Wache, Holger

Wache, Holger


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  • Publikation
    Multi-agent based simulation of smart building cluster for electric grid stabilization
    (IOP Publishing, 21.11.2019) Hall, Monika; Geissler, Achim; Wache, Holger [in: Journal of Physics: Conference Series]
    With the increasing number of photovoltaic systems and heat pumps in buildings existing substations of the electric grid could be overloaded. A multi-agent based simulation of a building cluster studies the impact of building flexibility in regard to the residual substation load. Each building announces its available flexibility, e.g. "heat pump can be switched off/on". A master coordinator evaluates all incoming offers and decides which offers are accepted. This reduces the residual load at the substation. This paper presents results from a study of the impact at the substation of a smart urban building cluster with different penetration scenarios of heat pumps, photovoltaic systems, batteries and electric vehicles. It is shown that a high penetration of heat pumps and photovoltaic systems violates the substation's limits for the studied building cluster. Batteries cannot reduce the peak utilization. The master coordinator's load shifting options are limited.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Publikation
    Smart Stability – Market-economic interaction of smart homes for improved power network stability
    (2015) Lammel, Benjamin; Schulz, Nicola; Bichsel, Jürg; Wache, Holger; Farooq, Abdul; Hoffmann, Caroline; Mettler, Fabian
    In this article, the "SmartStability" concept is introduced and first results are shown. The concept is based on the exchange of electrical energy within a network of households that possess temporal flexibilities in consuming or providing energy from or to the network. The exchange is governed by a market-economic negotiation principle between the households. Temporal flexibility is achieved by exploiting thermal capacities of the buildings themselves and those of warm water storages, and by allowing certain temperature bands. Electric and thermal energy forms are coupled by means of heat pumps and electric water boilers. The physical energy exchange takes place via the electrical grid. The behaviour of a SmartStability network has been simulated, based on physical models of the energetic resources within each network unit, and by interlinking the individual units to form the entire SmartStability network within a multi-agent environment. Goal of several simulation scenarios was the adaptation of the time-dependent power consumption profile of the network to a given schedule. Networks consisting of 5 to 100 houses have been simulated. The simulation results show that deviations from schedule can be reduced by approx. 50% by the market-economics-based self-optimization and the resulting intelligent operation of resources. By additionally using battery storages, the deviation from schedule can be further significantly reduced.
    05 - Forschungs- oder Arbeitsbericht