Putra Pratama, Andika

Putra Pratama
Andika Putra Pratama


Gerade angezeigt 1 - 7 von 7
  • Vorschaubild
    Understanding the mechanism of workload distribution among auditors in BPK RI in relation to gender: an exploratory study
    (Global Institute for Multidisciplinary Knowledge and Responsible Future, 2022) Suhud, Hari; Putra Pratama, Andika
    The purpose of this study is to provide a relevant conceptual model of the mechanism of workload distribution among auditors in BPK RI in relation to gender. The exploratory research was conducted to achieve its research objectives with six respondents are chosen for this study. Thematic analysis with coding technique, document analysis, and observation are used to collect and analyze the data. The result shows that there is no regulation which explains explicitly in detail about the working mechanism of the auditor when carrying out the auditing task. Also, the researcher did not find an explanation of how the procedure for distributing workload to the auditor after the audit team was determined. It means that the mechanism of workload distribution among auditors implements in the field with the non-technical guideline. Another finding shows that BPK RI does not differentiate treatment of auditors based on gender. Male and female employees have the same rights and obligations as auditors. However, in practice in the field, there are still differences in treatment between male and female auditors, especially related to the distribution of workload when conducting the audit tasks. However, the difference in treatment does not affect the amount of compensation they receive and does not affect their career development opportunities. Finally, the researcher offers a conceptual model to answer the objective of this research.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Vorschaubild
    Rekomendasi pedoman komunikasi pemasaran berbasis pertimbangan etika key opinion leaders industri e-commerce
    (Universitas Pamulang, 2021) Angelita, Louise; Putra Pratama, Andika
    Dengan semakin bertumbuhnya penetrasi internet di Indonesia, ditambah dengan efek dari COVID-19 di tahun 2020 lalu, industri e-commerce menjadi bertumbuh pesat. Selain itu, pertumbuhan influencer juga menjadi salah satu strategi yang menjadi mulai dikenal dan diadopsi oleh beberapa perusahaan. Penggunaan influencer sebagai strategi pemasaran sering dikenal juga sebagai sebagai influencer marketing , yaitu penggunaan beberapa orang yang memiliki kemampuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan konsumen terhadap suatu brand . Sekelompok orang ini yang dikenal sebagai Key Opinion Leaders ini menjadi banyak juga digunakan, salah satunya di industri e-commerce . Melalui penelitian ini, peneliti melakukan penelitian kualitatif dengan cara observasi terhadap salah satu perusahaan e-commerce selama 3.5 bulan secara langsung, melakukan wawancara mendalam terhadap 3 Key Opinion Leaders (KOL) dan 3 karyawan yang bekerja erat dengan para KOL, sehingga dapat memahami isu bisnis yang terjadi, lalu juga dapat menyusun strategi pemasaran dalam bentuk pedoman sebagai solusi isu yang terjadi dan mencegah adanya persoalan-persoalan etika di kemudian hari.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Publikation
    Sustainability across cultures: exploring PRME implementation in Anglo versus Southern Asian countries
    (Common Ground Research Networks, 2021) Labdhagati, Haifa; Putra Pratama, Andika
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Publikation
    Personality types and managerial styles: A phenomenological approach
    (Emerald, 2021) Putra Pratama, Andika; Pritasari, Adita; Hidayanti, Nurfaisa; Tampubolon, Marina Natalia; Mulyono, Nur Budi
    Purpose: The paper aims not only to provide evidence of the Jungian personality theory in the context of management through managers' lived experience but also to ask a deeper question of what this theory–practice coherence entails. Design/methodology/approach: Situated as preliminary, this study used a phenomenological approach to detail managerial accounts across four managers in an Indonesian higher education institution. A survey of personality types using an online Jungian-based personality assessment tool was conducted, followed by an in-depth interview with selected managers. Findings: The study provides the following evidence: the coherence between the perceived managerial practices and the theorized cognitive processes of each personality type and between the way the instrument measures personality types and the theorized cognitive processes. Research limitations/implications: While the study faces an issue of data saturation, given the sample size, the study has conducted the process of triangulation by sampling managers with resembling cognitive processes as theorized (INTJ, with ENTJ; ISFJ with ESFJ). A broader implication is around the use of qualitative, phenomenological approach to the study of personality types and cognitive processes. Practical implications: Promoting diverse ways of managing based on personality types, this paper includes implications specifically for developing managers in charge of core business processes in terms of flexibility when managing and leading a team. Originality/value: This paper presents an account of how personality types (through their dominant cognitive functions) resonate with real-life managerial practices, connecting the descriptive nature of personality types and the normative nature of management.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Vorschaubild
    Balanced messaging for experienced laptop consumers
    (Institut Teknologi Bandung, 2021) Putra Pratama, Andika; Djati, Dhanu Koentoro; Chandra, Pujianto; Tomasowa, Delfiani
    This research aims to obtain empirical evidence about the impact of “balanced messaging” (a marketing communication practice where both strengths and weaknesses of a product are communicated to consumers) in marketing communication on consumers’ brand loyalty. With three laptop brands being the subjects and university students in Indonesia being the sample, surveys with an experimental design were conducted. Participants (n = 90) were randomly grouped into those being exposed to product’s strengths only (Group A), product’s weaknesses (Group B), and product’s strengths and weaknesses (Group C) – with 30 participants in each group. Using ANOVA, the results indicate that balanced messaging can be as constructive as imbalanced messaging, which focuses merely on strengths in the context of brand loyalty. With several limitations, this preliminary study is expected to benefit marketers to create fairer marketing communication.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Vorschaubild
    Proposed performance management system for a project-based renewable energy startup
    (European Open Science, 2021) Sahubawa, Sarifah Ulfa; Putra Pratama, Andika
    The number of startups in Indonesia has surpassed 2,000 companies, but only a handful have survived and thrived in the VUCA world. One of the failure causes is the lack of good business management in translating the company’s vision and strategy into clear and measurable objectives. For a project-based renewable energy startup, as the current study’s focus, it is necessary to focus not only on generating revenue but also on achieving the company’s vision and mission to sustain. To address this, we formulated an integrated framework related to the Performance Management System of the renewable energy startup. We combined the Balanced Scorecard as a tool for communicating the company’s strategies, Key Performance Indicators as a corporate performance tracking tool, and Objectives and Key Results for a daily basis or short-term goal-setting tool. It is also complemented by the idea of Ethical Climate to embed ethics into the system. Finally, quantifiable company performance measures will be obtained to assist the startup in the decision-making process related to appropriate strategies for corporate sustainability.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Vorschaubild
    Uncovering types of cultural adjustment experienced by faculty members and their adjustment strategies in Winayaka business school Indonesia
    (International Center for Research & Development, 2018) Fajar Pratama, Muhammad; Putra Pratama, Andika
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift