Pietsch, Marcus

Pietsch, Marcus


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Innovating teaching and instruction in turbulent times. The dynamics of principals’ exploration and exploitation activities

2022-05-24, Pietsch, Marcus, Tulowitzki, Pierre, Cramer, Colin

In turbulent environments, schools have to adapt to constantly changing conditions. According to ambidexterity theory, whether they are successful in this primarily depends on their leaders and how they manage the tension between the use of current knowledge (exploitation) and the search for new knowledge (exploration). Through unique top-down and bottom-up pathways, they thus influence the innovation outcome of a school. However, it is so far unclear whether these assumptions are correct. Using data from a panel of principals who are representative of Germany and were surveyed before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, we therefore investigate if and how school leaders adapted to the turbulent environment caused by the pandemic and evaluate the extent to which this had an impact on their schools’ innovations in teaching and instruction. The results demonstrate that principals’ exploration activities increased markedly during the pandemic, while their exploitation activities decreased noticeably. Further, a focus on the use and refinement of existing knowledge in comparatively predictable (pre-COVID-19) environments harmed principals’ readiness to explore new knowledge in increasingly uncertain environments. Nevertheless, exploitation had positive consequences for the innovativeness of schools, and exploration goes along with more radical innovations in teaching and instruction. Our research suggests that schools that innovatively addressed the COVID-19 pandemic had school leaders who were able to quickly shift between the two modes of exploitation and exploration. A capacity to transition seamlessly between these modes of thinking and working thus appears to be vital for the longevity of schools.


Enquête sur les Directions d’École Suisses 2021 – Rapport synthétique

2022-01-27, Tulowitzki, Pierre, Pietsch, Marcus, Progin, Laetitia, Berger, Jörg, Grigoleit, Ella, Sposato, Gloria Grazia

Les directions d’école jouent un rôle important dans l’organisation et l’évolution des établissements scolaires. En même temps, il n’y a guère de résultats à l'échelle de toute la Suisse sur cette position centrale : pourquoi ont-elles choisi ce métier? Qu’est-ce qui les (dé)motive dans leur profession? Quel rôle jouent les facteurs individuels et structurels dans leur engagement? Comment les directions d’école gèrent-elles l’équilibre entre la stabilité et le changement? Comment travaillent-elles en équipe? Ont-elles un impact sur la pédagogie de l’établissement scolaire? Afin de répondre à ces questions, l’enquête sur les Directions d’École Suisses a été créée. C’est un projet collaboratif piloté par la CLACESO, le VSLCH et la Haute École Spécialisée de la Suisse du Nord-Ouest FHNW, avec la participation de la HEP Vaud. L’objectif est de mieux comprendre qui sont les directions d’établissement, comment elles agissent, comment elles soutiennent le fonctionnement de l’école, le travail pédagogique et les élèves, et comment leur profession évolue.