Buttery, Robert
Green, mean or sheen? Balancing student mobility exchange programmes sustainably. Towards an integrated approach to international student experience
2023, Buttery, Robert, Göldi, Susan
Möglichst viele Studierende sollen während ihres Studiums internationale Erfahrung sammeln können. Studierende lernen dadurch in modernen inter- und multikulturellen Teams und über Sprach- und Landesgrenzen hinaus erfolgreich zu kooperieren. Idealerweise erfahren die Studierenden International Exposure im ordentlichen Studienalltag und bauen dadurch zusätzlich Cultural Intelligence auf und Vorurteile ab. Damit das in nachhaltiger Weise gelingen kann, braucht es neben der physischen Studierendenmobilität auch virtuelle Mobilität. Dafür eignen sich neue entwickelte Formate wie Virtual Exchange (VE) und Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL). Für eine umfassende Umsetzung von VE und COIL braucht es entsprechende Internationalisierungsstrategien bei Hochschulen sowie Investment und Innovation ins Curriculum.
Managing educational experiences, student expectations and tuition fees. Is it possible to find the right balance?
2021, Buttery, Robert
In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, the traditional concept of a university has been turned upside down. This session will address the fundamental questions raised by this change, such as: How much should a university charge for online, blended and traditional courses? How can a university distinguish its student experience in the virtual space from online providers whilst ensuring that students and taxpayers are getting value for money?
A rising tide against internationalisation: Go with the flow or swim against the current?
2023, Buttery, Robert, Swennenhuis, Monique, Betts, Alicia
Switzerland's Imperative to face outwards
2018, Buttery, Robert
Robert Buttery explores the tumultuous history of the Swiss–EU relationship over the past 30 years and how it has impacted Swiss international higher education. As a non-EU country, Switzerland’s participation in European mobility and research programmes, such as Erasmus+ and Horizon 2020, have been shaped by the interplay between national and supranational politics. Since 1987, Swiss HEIs have lived in periods of uncertainty concerning their involvement in European programmes and networks. During these periods of precariousness, the Swiss higher education community lobbied the government and continued to draw strength from their international networks. Throughout the essay, Robert draws parallels between the Swiss case and the Brexit referendum and negotiations.
Transforming traditional models of international mobility to create new dynamics. International student projects (ISPs) at School of Business FHNW and their covid-related transformation
2022, Buttery, Robert, Göldi, Susan