Wahbeh, Wissam

Wahbeh, Wissam


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Human height estimation from highly distorted surveillance image

2021-10-01, Tosti, Francesco, Nardinocchi, Carla, Ciampini, Claudio, Marsella, Maria, Lopes, Pierpaolo, Giuliani, Samuele, Wahbeh, Wissam

Video surveillance camera (VSC) is an important source of information during inves- tigations especially if used as a tool for the extraction of verified and reliable foren- sic measurements. In this study, some aspects of human height extraction from VSC video frames are analyzed with the aim of identifying and mitigating error sources that can strongly affect the measurement. More specifically, those introduced by lens distortion are present in wide-field-of-view lens such as VSCs. A weak model, which is not able to properly describe and correct the lens distortion, could introduce sys- tematic errors. This study focuses on the aspect of camera calibration to verify human height extraction by Amped FIVE software, which is adopted by the Forensic science laboratories of Carabinieri Force (RaCIS), Italy. A stable and reliable approach of cam- era calibration is needed since investigators have to deal with different cameras while inspecting the crime scene. The performance of the software in correcting distorted images is compared with a technique of single view self-calibration. Both approaches were applied to several frames acquired by a fish-eye camera and then measuring the height of five different people. Moreover, two actual cases, both characterized by common low-resolution and distorted images, were also analyzed. The height of four known persons was measured and used as reference value for validation. Results show no significant difference between the two calibration approaches working with fish-eye camera in test field, while evidence of differences was found in the measure- ment on the actual cases.


3D survey and digital models as the first documentation of hypogeum of S. Saba in Rome

2018-10-08, Wahbeh, Wissam

On the Aventine Minor, the oratory of Santa Silvia was home to a community of oriental monks, who, in the first half of the seventeenth century, created a typical Palestinian cemetery with a small monastery that expanded with the growing prestige of the community. The construction of the Basilica of San Saba, above the oratory, was by a group of monks, “the Benedettini di Montecassino,” who lived there in the middle of the tenth century. The substructure was only recovered in the early 1900s. The study of this architectural structure is particularly interesting because there were no complete surveys and the available documentation, as far as we know, was limited to a graphical plan and section. For this reason and due to the archeological significance, it has been selected as a national research project (PRIN 2010–2011). The research has requested detailed documentation through laser scanning and photographic-based documentation. The goal of the present work is to produce a documentation of the oratory from CAD model to the BIM construction.