Loosli, Christina
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Loosli, Christina
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Publication Implementing the AoL standard for the WI and BIT curricula in AACSB – Lessons learned at the FHNW(The International Academic Forum (IAFOR), 2022) Telesko, Rainer; Ochsenbein, Guy; Röhm, Ruth; Reber, Andreas; Pülz, Michael; Loosli, ChristinaBefore 2014, the quality management process in all our programs has been rather informally and individually organized. In 2014, the management of the School of Business at the FHNW decided to set up a strategic project to achieve the AACSB accreditation to sustainably secure the role among the best business schools. Among other standards, AACSB deals with Assurance of Learning (AoL, standard 5 in the 2020 standards) with the clear goal formulated as "The school uses well-documented, systematic processes for determining and revising degree program learning goals; designing, delivering, and improving degree program curricula to achieve learning goals; and demonstrating that degree program learning goals have been met." The AoL process has been established step by step since 2015 and provided us with a guideline to check the mission-reference of our program goals and learning objectives and to continuously develop the program quality on a common database. This paper describes the implementation of AoL using the four steps "Determining Degree Program Learning Goals", "Measure", "Results" and "Closing the Loop" for the bachelor programs WI (in German "Wirtschaftsinformatik") and BIT (Business Information Technology). As examples, measurements and improvements for various modules (spanning from supply chain to the computer science domain) are discussed, underpinning the clear and significant progress in the management of curricula and in the monitoring of our study programs’ effectiveness regarding student learning. Finally, we outline selected AoL initiatives at other universities and show how we can benefit from them to successfully enhance our project.04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublication Startup-Unternehmen und Digitalisierung: Wie verwenden Startup-Unternehmen digitale Tools?(edition gesowip, 2019) Loosli, Christina; Philippi, Stefan; Verkuil, Arie Hans; Hinkelmann, Knut; Aeschbacher, MarcWie Startup-Unternehmen mit der Digitalisierung umgehen, ob sie digitale Prozesse bereitwillig in ihr Geschäftsmodell integrieren, und insbesondere wie Startup-Unternehmen digitale Tools einsetzen und ob sie ihr Geschäftsmodell bewusst auf digitale Prozesse ausrichten, soll in diesem Artikel diskutiert werden.04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublication Digitalisierung und Geschäftsmodellinnovation im Rahmen der Swiss Innovation Challenge - Digitalisierung ja, aber nicht ausschliesslich(edition gesowip, 2019) Kabous, Laila; Loosli, Christina; Philippi, Stefan; Verkuil, Arie Hans; Hinkelmann, Knut; Aeschbacher, MarcInnovative Geschäftsmodelle rückten in den letzten Jahren verstärkt in den Fokus der betriebswirtschaftlichen Aufmerksamkeit und Forschung. Doch wie sieht der Umgang mit Geschäftsmodellinnovationen in der Praxis aus und welche Rolle spielt die Digitalisierung in diesem Zusammenhang? Im Rahmen der Swiss Innovation Challenge wurden Geschäftsmodellinnovationen ausgewertet und verglichen.04A - Beitrag Sammelband