Kondova, Galia

Kondova, Galia


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  • Publikation
    Self-sovereign identity on public blockchains and the GDPR
    (ACM, 01.04.2020) Kondova, Galia; Erbguth, Jörn [in: Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing]
    This paper studies three existing technical solutions for a self-sovereign identity on blockchains and analyzes the arising issues related to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union (EU). In particular, the paper provides an overview of the existing Sovrin self-sovereign identity on the Hyperledger Indy public permissioned blockchain as well as uPort and Jolocom on the Ethereum public permissionless blockchain. The paper then concludes with a discussion on the GDPR-compliance of the blockchain-based identity concepts.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
  • Publikation
    The «Blockchain Nation» Switzerland 2019. An industry impact analysis
    (Verlag IFZ – Hochschule Luzern, 2019) Kondova, Galia; Nadig, Linhart [in: CARF Luzern 2019. Controlling.Accounting.Risiko.Finanzen. Konferenzband]
    This case study aims to facilitate the conduct of an industry impact assessment of the blockchain technology in the case of Switzerland. The evaluation applies the strategic business value framework prosposed by McKinsey (2018). The work also provides an overview of the blockchain technology, its major advantages and disadvantages as well as the recent blockchain-related developments in Switzerland. The strong interest in the blockchain technology is discernable in the publicly announced “Blockchain Nation” vision of the country’s authorities.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
  • Publikation
    The “Crypto Nation” Switzerland 2018
    (Verlag IFZ – Hochschule Luzern, 30.10.2018) Kondova, Galia; Nadig, Linard; Egle, Ulrich [in: CARF Luzern 2018. Controlling, Accounting, Risiko, Finanzen. Konferenzband]
    This evaluation case study analyzes developments related to crypto assets and the underlying crypto technology in the case of Switzerland. The canton of Zug was the first public institution worldwide to accept the cryptocur-rency Bitcoin as an official means of payment in 2016. Since then the Zug region has developed into "Crypto Valley" by attracting around 350 blockchain companies and the foundation behind the cryptocurrency Ethereum. However, in 2018 the value of Bitcoin sharply dropped. Moreover, numerous cases of cyber thefts have been reported worldwide recently. In this context, is the idea for Switzerland to focus on the crypto industry providing an opportunity for the country to claim its leading position in innovation and technology? Or would this be rather a risk for the country and its financial sector? The students are asked to undertake an evaluation based on a SWOT analysis and the Porter Diamond Model.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift