Imhof, Denis

Denis Imhof


Gerade angezeigt 1 - 6 von 6
  • Publikation
    A systematic review of organizational theories explaining roles of governance models, typologies, and frameworks
    (Springer, 2024) Renz, Patrick; Imhof, Denis; Mathias, Klaus; Tor, Avishalom
    Corporate governance keeps on facing normative and strategic challenges through technology developments of the digital age, climate change, or global political developments which influence pressing issues regarding Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) amongst others. Despite this complexity debates on the roles of corporate governance often rely on a singular underlying organizational theory if at all explicated. This leads to a mono-perspective understanding of corporate governance roles. Yet, only a multi-theory view as discussed by Hung1 or Huse2 adequately addresses today's ambiguity and complex systemic dynamics. The aim of this article is to create an updated typology comparing and juxtaposing various board related organizational theories. This may broaden the foundational understanding of corporate governance and eventually influence CSR advancements. By means of a systematic literature review (SLR) the authors searched for peer-reviewed articles from high-quality academic journals or highly cited boo
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
  • Vorschaubild
    An intelligent platform-based tool for the development of digital transformation strategies
    (Elsevier, 2024) Gatziu Grivas, Stella; Hanne, Thomas; Imhof, Denis; Bugmann, Diego; Schmitter, Paul
    Digital transformation strategies are of elementary importance for organizations competing in the digital age. Challenges such as faster changing customer needs, new value creation structures in digital eco-systems, or the use of collective intelligence to innovate business models require leveraging digital technologies. To achieve this and remain competitive, appropriate digital transformation strategies need to be in place. Yet, studies show that organizations struggle with strategy formulation and implementation. Based on workshops with practitioners the authors obtained concrete needs, pains, and gains as requirements for the development of an own, new intelligent and platform-based assessment tool. The proposed tool collects, calculates, and visualizes in a self-service manner, relevant company data to support decision-makers and organizations in digital transformation strategy development and implementation.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Publikation
    Towards a leadership model focusing on mistake making culture enhanced by collective intelligence
    (2023) Heimann, Sandro; Imhof, Denis; Gatziu Grivas, Stella
    This exploratory research paper introduces a novel approach for organizational error management based on a prototype model combining a positive mistakes-making culture with the use of collective intelligence. The model allows to identify mistakes and problems in everyday work in organizations along predefined key performance indicators (KPIs), such as they are represented by the Balanced Score Card (BSC). The model includes four problem-solving elements which are applied in a circular manner to counteract the problem areas and ultimately improve the chosen KPIs sustainably. The introduction of the four problem-solving elements is the main contribution of this paper. The elements have been iteratively developed using a Design Science Research methodology, consisting of multiple semi-structured interviews with seasoned experts with management experience. To enhance the applicability of the model in practice, a detailed questionnaire has been developed to guide decision-makers in using the. Additionally, a hypothetical use case is discussed for a potential application of the model. The model is laid out to be applicable in different organizations as well as on different hierarchical levels, depending on the autonomy of the teams or departments.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Position paper - Hybrid artificial intelligence for realizing a leadership assistant for platform-based leadership consulting
    (Springer, 2023) Gatziu Grivas, Stella; Imhof, Denis; Gachnang, Phillip; Soffer, Pnina; Ruiz, Marcela
    Digital technologies enable new forms of value creation, value proposition, and value capturing for all kinds of organizations in all kinds of industries. Often, companies strive to digital transform and obtain consultancy services due to missing expert knowledge on how to approach the transformation. Interestingly, research shows that the consulting industry itself shows a high potential for a digital transformation, but platform-based consulting models and self-service consulting models are still underdeveloped. With this position paper, the authors propose an own approach on how to integrate human expert knowledge and machine learning in a novel hybrid artificial intelligence and platform-based consulting model, which not only offers the potential to transform the consultancy industry but also supports organizations in their transformation efforts. The authors take the area of digital leadership consulting to illustrate this.
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
  • Vorschaubild
    Holistic digital leadership and 20 factors relevant for its understanding and implementation
    (2022) Imhof, Denis; Gatziu Grivas, Stella; Matos, Florinda; Rosa, Álvaro
    Organizations today face challenges like changing organizational structures and value chains, participation in digital eco-systems or fast changing customer expectations. Digital Leadership aims to guide the necessary transformation to overcome these challenges. Thereby a holistic viewpoint is needed since the challenges and conditions concern organizations as a whole. They are not limited to single managers, departments or even the organization’s system boundaries. Digital Leadership is a relatively new and well discussed research topic but yet only vaguely defined and understood. This exploratory research contributes to the exploration, understanding and development of Digital Leadership with the elaboration, based on the review of existing literature, of a holistic definition of Digital Leadership, and the proposal, based on semi-structured qualitative expert interviews, of 20 interdependent and mutually influencing Digital Leadership factors within four main areas of Digital Leadership. These 20 factors are relevant for successful and sustainable holistic Digital Leadership and offer a deeper understanding of Digital Leadership. Furthermore, they provide guidance for the implementation and improvement of Digital Leadership for organizations facing the challenges and conditions of the digital age.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
  • Vorschaubild
    Platform-based strategic consulting for digital transformation
    (2022) Gatziu Grivas, Stella; Giovanoli, Claudio; Grasshoff, Gunnar; Imhof, Denis; Hinkelmann, Knut; Gerber, Aurona
    The digital age poses manifold challenges and difficult conditions for all sizes of organizations in all industries. Organizations need to adapt to complex challenges and difficult conditions and to plan and execute their digital transformation strategies. More and more organizations need support by strategic business consulting companies which must be offered in an effective and efficient way so that also small and medium sized companies can profit from it to stay competitive. Our research work focusses on the development of online strategic consulting tools offered as self-services on a web-based platform supporting the definition of digital transformation strategy. The so-called Digital Backpack Assessment (DBA) measures the digital maturity and proposes possible cases for changes. The tool follows the following principles: (1) A holistic approach with focus on the customer orientation, the business models, the organizational excellence, and the operational excellence. (2) An open strategy approach where several stakeholders from the company participate
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift