered perspective in the analysis and interpretation of Real World Data. As an exemplary use-case, the construct of perceived ‘Health-related Quality of Life’ is chosen to show, firstly, the significance of Real World Data and, secondly, the associated ‘Real World Evidence’. We settled on an iterative methodology and used hermeneutics for a detailed literature analysis to outline the relevance and the need for a forward-thinking approach to deal with Real World Evidence in the life science and health care industry. The novelty of the study is its focus on a human-centered artificial intelligence, which can be achieved by using ‘System Dynamics’ modelling techniques. The outcome – a human-centered ‘Indicator Set’ can be combined with results from data-driven, AI-based analytics. With this multidimensional approach, human intelligence and artificial intelligence can be intertwined towards an enriched Real World Evidence. The developed approach considers three perspectives – the elementary, the algorithmic and – as novelty – the human-centered evidence. As conclusion, we claim that Real World Data are more valuable and applicable to achieve patient-centricity and personalization if the human-centered perspective is considered ‘by design’.

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Interconnected enterprise systems - A call for new teaching approaches

2018, Schneider, Bettina, Asprion, Petra, Grimberg, Frank, Shi, Yong, Fu, Haohuan, Tian, Yingjie, Krzhizhanovskaya, Valeria V., Lees, Michael Harold, Dongarra, Jack, Sloot, Peter M. A.

Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERPS) have continually extended their scope over the last decades. The evolution has currently reached a stage where ERPS support the entire value chain of an enterprise. This study deals with the rise of a new era, where ERPS is transformed into so-called interconnected Enterprise Systems (iES), which have a strong outside-orientation and provide a networked ecosystem open to human and technological actors (e.g. social media, Internet of Things). Higher education institutions need to prepare their students to understand the shift and to transfer the implications to today’s business world. Based on literature and applied learning scenarios the study shows existing approaches to the use of ERPS in teaching and elaborates whether and how they can still be used. In addition, implications are outlined and the necessary changes towards new teaching approaches for iES are proposed.

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Integrity@Inside - Blockchain-based Whistleblowing

2022, Asprion, Petra, Grieder, Hermann, Grimberg, Frank

Integrity@Inside leverages blockchain technology to prototype a web-based internal reporting channel that is compliant with the new EU Directive 2019/1937.

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A practical guideline for developing a managerial information security awareness program

2020, Schneider, Bettina, Asprion, Petra, Androvicsova, Simona, Azan, Wilfrid

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Cybersecurity by design for smart home environments

2019, Siddhanti, Pragati, Asprion, Petra, Schneider, Bettina, Filipe, Joaquim, Smialek, Michal, Brodsky, Alexander, Hammoudi, Slimane

The Internet of Things (IoT) is being increasingly adopted by businesses to improve operations, processes, and products. While it opens endless opportunities, it also presents tremendous challenges especially in the area of cyber risks and related security controls. With billions of interconnected devices worldwide, how do we ensure that they are sufficiently secure and resilient? As a reasonable solution, ‘Cybersecurity by Design’ seems a promising approach. In this research, ‘Smart Homes’ - as IoT containing products – are selected as unit of analysis because they are exposed to numerous cyber threats with corresponding adverse consequences for the life, safety and health of residents. By aiming to secure Smart Home Environments (SHEs) from cyber threats, we adopted ‘design science’ as methodology and developed a holistic approach, highlighting ‘good practices’, which can be applied in every phase of the SHEs product lifecycle. In addition to these good practices, a ‘Cyber Security Maturity Assessment’ tool for SHEs has been developed. Both artefacts have already been validated and incrementally improved, and are now awaiting their future application and further enhancements.

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Adaptable GDPR assessment tool for micro and small enterprises

2022, Löffler, Emanuel, Schneider, Bettina, Goerre, Andreas, Asprion, Petra, Filipe, Joaquim, Smialek, Michal, Brodsky, Alexander, Hammoudi, Slimane

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Blockchain technologies towards data privacy – Hyperledger Sawtooth as unit of analysis

2020, Moriggl, Pascal, Asprion, Petra, Schneider, Bettina, Dornberger, Rolf

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Real World Data - Technologies, Research Questions and Applications - Study in Cooperation - School of Business & School of Life Science

2019, Grimberg, Frank, Asprion, Petra, Schneider, Bettina, Miho, Enkelejda, Babrak, Lmar, Habbabeh, Ali

In this research report of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW), a classification of ‘Real World Data’ into the research landscape takes place. In addition, an identification of the still open research questions is done based on the fundamental principles and properties. The manifold potential of this relatively new data set is illustrated by a presentation of the already existing but also conceivable future application possibilities. Finally, the contribution of the FHNW, based on its specific competencies, to the further application of the dataset is shown.