Schmid, Birgit

Schmid, Birgit


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  • Publikation
    Internationalization at Universities of Applied Sciences in Switzerland: The Meaning of Inclusion for Student’s Success
    (22.11.2018) Schmid, Birgit
    Internationalization of students is part of the agenda of many universities worldwide. But how well do universities of Western countries such as Switzerland achieve to attract and successfully educate male and female students of migrant background by an inclusive culture? This contribution aims on analyzing the effects of the Swiss university environment on access and outcomes of migrant students, and from a gender sensitive perspective. Social selectivity and gender inequalities in students’ access and success in higher education characterize universities of many countries. However, the complex interaction between the university context on the one side, and individual resources and characteristics of male and female migrant students on the other get rarely analyzed with respect to equity. Starting from an intersectional perspective, this contribution addresses formal/informal factors of inclusion in the university environment. As informal factor, especially inclusiveness is analyzed in its effects on male/female students anticipated study success. The paper starts from a Swiss online-survey on students’ perception of formal/informal aspects of the university environment (N=17549) conducted in 2018. Results highlight the complex interplay of gender, migrant background and further aspects of social differentiation on students’ perception in different fields of education. In their admission requirements, the universities seem to address male students without a migration background more strongly. It also shows that the majority of Swiss and migrant students assess their academic success positively and also perceive the diversity climate as predominantly integrative. Nevertheless, students with a migrant background perceive the diversity climate as significantly worse and also rate their academic success significantly worse. This means that universities are called upon to (further) develop strategies for an integrative climate.
    06 - Präsentation
  • Publikation
    Hochschulkulturen im naturwissenschaftlich-technischen Bereich von Fachhochschulen. Laufbahnbarrieren für Akademikerinnen?
    (Universität Bielefeld, Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Geschlechterforschung (IZG), 2018) Schmid, Birgit [in: IZGOnZeit]
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift