Grand, Shanti

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Grand, Shanti

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    Komplett in den Wolken
    (Swiss Professional Media, 22.09.2016) Gatziu Grivas, Stella; Giovanoli, Claudio; Grand, Shanti
    Die Cloud-Studie der FHNW führt das neue «Cloud Maturity Model» in der Schweiz ein. Dieses erlaubt Schlussfolgerungen bezüglich Auswirkungen des Einsatzes von Cloud-Technologien auf die Unternehmens-IT.
    01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder Zeitung
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    Digitalisation in Logistics and the Role of Cloud Computing: How Cloud Computing will Change the Game
    (vnl SCHWEIZ, 2015) Gomez, Marisabel; Grand, Shanti; Gatziu Grivas, Stella
    Today in the era of digitalisation Cloud Computing is ubiquitous and the speed of the Transformation of business models in several industries because of cloud is more and more accelerated. The logistics industry is characterised by many actors which must be integrated along the supply chain. This makes the usage of cloud computing a very promising issue.
    01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder Zeitung