Schulte, Volker

Schulte, Volker


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  • Publikation
    Mechanisms of action of mindfulness as a prerequisite for mindful leadership
    (Springer, 2022) Schulte, Volker; Hübenthal, Susanne; Schulte, Volker; Steinebach, Christoph; Veth, Klaske [in: Mindful leadership in practice. Tradition leads to the future]
    The focus of any mindfulness practice is not the rational, cognitive grasp of the subject matter, but the experience through continuous meditative practice. The psychologist and neuroscientist Ulrich Ott describes five dimensions for this: The purely physical, material level (1) refers to the correct body position and the associated stable posture. The so-called vital level (2) makes breathing conscious and influences the biological regulatory processes. When breathing in, the heartbeat speeds up and when breathing out, it slows down. The emotional level (3) focuses on bodily sensations and the associated feelings, which are accepted and not evaluated. The mental level (4) focuses on the distanced and neutral perception of the restless mind and wants to bring it to rest. Finally, on the level of non-duality (5) the actual change of perspective takes place. The ego standing in the center is dissolved by the transcendence of subject and object. The ego we are familiar with in the form we have known it until now as the center of our experience and action temporarily ceases to exist.
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
  • Publikation
    Wirkmechanismen von Achtsamkeit als Voraussetzung achtsamer Führung
    (Schäffer-Poeschel, 2021) Schulte, Volker; Hübenthal, Susanne; Schulte, Volker; Steinebach, Christoph; Veth, Klaske [in: Achtsame Führung. Schlüsselelemente für das Management im 21. Jahrhundert]
    Das Kapitel beschreibt die Wirkmechanismen und Voraussetzungen achtsamen Handelns und einer achtsamen Haltung. Dabei werden die theoretischen Grundlagen beschrieben und auf die Instrumente MBSR, Zen, ignatianische Meditation und das transtheoretische Modell verwiesen.
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband